Monthly Musings-- All About Halloween

I didn't want to skip out on Monthly Musing with Holly and Patty two months in a row even though this month's topic of Halloween doesn't really apply to us anymore. Now that the boys are grown, Halloween is kind of like a non-holiday around here. We live out in the country at the end of a dead end road so trick or treaters never venture out here. But I thought I'd answer most of the questions with what we USED to do. 1. When the boys were little we used to get them dressed in their costumes and drive to each of the grandparents and great-grandparents houses (well, the ones that were local anyway; which was nearly all of them). Then as they got older we would go to either of my sisters' houses and trick or treat around their neighborhoods as a group. For the first couple of years after the boys decided they were too old for trick or treating we watched spooky/Halloween movies at home and enjoyed some candy and ice cream. Now it's just like any other night for us...