52 Lists week #28; The Things and Places That Make Me Feel Safe

I couldn't believe that I forgot to write this week's list!  So here I am... a day late.  

This week's assignment: list things/places that make you feel safe was another easy one.  

I feel safest at home
When I'm with my husband
When I'm with my family
Wrapped up in a blanket
Sitting on the beach watching the waves roll in
Watching a sunset
Out in nature; without any strangers around
The patter of light rain against the window

Others in this series:

Week #1;Words that Touch My Soul
Week #2: Greatest Comforts
Week #3: Things You Should Be Proud Of
Week #4: Current and Future Goals and Dreams
Week #5: What You Are Grateful For
Week #6: The Ways In Which You Can Love Others
Week #7: The Things That Make You Feel Healthy
Week #8: My Favorite Albums
Week #9: Places I Want to Go
Week #10: The Ways You Cleanse for Spring
Week #11: The Essentials
Week #12: The Things That Feel Like Home
Week #13: The Things I Want to Make
Week #14: My Dream Jobs
Week #15: My Favorite Quotes
Week #16: My Favorite Books
Week #17: The People I Admire
Week #18: The Ways That I am Energized 
Week #19: The Things I Want to be Known for
Week #20: My Summer Goals
Week #21: My Favorite Snacks
Week #22: The Things That Keep Me Up At Night
Week #23: My Pet Peeves
Week #24:  My Happiest Moments
Week #25: My Favorite Meals
Week #26: The Things I Carry In my Purse
Week #27: Trials that Make Me Better 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I probably only thought of it since I was just there this week.

  2. I love your safe list and do hope to participate this week!

    Have a wonderful week!

    1. I hope you do! I look forward to reading it.

  3. Looks like we have similar list! At home with my hubby and kids, I feel so safe and comfy :)

    1. I tend to think that's the way it should it should be.

  4. Being safe is really important and sometimes we must "create" our safe. I was hoping that this list brought to heart just what it is that keeps us feeling that safety net for not only ourselves but for those we love :) Wonderful list!


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