52 Lists- List #5: What You Are Grateful For

This week's list what you are grateful for was an easy one.  There are so many things that I am grateful for:

  • My Good Health
  • The Love of My Husband
  • My Children
  • Our House
  • All the Wonderful Family Vacations We've Been on
  • My family; both near and far 
  • My In- Laws
  • My Friends
  • Our Lifestyle
  • That I gave homeschooling a try
  • Social media and the way it allows me to connect with friends old and new
  • Sunshine and all it's warmth  
  • Flowers
  • The Beauty of Nature and the way it calms me
I think I could go on an on... there are so many wonderful things in this world and it's easy to forget just how lucky we are.  


  1. I loved this weeks list, too. I could have written ten pages! I also love the quote at the beginning of your post.

  2. I love how you take time out to think about what you are thankful for. It really centers the spirit and helps fuel your energy to keep moving forward.

    1. It really does! I'm loving this 52 list challenge because it does get me thinking about life and just how lucky I am.

  3. Love your list. I was also happy to learn what the topic was this week. I could right more but didn't want to have a big post so I ended up saying and much more at the end. Hope you have a great day. :)

    1. That's how I felt; The list could have gone on and on forever.

  4. Beautiful quote to start your grateful list! I am really blessed in reading all the lists each week.

    1. Aw, thanks. I'm so glad you posted this challenge; it's been so much fun and it really is uplifting to read everyone's responses.

  5. Such a great list! I can hear the joy within.
    Have a great day!

  6. That is one of my most favorite quotes!!!.. Its a testimony to how GOD tells us again and again to be grateful no matter what..


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