100 Days of Science #19-- Microscopic Organisms

A few weeks ago we had some warm, spring- like weather and the boys and I decided to gather up some water samples for looking at under the microscope.

We put together some of our own slides and began examining what we found.

We saw some twigs and bark pieces, some strands of grass and even some microscopic organisms.  We're pretty sure we saw some phyto- and zooplankton and even a few egg sacs!

They each took a turn putting together a slide and they were careful to make sure to suck up pieces that were floating or moving around in the water.

Just a couple of images I was able to capture through the lens.

Since it's a still picture you can't see that three tiny green dots were moving back and forth under the slide.  
It was a wonderful morning of science and while we LOVE our microscope  we are hoping to upgrade to a microscope that will attach to our computer screen soon.  I have my eye on this one.

Others in this series:

1. Bernoulli's Principle
2. Ecotarium Trip 
3. Air Molecule Experiment
4. Kitchen Science
5. Corn Maze Field Trip 
6. Birds of Florida 
7. Making Static Music
8. Un-Make It Monday
9. Wind Tunnel Experiment
10. Biomes Field Trip
11. Disappearing Coin Trip
12. Snuffing out a Candle With Baking Soda
13. Making Plastic from Milk
14. Friction Experiment 
15. & 16. Snow Experiments
17. Making an Iceberg
18. Floating Eggs

Linking Up With: Over the moon ,

JENerally Informed


  1. The boys look really interested in this #familyfun@_karendennis

    1. Many of the items we looked at under the scope were moving so it was really neat to see. I love how interested they all are the minute I pull out our microscope.

  2. This is a great idea! We really need to invest in a microscope for when we start homeschooling next year. Have a great week!

    1. We love ours! It was one of the first major purchases we made for our homeschool an I am so glad we did.

  3. Nature is so fascinating! So glad you are sharing this beauty with your sweet students.

  4. Oh that’s a great learning activity, you can learn so much from it. I bet they really enjoyed it too. Thank you for joining us at #familyfun

    1. Thanks! They really did. I'm always on the look out for things we can inspect under our microscope.


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