52 Lists week #13; The Things You Want to Make!

This week's list was totally made for me!  I was excited when I saw that we were supposed to list the things you want to make!  I am a Jill of all trades and enjoy so many different forms of crafts.  I always have a list of projects I'd like to get to.

In no particular order here are some of the things I'd like to make:

  • Some new recipes-- I just love cooking and baking and there's nothing like trying out something new. 
  • Some more scrapbook pages-- I've been taking a hiatus from this craft and I miss it... plus my pictures are piling up. 
  • An arm- crocheted blanket-- I do not knit or crochet but I thought this sounded simple and looked amazing when finished. 
  • Washer necklaces-- I love trying new crafts and this one looks pretty easy.  Pain a metal washer with nail polish and then affix it to some string. 
  • Some more earrings-- It's been a while since I've used my beads to make myself some new earrings. 
  • Hand and body scrubs for myself! -- The boys and I made sugar scrubs for just about everyone at Christmas but I forgot to keep some for myself and I just love how my skin feels after using them.  
  • Family vacation plans and reservations-- "making" reservations and "making" family memories are two of my favorite things to make!
  • My own book--  I've always wanted to be a writer.  I've started a novel a time or two but always petered out.  I'd love to give it a real honest try though. 
  • Some new paintings- I haven't really painted since college and I miss it so much.  I enjoy watercolors, oils and acrylics; painting on wood, ceramic and canvas.  It doesn't really matter.
  • Wood burning crafts-- I've been pinning ideas ever since we inherited a wood burning kit a few years ago... but I've yet to actually try my hand at it.  I've helped the boys a time or two and I did enjoy it.  
  • A new quilt-- I haven't made a quilt since before Evan was born.  I made each boy their own quilt for their crib and even made a huge one for our king size bed once but I sort of gave up on sewing after the boys were born.  
  • Christmas gifts-- I've been pinning ideas like crazy since last Christmas and made it a goal to try and make most of the Christmas gifts we give this year.  
  • Make my blog more professional. 
I do find it hard to juggle all that I want to do with all that I have to do though and find that even when I finally have free time to make something I usually don't have the desire to.  But I keep trying and planning and imagining....  

One day I will get around to it all.  

Others in this series:


  1. You do sound crafty. Wish I was a little bit more.

    1. I don't always follow the directions and crafts are often just thrown together to look good but I sure to enjoy it.

  2. I haven't even taken the time to write out my list, but I know that we share a few common things we'd like to make. Thank you for being faithful in your list making. I hope to be back on schedule this week. This move was hard on me.

    1. That is totally understandable! I'm sure life is pretty hectic and tiring right now.

  3. I have some of these on my list as well. I don't like make the reservations for vacations (I'm not a 'planner' by nature) but I do love making the memories!


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