100 Days of Science #49-- Kitchen Chemistry

We had some friends over one day last week for a fun hands on morning of kitchen chemistry!  We're using the same science book series as another homeschooling family we're friends with and we thought it would be fun to get together a couple times a week to try some experiments together.

While my kids were able to anticipate quite a few of the chemical reactions we did have a few surprises thrown in too.

We gathered together our materials:  lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, egg whites, milk, salt water, baking soda, some small glass jars, and a measuring spoon.

Then we took turns picking two ingredients to combine together.  We had a chart we drew up and we were looking for specific reactions.  Our book taught us that there are 4 changes we should look for: a change in color, a change in temperature (which doesn't happen with these ingredients), bubbles (which means a gas is being released), and for precipitate to be formed (think any sort of particles).

I won't tell you all of our results but we did have some that gave off bubbles!

Some that not only didn't react but really didn't even want to mix together!

When we were done systematically testing each of the "ingredients" in pairs we did leave the kids to explore and they were welcome to bring in other ingredients too.  Alec tried a few extra experiments with melted marshmallow, egg yolks, and salt.

Evan discovered that combining balsamic vinegar with lemon juice created a much bigger reaction with baking soda than either of them alone with baking soda.

Alec found that melted marshmallows really don't combine with anything! 

I think he had a lot of fun though and was definitely surprised to see just how many bubbles were formed when vinegar, lemon juice, and egg yolk were mixed together before adding baking soda and yet more lemon juice!

Do you have any favorite kitchen chemistry experiments?  

Others in this series:

1. Bernoulli's Principle
2. Ecotarium Trip 
3. Air Molecule Experiment
4. Kitchen Science
5. Corn Maze Field Trip 
6. Birds of Florida 
7. Making Static Music
8. Un-Make It Monday
9. Wind Tunnel Experiment
10. Biomes Field Trip
11. Disappearing Coin Trip
12. Snuffing out a Candle With Baking Soda
13. Making Plastic from Milk
14. Friction Experiment 
15. & 16. Snow Experiments
17. Making an Iceberg
18. Floating Eggs
19. Pond Water Under a Microscope 
20. Planting Eco Plant Pals
21. & 22. Cotton Candy Experiments
23. Springfield Science Museum Trip
24. Signs of Spring
25. Color Changing Slime
26. Growing Our Own Tickle Plants
27. Learning About Soil Sampling
28. Making Bouncy Balls
29. Exploring the Shoreline
30. Color Changing Flowers
31. Roger Williams Zoo Trip
32. Edible Silly Putty 
33. Raising Tadpoles
34. More Microscope Fun 
35.  Homemade Ice Cream
36. How Plants Breathe Experiment 
37. Save The Bay Exploration Center Trip
38. Making Fresh Peach Preserves 
39. Making Solar S'mores
40. Growing a Crystal Garden
41. & 42. Making Jolly Rancher Candy Apples & Lollipops 
43. Volcanic Lemons
44. Oozing Pumpkins
45.  Growing a Germ Farm
46. Germs Under a Microscope
47. & 48. Making Model Molecules Two Ways

Linking Up With: Wonderful Wednesday, 

Oh My Heartsie Girls WW 650 x 635

JENerally Informed

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