52 Brand New for 2017

For the past few years I've been trying to keep track of all the new things the boys and I do. New experiences always lead to new learning opportunities. Most years I feel like we don't do anything new but when I sit down to go through the photos of the year I typically have to pick and choose which ones to use! We're always trying out new art projects, new science experiments, and new restaurants. We got on family vacations, field trips to new places, and we have lots of fun finding new things in nature to observe too. You can read about our new experiences in 2013 here , 2015 here , & 2016 here . Now onto this year's "new" things! 1. Visiting the Ice Castles -- We took a day trip to see the ice castles and it was amazing! We got to slide down an ice slide, see some cool sculptures, and walk through all sorts of tunnels and mazes. 2. Painting with the use of a lift! -- We repainted our great room this past year; ...