A Surprise Share 4 Somethings on a Saturday Post!

I couldn't manage to squeeze my Share 4 Somethings post into my blogging week so I decided to add a surprise Saturday post just so I wouldn't have to miss out.   Head on over to Jennifer's blog to link up and see what we've all loved, learned, read, ate & enjoyed this month. 

Loved: We had a fun family centered 3 days of Christmas

Learned: My poor mother in law basically spent the 2nd 1/2 of of the month in the hospital and I have been learning far more than I ever wanted to about the digestive system.  I have been googling every symptom, every diagnosis (none of them actually last very long before another doctor points out what doesn't "fit"), and every test/ treatment they've been trying. We're very hopeful she's on the mend now. 

Read: While I read a few fun Christmas books this month, I found that I wasn't really in the mood to read many so I just kept picking up whatever caught my fancy and ended up with some pretty fun and fabulous reads.  I'll have a full post up about the 14 books I read soon. 

Ate: I did just awful taking photos of food this month.  Here's all the photos I took:

tuna on pumpernickel with salad 

A pizza Alec made when we ate lunch at his school's restaurant

Croissants Alec made for us Christmas morning

Enjoyed: I enjoyed touring one of the Newport Mansions with Evan. It was a fun morning out for us and a great break from schoolwork. 

Linking up with: 


  1. I'm sorry your MIL had so much trouble and hospital time. I've spent a lot of time googling medical issues for my friend who will be having surgery soon. Hopefully in a few weeks she'll be all better too.

    That pizza looks fabulous! Good for Alec!

    Visiting from Share 4 Somethings.

  2. Is your Mom-in-law any better yet? I'm wondering if she's still in the hospital. What food you did have pictures of looks amazing! I love the mansion thing, too. We did that together when we went to Louisville in the spring of this year. Thanks for linking up today!

    1. Yes, she is still in the hospital but looking and feeling so much better. Hopefully she'll be able to come home this week.

  3. Prayers and good thoughts for your mother in law!! The food pictures look sooooo good.

  4. I would love to tour that mansion. Wow! 14 books! I was pleased with reading 5. lol Hope your mother-in-law is doing better. Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! Every day we wake up hopeful this is the day they'll figure out what's wrong and that she'll be home soon.

  5. I hope your MIL is better now. It's hard when that stuff takes it's toll. I love that museum. Stunning!! #ShareFourSomethings

  6. Sounds like a whirlwind month for you!
    Glad to hear your mother-in-law is improving. Hospitals can be tough, but it's heartening when progress shows.
    Your mansion tour sounds delightful—what a splendid way to break from routine.

    Happy New Year, Joanne!

    1. It was just the break from routine we needed.

  7. Sorry your MIL was sick and the ever-shifting symptom tracker sounds very frustrating. Glad she seems to be on the mend. That mansion looks fabulous, like something you'd expect to see in Europe. Hope you have a very happy New Year!

  8. Prayers for your MIL, and you always take the best food pics!

  9. It looks like a wonderful Christmas.
    I am so sorry your mother in law has been unwell, I hope she is on the mend now.
    Newport Mansions look like an interesting place to visit.
    Wishing you all the best for 2024!

    1. We had a great Christmas! Sadly, my mother in law isn't showing much improvement but they do have another test scheduled for tomorrow that will hopefully shed some light. Thank you for the well wishes!

  10. Lots of family fun at Christmas! Loved our time in Rhode Island, visiting the mansions was a highlight. We even got to attend a interactive event at Astor's Beechwood when it was a living history museum (before it was sold to a private owner). Praying for your MIL. Happy New Year!

    1. Oh that sounds so fun! Thank you for the prayers.

  11. I am so sorry to hear about your MIL. Check into Histamine Intolerance, that ended up being my issue and we won't talk about how many years it took to figure that out. Yay for family fun Christmas! Google has been weird lately, not always letting me sign in so here is my link: https://encounterswiththedavisfamily.blogspot.com/2023/12/share-four-somethings-novemberdecember.html

    1. Thank you for that suggestion! It is well worth checking into.

  12. Hi Jo - I saw a JD Robb book in your reading collection - I've read every single one of her books and all the Nora Roberts ones too - she is my all time favourite author and I hang out for each new release. Sorry to hear about your MIL - I've had my share of digestive issues over the last year (maybe it's old age??) and I think I've finally narrowed it down to all the IV antibiotics I was given during my hip surgery that knocked my biome over. I'm taking probiotics now (never knew why people took them before this happened) and I'm feeling a lot better for it. I hope your MIL finds some answers. :)

    1. I love her books too! My mother in law is supposed to be meeting with a new GI specialist today; hopefully they can get her on the mend so she can come home. Understandably she is quite sick of being in the hospital.

  13. That croissant looks wonderful. I hope your mother-in-law is doing better. Happy new year!

    1. She looks better but still isn't eating solid foods yet... but she's hopeful to be home by the end of the week!

  14. Oh I pray your MIL is truly on the mend - and is home by now (as I am late reading these posts)! Here is to a healthy January for everyone!

    1. Thank you; we just brought her home this afternoon... and we're hopeful she'll get to stay home for good this time.


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