Friday Favorites-- Vacation Style

I am so ready for a vacation.  We have had such a wonderful winter and then 5 days before we were ready to leave for Disney my husband and oldest son came down with what we're pretty sure was the flu.

I then began to obsess and calculate how we could salvage our vacation.  Knowing they'd probably be feeling better by take off I worried like crazy about the rest of us coming down with symptoms and started researching all the cancelation policies of everything we had booked, checking flight calendars, park calendars, and our calendars trying to figure out what dates might make sense for re-booking and if that was financially feasible.

We all started taking elderberry supplements and I made everyone wash their hands constantly.

While we ultimately decided to push our plans back to May, I just could not shake my vacation hopes, dreams, and plans so today's favorites are all about my vacation style and what I am most looking forward to.

1.  My new bathing suits!


2.  My packing cubes-- they make such a difference on what I am able to fit in my suitcase and help keep everything so neat and organized.

3.  Some good books-- I try to keep my Kindle loaded with lots of great book options when we're getting ready to travel. I love to read and while some vacation offer more reading time than others I do find time to squeeze in reading no matter where we go. I have so many Kindle First Reads loaded and ready to go.

4.  Yummy treats!-- Weight Watchers definitely takes a back seat on our vacations and I can not wait to sink my teeth into a Mickey Bar, feel the cool refreshment of a Dole Whip, and even enjoy a nice juicy burger and fries from Steak and Shake or some coconut shrimp from Bubba Gump.

5.  Palm trees and sunshine!  Even if we're not heading to the beach I love seeing all those palm trees.  They just make me smile and I can not wait to suck up the warm sunshine.

6.  Skirts, short and flip flops!-- I am one of those crazy people who walk around Disney and Universal all day in just my flip flops.  So far I have never had any problem with it as I find my flip flops to be quite comfortable and this year I bought a cute little skirt to wear too since I no longer have to chase around little kids in a stroller.

7.  Having Older Kids With Us- this is our first Disney/ Universal trip where we won't have a stroller or have to worry about naptimes.  It's also the first time everyone is tall enough and old enough to ride all the rides they might want to.  I think this should make for a more relaxed pace in the parks and easier to balance out everyone's needs.

8. Living in the moment.  I am bringing a small little pocket point and shoot camera but that's it.  I decided to leave my bigger camera at home and just relax and enjoy our trip, documenting some of it as best I can but mostly just focusing on riding the rides and having fun.

In case you missed it on the blog this week I shared about:

My February goals
Our favorite weekend getaways
What I've been Priming
A Sentence a day in January
My Health Saga part 2
Thursday Link party: Encouraging Hearts and Home 


  1. I am always worried when we plan things during winter season. I hope everyone feels much better! And I am going to check out that first bathing suit. Could use a new one and haven't tried a 2 piece in forever.

    1. I don't think I've worn a 2-piece since high school (and even then I think I only wore one a couple of time one summer).


  2. OH NO!!
    This is honestly why I never make travel plans in the winter.
    I am so sorry, I know how much you were looking forward to it.

    May will be here before we know it but I know how you must feel. Sending you a hug.

    My favorite part of Florida are the palm trees too. :)

    1. We have never had to cancel or postpone our vacation before but it does seem like someone always gets sick right before we leave and we spend the week hoping no one will get sick while we're away. I'm definitely bummed but I know we made the right choice (now if we can all say healthy throughout May that would be great!)

  3. Oh no, that is so sad you had to postpone your vacation. Hope everyone gets well soon. Gabbie isn't feeling well here either. I walk around Disney in flip flops too. Tevas!

    1. Thank you. Hope Gabbie is feeling better soon too.

  4. Oh that stinks so bad! We leave for Disney at the end of March and I'm worried about the VERY same thing happening. Flu season tends to start later and end later down here in the south since it takes so long to get cold down here so we're still usually in the thick of flu season at the end of March. I'm so sorry your plans got postponed. Thank goodness y'all were able to move them though and not lose them!

    1. It has been an awful flu season up here and the closer we got to our trip the more I didn't even want to get on a plane with all those germs.. Hopefully we'll have better luck in May. We lost a bit of money on the house rental and the flight but better than the whole trip! Good luck to you and your March trip!

  5. Oh man, I am so sorry to hear you had to postpone your trip. I guess the best part is that the illness occurred before you left. There are few things worse than being sick far away from home. May will be a wonderful time to visit and you'll have a blast in all of your vacation wear! I remember the first time we went on vacation without a stroller and scheduled nap times - it was so freeing! Now I'm the one who needs a nap, lol!

    1. Yeah, I figured it was a small blessing that it hit before we left.

  6. That's too bad that you had to push your trip back. I hope everyone is feeling better! It looks like a fun trip though and I'm sure you'll have a blast when everyone is 100%. That skirt is cute! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you. As of right now.. everyone is healthy.

  7. So sorry to hear you had to cancel the trip, but it's probably for the best to postpone to May. So much going around currently!
    Hoping everyone will feel better soon and that the rest of you won't get sick! Loving that one piece swimsuit!
    Ellibelle's Corner

    1. It was a bummer but we figured it was for the best. I love that bathing suit. I had it in blue last year and it is so flattering.

  8. Oh my goodness, at least the flu showed up before your trip instead of during! I love the mallard green swimsuit you purchased. Visiting from Friday at the Fire Station.

    1. That's what I figured! It would have been so much worse if they both got sick ON vacation.

  9. You know I love Disney!!! I am so sorry the flu hit your household... but I am so glad you'll still be going on Vacation. Your suits are so cute and those packing cubes are on my list for our next big family vacation! Have a great weekend! xo

    1. I love the idea of being able to keep clean and dirty clothes separated and keep everything organized.

  10. I haven't been to Disney World in Florida, but I did go to Disneyland in Anaheim the opening year. I grew up in Southern California and it was a huge draw. And I just loved all of the "E Ticket" rides. - Margy

    1. I have never been to Disneyland but I would love the chance to check it out and compare the two. Being an east coast girl I grew up going to WDW.

  11. I'm so sorry you had to cancel your vacation plans. I hope it wasn't too much of a financial loss. That's one of the things I always worry about when planning vacations. I usually choose a non-refundable rate to save money. I love those bathing suits. They are gorgeous.

    1. This was probably the first trip we've ever planned too where I didn't buy vacation insurance! Figures. At least our park passes transferred just fine to new dates and since they were the most expensive part of our trip we felt it was worth rescheduling.

  12. I'm sorry about your vacation plans! I LOVE that top on the two piece though, super cute!

  13. Aww, such a shame about your vacation! One of my friends was just in Disneyland, and it made me want to go to Disney SO BAD. I need a Dole Whip in my life ASAP!

  14. Awwww, I'm sorry you had to postpone the trip but May will be just as awesome! Love the teal bathing suit, by the way. Super cute.

    1. Thanks! I sure hope May will be wonderful...we just keep building up that anticipation!

  15. Enjoy your trip whenever you get to go. Thanks for sharing your week with us at #HomeMattersParty


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