100 Days of Science #68-- Index Card Tower

My boys did such a wonderful job with their spaghetti bridges and popsicle stick bridges that I decided to look up some other fun STEM challenges. 

I found a fun index card challenge that I thought they might like.  I handed each of them a package of index cards from the dollar store and asked them to build the tallest tower they could just using index cards.  

Evan struggled quite a bit at first not thinking about folding the cards in any way but once we saw what his older brother's were doing he hatched a new plan. 

Every now and then they'd stop to measure their towers.. being very careful not to knock them over.

Ian build his tower on our coffee table making sure to use a nice wide base.

Ian's tower was the tallest by just a few inches and Evan had the shortest.

This challenge really got them thinking about structural integrity and they had to be real careful of how they moved about too.

Have you ever tried a fun challenge like this?

Others in this series:
53. Iodine and Starch Experiment
54. Flouride and Calcium Experiment
55. Botanical Gardens in Winter
56.  Making Cell Models
57. Which Has More Water; Ice or Snow?
58. Exploding Snow and Water Baggies
59.  Exploring Minerals
60. Visiting the Hartford Science Museum
61-63. 3 STEM Bridge Challenges
64. Making Models of the Earth
65. Plate Techtonics with Graham Crackers
66.  Homemade Lava Lamp
67.  Science Movies We're Watching

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  1. This is so great! The guys must have loved the challenge!

    1. My older two really enjoyed it; they like being challenged but my youngest gets frustrated so easily that he did not enjoy it much at all.

  2. I should do this with my boys this summer! They would love it!

    1. I bet they would and it's so nice and easy to prepare for too.

  3. Love this activity! I am always looking for activities we can play with all ages when our family gathers for reunion get-together during the summer. I think this will be on our agenda next gathering!

    1. I hope everyone had fun with it! It was neat to see how everyone tried tackling the "problem."


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