100 Days of Science #6-- Birds of Florida

We had so much fun on our recent trip to Florida and spent so much of it studying birds that I just had to include that as part of our 100 Days of Science.

We tried to identify as many as we could (though please feel free to correct us if we are wrong!) and we were thrilled to be able to get quite up close to so many birds.

Great blue heron on the beach 

Snowy Egret with his neck tucked in 

Snowy Egret 





More terns 

Another photo of the great blue heron 
Brown pelican 

great egret 

American Oystercatcher 



This black crowned night heron flew right up onto our deck rail and even walked around on our table! 


  1. Wow so many species! I absolutely love the herons. #ExplorerKids

    1. The whole beach was just covered in birds! I wish I could have captured the noises too.

  2. Wow - such an amazing variety of birds. I love the pelican. Sarah #ExplorerKids

    1. We were loving how many new birds we kept spotting each day. We took lots of long walk along the beach and enjoyed watching the pelican's the most. They are really lacking in grace and are so gangly that they are quite comical to watch when they land.

  3. That's such a cool lesson, I would have loved to attend ! Funny to see snow in Florida, I would have thought it never happens? Our favourite spot in terms of wildlife was Everglades, such a treat! Thanks for sharing tour lovely lesson with us! #Explorerkids

    1. I think the snow you are seeing is the beach sand; it's very white there. We have always wanted to get to the Everglades. We have visited Florida at least a dozen times and we have yet to get there!

  4. More proof that the world is our classroom! Bravo to the birds for helping out in science :) #explorerkids xoxo

  5. Wow! They are so close and everywhere! You are so good at snapping those photos. Very nice! Thanks for linking up with us on #ExplorerKids x

    1. They really were. We had a few peep at us but most of them stood their ground and let us get quite close.


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