Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week We Finished our 100 Days of Art Challenge

We spent another quiet week at home. My boys rarely want to head out anywhere anymore and while I find it a bit frustrating and miss all our field trips I am trying to embrace our time at home and enjoy what his turning out to be quite the slow summer. We FINALLY finished our 100 Days of art Challenge and while I am so relieved to be able to stop planning arts and crafts projects I am a bit sad to see it end. We've had so much with so many of the projects we tried. We've enjoying simple pursuits this week like swimming, kayaking, searching the skies for rainbows, and biking. We've also used our time this week to start preparing for a huge 4th of July cookout with the whole family. Friday the boys and I spent most of our morning in the car running errands. We went to the library and signed up for their summer reading program. We we to the bank to deposit some money. We headed to the store to buy a new kayak and some canoe pad...