Art Project 14 # :Using Watercolor Art Kits.

I know some might consider it "cheating" but the boys and I worked through some of our watercolor art kits as part of our 100 Days of Art Challenge.

I felt a bit guilty using a kit at first but soon realized it was a wonderful no- stress way to add some art into our day.  They are perfect for moms (and dads) who don't feel comfortable teaching art or moms like me who just want a break from thinking up a new crafting idea.

We discovered these Aquarelle kits a year or so ago and after trying a few of them out here and there we just fell in love with them!

Designs are pre- printed on watercolor paper and with an ink that resists the watercolors so the design shows up so nicely when the pictures are finished.  It gives the boys a real sense of accomplishment to have a finished picture that always looks so nice and they have a great time learning about color theory while mixing up a variety of colors.

I had never found an Aquarelle kit that appealed to Evan.  They do come in a variety of animal and kit type themes but I knew I'd need something extra special to get Evan excited about our project.

Then I stumbled upon Aquarellum junior kits and found this one that was all about dragons.  I knew he would love it.  And I was right!  He was so excited to have the chance to paint his own dragon.

The Aquarellum kits are very similar to the Aquarelle kits-- Both come with three to four pictures to paint in each theme that is offered.  They both come with a mixing tray, bottles of liquid watercolors, a water dropper, a paintbrush and a booklet that shows the various way to mix colors.

That's it!  There is no guide for what color to paint everything (though kids can look at the cover for some ideas) and my kids love mixing up new colors and experimenting with different designs.

I painted alongside them and showed them how to use more than one color in a area to create light and shadow while still blending the colors together.  I splurged a bought a scenery set for myself... it's intricate but I love it.

We had a great time! They work slowly and methodically and the only one to actually finish a whole picture was Evan... you know the boy that doesn't like art & painting?!  Well, he sure did enjoy it today!

Alec helping Evan to mix up colors 

He's so proud of his dragon and he should be!  I love the colors he mixed up and decided to use.  Such a colorful dragon!

Our other art projects:
Project 1: Painting with Hexbugs
Project 2: Tissue paper flowers
Project 3: Star Wars Crafts
Project 4: Watercolor compass circles
Project 5: Floral pens
Project 6: Watercolor outlines
Project 7: Scratch art jellyfish


  1. Oh, my son would love the dragons! These kits look fabulous. I'll have to get a couple of them.

    1. Funny enough I did think of your son as I was writing this! I knew he loved them as much as my boys.

  2. This looks wonderful and I'm sure kids will love a kit like this :) Thanks for sharing your post at Together on Tuesdays!

  3. As an art teacher, I don't think there's a thing wrong with using kits! As you discovered, it gets materials into the hands of kids, allows them to experience success, and develops small motor skills. When those kits are outgrown, then it's time to launch into free lance art!
    Your children are so beautiful!


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