Encouraging Hearts and Home: Focusing on Fashion Accessories
I got a new pair of earrings for my birthday and I feel like I have been wearing them almost exclusively ever since! I love versatile accessories and yet I find I rarely think to look through them at stores because I tend to focus on clothing when I actually go shopping. I'm trying to keep my eye open more and my eye was caught by a few of the posts from last week's party that focused on fashion accessories. And Now, It's Time for This Week's Encouraging Hearts & Home Blog Hop! Join your Encouraging Hearts & Home Co-Hosts each week for encouragement and support for your heart & your home . We hope to provide a space that builds each other up and lends a helping hand along the way. With all the negativity in the world, let's shine a positive light! Most viewed from last week: Some of my favorites from last week: Cathedral Convertible Cowl by Cre8tion Crochet Where Beautiful is Easy Pantone ss 2022 Accessory sets/Beauty Bundles part 2 by Wit