Tips for Falling Asleep and Staying Asleep with Share Our Lives

This month for Share Our lives we're looking at tips for falling asleep. Now, I rarely have any trouble at all falling asleep. I am and have been an "early to bed, early to rise" kind of person since long before I had kids. So if you're looking for a new bedtime routine don't look at me. Most days, especially in winter when it's dark and cold out, I change into my pajamas and comfy clothes just before I start cooking dinner. In the spring and summer I typically don't change into comfy clothes until after 7 since we do go out and do things after dinner. But just the act of putting on comfy clothes gets me into a relaxation mode. Then we watch TV or I a read a book for a few hours and I'm usually in bed by 9 the latest. I turn on the TV-- yes we have a TV in our room and yes I watch it to fall asleep. I know all the studies say this is awful but it's what works best for me. I try to watch a show I've already seen so I'm not really invested ...