
The Books I Read in February& Share Your Shelf #11

 Marilyn,   Jennifer,   Tanya,  and I are so happy to be hosting this monthly link up (that goes live on the first Thursday of every month) dedicated solely to books and book reviews. Through this link up I've gotten lots of great ideas on what books to read next! This time of the year it's so hard to pick which prompt to fit each of the books I'm reading into the 52 Book Challenge since so many of them fit in multiple spots! But I love the ease of it.  I read lots of great book this month but I'm starting to wonder about myself... I read at least 3 books that I can think of off the top of my head this month where the cast of characters was large and by the end I was having a hard time remembering who was who. I mean I definitely followed along with the main storyline and enjoyed them but I do feel like I was missing some of the side stories and details. Perhaps there are just some stories I should NOT be listening to. At least with the physical books I can glan...

Currently in March 2025

It's the first Wednesday of the month and time for Currently with Jennifer. This month we'll be talking about the things we're currently loving, craving, pinning, planning, and appreciating Loving:  I have so many great things I'm loving this month. I am loving how Evan's room turned out (he picked such a great color!). I LOVED seeing the otters playing in the water/ice last week. Alec and I had the most fun grabbing dinner and seeing the show & Juliet in Providence (we even got comped better seats at the show since we arrived so early!). And of course I am loving having Alec home this week.  We hadn't made any reservations anywhere so we ended up at the counter for a coal fired pizza place; it was so neat watching them make the pizzas all night (and so delicious too!). I forgot to take a photo of ours but we split a Magherita-- sauce, mozzarella, and fresh basil It was such a fun show! So lively and the storyline was great; we laughed a lot and the music ma...

Throwback Tuesday: The Easiest Way to Evaluate Reading Comprehension Skills

  *Originally published March 6, 2014 when the boys were 9, 8(Alec), & 6.  My husband and I were putting the kids to bed last night and I was finding Alec's books all over the place.  I'd flag him down only to have him tell me, "oh, I read that one already." Ordinarily I wouldn't think much of it but these were new books from the library.  I quickly counted them up and asked "you read 8 books in the last two days?!" Now, that in and of itself isn't that shocking when it comes to Alec but 6 of these were chapter books!  My husband was very skeptical (and I'll admit I couldn't help thinking-- "really??" in my head as well) and so my husband told me I needed to ask him about the stories to see if he was really reading them. I told my husband that if he didn't believe Alec he needed to ask him himself. Then, of course, my husband realized he had never read any of these books and he asked me "how will I know wha...

Talking About it Tuesday #60

Well, hello March! I'm hopeful that this year March doesn't come in like a lion as we've had plenty of storms and high winds this winter. Do you know that saying? That March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb? I can not wait to change our clocks this weekend and see even more sun and daylight!  Regardless of weather we have a very busy week planned.. well not so much "we" as Alec having made lots of spring break plans is forcing Evan and I to adjust our schedules too. Today, for example, I am most likely either giving up my car or playing chauffer since both boys need "their" car at the same time. I don't mind though I love that Alec is getting to see all his old friends while he's home. Today a few of them are meeting up at his old high school to have lunch in the restaurant and get to see chef and some of the culinary students that were a grade behind them. I'm sure they'll have a fabulous time! We had another large turnout for la...