
Share 4 Somethings July

Tomorrow is the last Saturday of the month and time for the Share 4 Somethings link up with Jennifer. Once again we'll be sharing some things we've  loved and/or disliked, accomplished, some things we've improved upon and/or that need improvement, and noticed Loved/Disliked:  We LOVED our time at the shore with our friends!  We also LOVED our day at the botanical gardens. Accomplished:  A lot more college prep and planning, we also had Alec's wisdom teeth out and all went well. I accomplished a lot of the usual-- cooking, cleaning. groceries, etc. Plus a ton of food prep with all our CSA boxes. I made (and froze): 2 jars of pesto using this recipe we picked and froze some blueberries and tried making blueberry jam using this recipe  as well as blueberry boy bait  both were delicious! squash casserole Something I've Improved Upon/or that Needs Improvement:  I really need to find my motivation... I have not felt like doing much of anything in the way of housekeeping

Monthly Musings for July-- Late Summer Fun

 I can't believe that it's already the last Thursday of the month and time to link up with Holly and Patty for Monthly Musings.  1. The only place we've traveled to is to Little Compton, Rhode Island for an overnight trip with our friends. We have no summer trips planned this year.  2. So far this summer we've enjoyed picking strawberries and blueberries, lots of reading, lots of planning and shopping for college, we've made a trip to the botanical gardens and the beach. My husband and I had a nice date night out at a new restaurant on the water. 3. I am trying really hard to wear a variety of outfits this summer using ALL the pieces in my closet but that said there are some favorites I seem to keep falling back on. I end up wearing these gauze pants at least once a week or every other week; they are so comfy and pair well with just about everything in my closet I've been wearing this outfit on repeat too; swapping out this shirt for my other very similar one wi