Encouraging Hearts and Home: Wishing You a Happy New Year!

Wishing all my readers a healthy and happy new year! Thank you so much for linking up with us throughout the year and I hope to see you back here in 2021. And Now, for This Week's Encouraging Hearts & Home Blog Hop! Join your Encouraging Hearts & Home Co-Hosts each week for encouragement and support for your heart & your home . We hope to provide a space that builds each other up and lends a helping hand along the way. With all the negativity in the world, let's shine a positive light! The post with the most views from last week: Getting Close to Christmas by A Day of Small Things Some of my favorites from last week: Eggnog Scones by Cindy's On-Line Recipe Box Goodbye, One Word 2020 and Hello, One Word 2021 by Lisa's Notes Chicken Orzo Soup by Little Frugal Homestead Follow and/or subscribe to your host's blog . Visit a few other bloggers and show them your support. We all love getting comments, ...