100 Days of Science #35: Homemade Ice Cream!

There is nothing my boys love better than edible science!  With the sunny, hot, summer days we knew it was the perfect time to try out our ice cream maker.  We've made homemade ice cream before with our ice cream in a bag experiment but we really wanted to try out our new ice cream maker and some new recipes.

In fact we tried out two recipes on two different days. 

First, we made some sweet cream ice cream with M&M's and white chocolate chips.


1 cup whole milk
2 cups heavy cream
3/4 cups sugar
pinch of salt
M&M's candies
White chocolate chips

In a small bowl we combined the milk, cream, sugar and salt until the sugar was completely dissolved. Then we covered it up and chilled it in the fridge for 2 hours.

We put the ice cream maker on our stand mixer according to the directions and then slowly poured in our cream mixture.  We set the mixer on low and set the timer for 20 minutes. 

We ended up with what looked like a batch of soft serve vanilla ice cream.  We added in some M&M's and white chocolate chips.  We didn't measure how much we used but poured a generous amount on top.

We mixed the toppings in and smoothed out the ice cream in a plastic container then put the lid on top and put it in the freezer for a few hours to firm up.

Then we were ready to scoop and taste!  My boys really enjoyed it but I found it tasted too much like milk/cream for my taste.

We also made some yummy coffee ice cream with dark chocolate chips.  Now this is a flavor of ice cream I could gobble up!

We've begun experimenting even more making fresh peach ice cream and mint/ Heath bar ice cream too.  

What's your favorite flavor?

Others in this series:

1. Bernoulli's Principle
2. Ecotarium Trip 
3. Air Molecule Experiment
4. Kitchen Science
5. Corn Maze Field Trip 
6. Birds of Florida 
7. Making Static Music
8. Un-Make It Monday
9. Wind Tunnel Experiment
10. Biomes Field Trip
11. Disappearing Coin Trip
12. Snuffing out a Candle With Baking Soda
13. Making Plastic from Milk
14. Friction Experiment 
15. & 16. Snow Experiments
17. Making an Iceberg
18. Floating Eggs
19. Pond Water Under a Microscope 
20. Planting Eco Plant Pals
21. & 22. Cotton Candy Experiments
23. Springfield Science Museum Trip
24. Signs of Spring
25. Color Changing Slime
26. Growing Our Own Tickle Plants
27. Learning About Soil Sampling
28. Making Bouncy Balls
29. Exploring the Shoreline
30. Color Changing Flowers
31. Roger Williams Zoo Trip
32. Edible Silly Putty 
33. Raising Tadpoles
34. More Microscope Fun 

Linking Up With:

JENerally Informed


  1. Yum! I love homemade ice cream.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. Me too! I am having lots of fun with this mini unit.

  2. I love a good science project and even better if it involves ice cream! Yum!

  3. Replies
    1. It is so good! I honestly didn't expect it to be that different since many local places make fresh ice cream but it was so delicious! Sadly with our family of 5 one batch of ice cream usually means one person gets hardly any.... and that's usually me.

  4. This is awesome. My girls would be all over this and I am putting it on our "to try" list. Thanks for next weeks project idea.


  5. Oh wow, this does look yummy. I need to tart making my own ice cream :) Thanks for linking up to The Wednesday Link Up.

  6. Sign me up for this project!! Ice cream is my favorite dessert. Looks like the boys really enjoyed making it. Homemade ice cream is the best! Thanks so much for sharing with us at the Whimsical Wednesdays Link Party! Have a wonderful week.

    1. We had such a great time experimenting and we definitely love homemade ice cream better than anything we can buy.


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