Art Project #77-- Shamrock Zentangles on Scratch Paper

I spent the past weekend cleaning out our supply closet and came across a lot of great art materials that we had been neglecting.

I pulled out the scratch paper today knowing that the boys thoroughly enjoyed our last scratch art project.

Rather than just drawing a picture together though I wanted to do something a bit different.  I thought we'd make some fun and colorful zentangle shamrocks for St. Patrick's day.

It was the perfect quick, and easy project to add to our 100 Days of Art Challenge.

The boys wanted me to draw their Shamrocks so I played around with various ways to draw nice large shamrocks that took up most of our paper.  Then we all sat down and set to work.

My boys remembered zentangle from our turkeys so they were all set to work on their own.  We did find that lines were easier to scratch out of our paper than circles or dots but we had fun playing around with lines, colors and shapes.

The boys made some really beautiful shamrocks.

Our other art projects:
Project 3: Star Wars Crafts
Project 5: Floral pens
Project 6: Watercolor outlines
Project 13: Water gun art
Project 14: Watercolor Kits
Project 15: Dragonfly Silhouettes 
Project 16: Painting pet rocks 
Project 17: Spray Paint Resist
Project 18: Water bottle windsock
Project 20: Tin can windsock 
Project 21: Firework glue art
Project 22: Qixel art kit
Project 26: Spray Painted Canvas
Project 28: Tin Foil Art
Project 29: Oil Pastel Bubbles 
Project 32: Drip Painted Pots
Project 33: Sun Art 
Project 36: Art Museum field trip. 
Project 39: Painting Pikachu 
Project 40: How to Draw Books
Project 42: Splatter Paint Canvas
Project 46: Tissue Paper Leaf Art
Project 50: Drawing Cat Faces 
Project 51: Making Homemade cards

Linking Up With:

handmade monday with url.jpg


  1. These are so cool! I may have to try this with my boys! I'm coming over from Amandas books and more's linky party ! Loving your blog!

    1. Thank you! That's always nice to hear! Glad you found this idea helpful.

  2. Some beautiful intricate designs #PracticalMondays

  3. Awesome idea!! Can't wait to try it out with my boys;)

    1. It was so fun and simple! We'll definitely be trying it again.

  4. I love the Pokemon and Spider-Man clothes they are wearing!! They look so comfortable and able to focus. This is powerful art kids! I think you all did a wonderful job! Mom, I love that you modeled before hand. Do you have a link to the scratch paper? Is it something we can find at a dollar store? ~The Afterschool House

    1. Aw, thank you! This is the kit of scratch paper we bought from Amazon: But I have seen scratch paper around at local craft stores too.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Intriguing! I added Scratch Paper on my Amazon wishlist. The india store has a non-branded one for $3, super kicked about that!


    1. Oh great! There are quite few tutorials for making your own scratch paper on the internet too. I can remember making some once in art class.

    2. Here's a link to one set:

  6. I had never heard of a zentangle before- or seen scratch paper in that size. Thank you for opening my eyes to this! I see so many future possibilities! I love your shamrocks, too, the rainbow is perfect for them.
    Thanks for sharing at My Busy Beehives link party this week, please come again! #beeparty

    1. Thanks! We just branched out into Zentangle around Thanksgiving and while my boys don't LOVE it we do all find it quite relaxing. There is something very zen in knowing you are just repeating the same pattern over and over and over again in one little block of the paper.

  7. How cool! We haven't done scratch art in a long time.

    1. We rarely think to do it either but it always a fun and low mess project that I often why we don't do it more.

  8. Lovely! A perfect project for St Patrick's Day!

  9. How lovely, I used to love using scratch paper when I was a kid. We used to make our own too but it was never quite as successful as the real stuff.

    1. Yeah, we thought about making our own but I never had great success with it.


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