Weekend Unschooling Opportunities

Since we began homeschooling and I started reading and learning about unschooling, I find that we learn at all times of the day and night, every day of the year. All kids have a way of teaching themselves and learning more about the world around them every single day. If you look for it you can see and hear new ways in which they develop they skills. Sometimes it's something as simple as a child asking what a new (to them) word means, sometimes it's a skill they've been working on and have finally mastered, and sometimes it's something more subtle that you only notice as time has passed and you look back thinking about how much they have changed. We started our weekend with another Karate class. Alec and Evan wanted to head back to the dojang on Saturday and participate in another class. On the way they brought their DS games which had Alec working on vocabulary words since his Pokémon game asked him to pick a work that best describes himself he ...