Things That Make Me Laugh

I loved the challenge of this week's list for our 26 lists link up.  I don't know about you but I really need to laugh more lately.  It's such a great stress reliever.

1.  Books-- I love a good funny book that makes me laugh out loud.  I haven't read one in a while but if you have any recommendations I'm all ears.  The last book I can remember making me laugh was the Un-Honeymooners.

2  The boys being silly.

3.  Watching shows like America's Funniest Videos or Family Feud.

4. My husband.  Most people don't realize it but he's actually pretty funny and often makes me laugh.

5.  Whenever my sisters/ family get together and we get to reminiscing (particularly if my Aunt Elaine is around) we end up laughing so hard at all the old family stories that we are all in tears by the end of the night.  It's fabulous.

6. Movies like Mom's Night Out, Christmas Vacation, and Grown Ups make me laugh out loud.

7.  When my boys were younger they used to make me laugh all the time with the silly things they'd say.  Check out this list.

8. The things autocorrect thinks I'm trying to say.

9.  A good meme

10.  Comedians!  My husband and I are not ones to buy concert tickets but a good comedy show?  I'm there!  We often listen to comedy skits on Pandora too.


  1. If ever there were a perfect time to make a list of things that make you laugh this is it right? I wish I had done a better job at keeping a log of crazy stuff my kids said when they were little.

    1. I really wish I had too; they had some great ones that I know really made us laugh.

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by and for the kind comment! I choose laughter in dealing with difficult times so I totally agree that we need more things to make us laugh!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. I am absolutely one of those people too; while I will cry big sloppy tears at a funeral I will also be one of the first ones to crack an off color joke to try and break the tension and sadness.

  3. Autocorrect makes me laugh too. Sometimes I think I should just let it type for me and see all the crazy things it thinks I'm trying to say!

  4. what a great list laughter does the body good thanks for sharing your list with us
    come see us at

  5. I also love a good funny book. I find Sophie Kinsella's Shopaholic series very funny. #MMBC

    1. I haven't tried that one; I'll look into them for sure.

  6. Oh sweet friend, what a brilliant idea for a post! I can relate and LAUGH with so many of these!

    1. Thank you! I thought it was a pretty timely topic.

  7. My husband and I have watched Grown ups several times: always laugh. And The Office! My 2 year old can make me laugh!

    1. I haven't tried watching The Office but I have heard it was funny.

  8. Yes, we have some similar things on our laughter lists! Autocorrect also makes me laugh - I get a kick out of those predictive text memes. I wish I'd written down all the hilarious things my kids used to say. I do have some on Facebook, and it's fun to look back at the memories and see what ridiculous thing somebody said years ago. Thanks for linking up!

    1. I do love that Facebook feature because I jotting a few funny things my kids used to do or say on there too.

  9. As I always say - laughter is the best medicine! Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 11, open April 1 to 26. All entries shared on social media if share buttons installed. I’d like to invite you to check out my other current link parties too!

    1. I say that too. Thank you so much for hosting.

  10. What a cheerful post! :)
    Autocorrect never fails to makes me laugh and my boys regularly have me in fits of laughter!
    Thanks for the smiles. Have a lovely weekend. x #MMBC

  11. I love comedians too. I’ve been to far too few comedy shows. And autocorrect is always funny. Have you seen that site that just has autocorrect screenshots? Those things make me laugh until I cry!

    1. We've been to lots of them! We used to stop in at a little comedy place in Boston anytime we went for a little weekend getaway (pre- kids).


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