A Surprise Share 4 Somethings on a Saturday Post!

I couldn't manage to squeeze my Share 4 Somethings post into my blogging week so I decided to add a surprise Saturday post just so I wouldn't have to miss out. Head on over to Jennifer's blog to link up and see what we've all loved, learned, read, ate & enjoyed this month. Loved: We had a fun family centered 3 days of Christmas Learned: My poor mother in law basically spent the 2nd 1/2 of of the month in the hospital and I have been learning far more than I ever wanted to about the digestive system. I have been googling every symptom, every diagnosis (none of them actually last very long before another doctor points out what doesn't "fit"), and every test/ treatment they've been trying. We're very hopeful she's on the mend now. Read: While I read a few fun Christmas books this month, I found that I wasn't really in the mood to read many so I just kept picking up whatever caught my fancy and ended up with some pretty fun and f...