You Might Be A Homeschooling Family If...

Here are a few ways to tell if you're a homeschooling family (just in case you aren't sure if you are or not!): When people ask your kids what grade they're in, they turn to you with a panicked look in their eyes. The school uniform often consists of Pj's and slippers. You hear "no school today?" every time you go to the store with the kids during school hours. You get asked more questions about socialization than you can count on one hand each week. Your family vacations are more like field trips. You and your kids can turn ANYTHING into a learning lesson. "Mom why can't I watch Pokemon as part of school? It teaches me all about science like how water and earth beat fire." None of you like to go on field trips when schools are on break because all the places are crowded and you're just not used to that. Your kids have chores and can cook, do laundry and clean the house at very young ages; which you totally count as home economics. You ...