100 Days of Art

I read somewhere (and I can't remember WHERE!) about a 100 day art challenge and I thought that would be something fun to tackle with the boys over the summer.  We always homeschool year round but try to make our summer about fun art projects, science experiments, lots of swimming, and frequent field trips.

I mentioned it to them one day last week and asked them to help me brainstorm some fun art ideas.

Lately whenever I mention arts or crafts ideas I get a lot of eye rolls, shrugging shoulders, and basically am met with total ambivalence.

I thought if I could get them excited about some of the ideas they'd be more willing to work with me and complete some fun art projects together.

They pointed out to me that we'll never do 100 days of art in a row; that we would get side tracked by field trips, fun with friends, and have a day here and there where we would not want to drag out all the supplies... and I realized that they were right!

They know me (and our homeschooling cycles) so well that they realize 100 days in a row would not work.  But I assured them that it was not my goal to push us to do arts and crafts EVERY day but that I would like to set a goal to complete 100 days of art projects by September.

So this is Our version of a 100 Day Art Challenge 

That gives us plenty of time to complete lots of art projects and yet still not feel pressured to work at it every single day.  It will keep it light and fun for us.

As we started making our list up I tried to keep the boys interests in mind and have a variety of materials; some just exploration crafts playing with art materials, others specific drawing and skilled tasks.  Some painting, some chalk & oil pastels, some glue and paper.

We started this week and hope to continue at a fairly consistent pace.

As we complete each task I'll link up to this post so that by the end you'll have 100 ideas for art and crafts too!

Our Projects:
1.  Painting With Hexbugs:

2.  Making Tissue Paper Flowers

3.  Star Wars Crafts

4. Drawing Compass Watercolor Circles

5.  Mother's Day Floral Pens

6. Watercolor Pencil Outlines

7.  Jellyfish Scratch Art

8.  Oil Pastel Flowers

9.  Fingerprint Dandelions
10. Beaded Sun Catchers
11. Bird Crafts & Snacks

13.  Water Gun Painting

14.  Watercolor Art Kits
15.  Dragonfly Silhouettes

17. Spray Paint Resist

18.  Water Bottle Windsock

19.  Stained Glass Made Easy Kits

20. Tin Can Windsock

21.  Firework Glue Art

22.  Qixel Crafts

23.  Makit Bakit Stained Glass Craft

24.  Wood Burned Cutting Board

27.  Paper Bowl Jellyfish

28.  Tin Foil Art

29.  Oil Pastel Bubbles

31.  Washi Tape Votive Holders 

33. Sun Art 

34.  Tissue Paper Transfer

35.  Stained Glass Dragonfly

36.  Visiting the Art Museum

39.  Painting Pikachu

40.  How to Draw Books

44. Trip to the fairy village


73. Solid Tempera Paint Stick Drawings

93.  String Art

100. Water Balloon Art

Linking Up With:
artsy-fartsy mama


  1. Painting with Hexbugs is a great idea! It looks like fun.

  2. What fun! We are focusing on writing, spelling and grammar this summer, and i am almost certain that at least four out of five of my children would opt to be at your home school this summer!

    1. Haha! My kids still have math, reading, spelling and the occasional writing assignment this was just some added fun.

  3. Thanks for sharing at Together on Tuesdays again! Arts and crafts in the summer will be extra fun, because you can do the really messy projects outside. ...just hose the messes off with a water hose :)

    1. Exactly! We tend to do a lot of art and messy science experiments in the summer. It's so much easier to clean up the kids with a hose or the lake.

  4. I love the idea of an art challenge! My oldest loves to draw, but gets frustrated when I ask him to try something new. I might try presenting it this way!

    1. My kids love art but they just didn't seem motivated to do anything with it lately so I thought this might motivate them. Hope it works for you!

  5. 100 Days of Art sounds like fun and summer the perfect time to do it. When my boys were younger they loved being allowed to use anything unusual in paint, legos and wheeled vehicles probably the favorite. Though the toilet brush was a hit too!

    1. We have many a painting that were done with toy trucks and unusual household items too. I think our favorite were the bath loofahs (the ones that are all poofy). They make some interesting prints. We also enjoyed spin art in our salad spinner. That was neat.

  6. I get excited just seeing colored pencils!

    1. Me too! I love arts and crafts stores and all the supplies, colors and possibilities!

  7. Those Star Wars crafts sound awesome!

    1. They are! Putting pictures on the Facebook page right now.... of the two we've completed so far...

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it.

    2. I was sitting down writing everything down. I can’t believe I forgot about Pinterest. Thanks for the reminder.

    3. OH yes, Pinterest is great for ideas!

  9. Great ideas. I love the ones with those creepy crawlies! And we were just doing the ones with the compass last week! Thanks for sharing at Practical Mondays:)

    1. I think that has been their favorite craft so far! It was so funny to watch the "bugs" moving all around.

  10. Neat idea! We tend to do a lot of art already, but I doubt we could to 100 days in a row, either. We need our weekends outside the school room. (although I suppose sidewalk chalk would count)

    1. Yeah we're only shooting for 100 school days (I usually don't even have one of the boys home on the weekends as he takes off for work with his father and grandfather) but even at that I'm sure we'll have days off here and there when we're just too busy to find time for art.

  11. We have some hexbugs. I never thought to use them for art. How fun! ~SandyToesCreations

    1. I can't take all the credit for that one; I did see it suggested on Pinterest.

  12. Oh I remember scratch art from when I was in school. Thanks for the tip!

  13. Wow! So many amazing ideas! A wonderful collection of masterpieces :)
    Your 100 Days Challenge is an intriguing idea. If we made time for art just twice a week, we'd have a list of 100 creations in 2018.

    1. That's true! It was a lot of fun and really changed the way I look at art.

  14. Wow! I bet you have so many decorations around the house now! ha ha

  15. I’ve been looking for some fun crafts to do with my grandson. I love the star war crafts.


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