
Showing posts from February, 2025

Tips for Falling Asleep and Staying Asleep with Share Our Lives

This month for Share Our lives we're looking at tips for falling asleep. Now, I rarely have any trouble at all falling asleep. I am and have been an "early to bed, early to rise" kind of person since long before I had kids. So if you're looking for a new bedtime routine don't look at me.  Most days, especially in winter when it's dark and cold out, I change into my pajamas and comfy clothes just before I start cooking dinner. In the spring and summer I typically don't change into comfy clothes until after 7 since we do go out and do things after dinner. But just the act of putting on comfy clothes gets me into a relaxation mode.  Then we watch TV or I a read a book for a few hours and I'm usually in bed by 9 the latest. I turn on the TV-- yes we have a TV in our room and yes I watch it to fall asleep. I know all the studies say this is awful but it's what works best for me. I try to watch a show I've already seen so I'm not really invested ...

Gratitude and Highlights Each Day in January

Brr! January had some really cold days this year and those cold days feeling stuck inside made the month feel extra long. Luckily we had enough fun plans, puzzles, and good books to keep it interesting.  1. Thankful for a quiet, low-key day at home.  I got to work on some scrapbook pages today and ended our evening with a fire and some card games with my mother in law joining us. 4.014 steps.  2. So grateful to get all caught on my scrapbooking before the next batch of photos arrive!  Another fabulous day at home crafting and playing games with my sons and mother in law. 2,446 steps.  3. Evan, Alec and I had dentist appointments today and I am so thankful we all had no issues at all. I did find time for a quick walk before and while cold it was beautiful out. 8,154 steps. I spotted a bald eagle flying overhead; sorry it's so blurry but I had to zoom way in 4.  SO thankful for helpful YouTube videos!  I spent the bulk of my day teaching myself how to u...