Our Favorite Weekend Getaways

I have written about our vacations many times; I recap each trip as soon as we get home.  I have written a post about all the vacations we've ever been on, I have written about our top 10 family vacation destinations, I've even come up with a list of some of our dream vacation destinations. But I have never written about some of our favorite weekend getaways.

My husband and I vacationed a few times a year before we ever had kids and we tried like crazy to get away at least once a year (whenever we didn't have newborns!) just the two of us. It's so important to take times to rejuvenate and reconnect; even if we didn't always go far away.

Some of our favorite weekend getaways of all time include:

1.  Walt Disney World!  -- Yep, I know this has made the list of all the top vacation posts but my husband I did take off for an unforgettable trip; just the two of us. Our older two were in pre-school at the time and Ben was working in Orlando for a few weeks so I was holding down the fort solo.  He suggested I fly down and meet him and we spend a few days in Disney just the two of us.  I honestly didn't expect to have so much fun.  We had been to Disney just a few months prior with our older boys... getting to ride all those rides we always by-passed, enjoying leisurely meals at so many fabulous restaurants, sitting through shows the boys never would have lasted through.  It felt like a mini-honeymoon and we were so thankful we took that trip!!

2.  Charleston, South Carolina-- As a combined 40th birthday gift to each other we took off for a 4 day weekend to Charleston.  We don't often fly somewhere just the two of us and neither of us had been to Charleston before.  Despite the incredible heat we had a fabulous time.  We stayed at an upscale resort and spent much of the weekend in our air conditioned room binge watching Ray Donovan, napping, and waiting for evening to fall so we could enjoy the delicious restaurants.  It was so relaxing and restorative!

3.  Our last trip to Loon Mountain-- We had perfect weather and spent 4 glorious days outside hiking and exploring.  We had some truly amazing meals and stayed in another fabulous resort.  My favorite stop was our morning at the Flume Gorge.  It was such beautiful hiking.

4.  Quebec, Canada-- Despite having to pump for a nursing baby at home and a truly awful night of illness we had a fabulous time in Quebec.  We didn't have time to plan a trip so we booked a trip through our local town and went on a bus tour with lots of other (mostly elderly) couples.  It was a fun and easy getaway from the kids. I had never been to Quebec but took 3 years of French class in high school and just had fun exploring the old city and trying out what little French I remembered.

5. Hyannis, Cape Cod/ Nantucket-- My husband and I have been to Hyannis a few times for a weekend getaway; for us it's nice and close and yet with the beaches, restaruants, and shops there's always something to do.  We enjoyed a trip to Hyannis where we took a duck boat cruise around and learned about the history of the area.  Just this past summer we spent a night near Hyannis and then took the ferry over to Nantucket for the day.  It was fabulous!... even if we did end up visiting during an unexpected heat wave.


  1. I would love to visit Quebec, it's on my list of places I simply need to visit before I'm 50! It looks incredibly beautitful, with so much to offer! xo


    1. It really is a beautiful city packed with history. Those cobblestone streets get me every time.

  2. Quebec and Charleston are definitely on my bucket list. They sound wonderful!

    1. They are both lots of fun and full of history.

  3. All great getaways!! I pinned this! Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 9, open February 1 to 26.

    My themed party 10 for All Things Love and Valentine’s Day is open January 30 to February 10 if you have any appropriate posts.

    Won’t you join me at my Short Story Prompt party February 2 to 9 for fun and creativity? Just start typing, see what you come up with! Remember, no story is too short! The prompt is: The sun was shining brightly but then…

  4. Nantucket is where I want to go next.

    1. It was such a cute town and I can not wait to go back.

  5. These all look fabulous! We did WDW and Disneyland many times before having kids - and I completely agree, it's so much fun and a completely different experience. We're heading back to WDW and Charleston with the kids soon - can't wait!

    1. We were supposed to be heading to WDW tomorrow with our kids but had to postpone our trip; I am so anxious for it to get here though. We haven't been in years and I just love Disney!

  6. Fun! We have done Disney as a solo weekend getaway and we went to New Orleans for our combined 40th!

    1. I have always wanted to check out New Orleans!

  7. I love Disney World for adults, too! There's something for everyone there!

    1. Absolutely! I'd even love to take a day or two just to travel to the different resorts and see how they're themed and check out their pools/ restaurants.

  8. Replies
    1. I would love to visit anything on the west coast; being an east coast girl we've mostly vacationed up and down this side of the US.

  9. Great destinations!! On our last trip to Disney we happened to visit EPCOT during the Food and Wine Festival and we talked about how much we'd like to visit again just the two of us. I haven't yet been to Quebec, so that is definitely on our wish list!

    1. We have family members that go each year to the Food and Wine festival with some friends of theirs (adults only) and I alwys thought that sounded like so much fun.

  10. Your post is making me feel wanderlust. Pictures are amazing and descriptions enticing. Visiting you from UNLIMITED Link Party 9! Warm regards, Nancy Andres @ Colors 4 Health.

    1. I always feel such wanderlust this time of year.

  11. Loon Mountain and Cape Cod are on my bucket list - maybe this year? Thanks for the recommendations!


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