Acadia 2024 trip Day 3

I shared about days 1 & 2 of our Acadia trip yesterday. Today I'll start off with day 3.  Tuesday morning we woke up and I was so hungry that I forgot to take a photo of our breakfast appetizer; it was a delicious peaches and cream dish. 

Breakfast was some chocolate pancakes with bananas (they were sliced in between the two pancakes so I gave them to Ben) and caramel sauce, bacon, and fresh fruit. Another super yummy dish!

We headed to Jordan Pond and parked near the trail head/boat launch. Taking a left once we hit the path we went by Jordon Pond house and down the carriage road to Spring Trail to head up Penoboscot Mountain (the 5th highest peak in Acadia).  

Can you see Jordan Pond House?

It was another rather difficult hike... but I was surprised that I actually enjoyed myself! Some parts were so steep that they had iron rungs and railings to hold onto which I honestly don't think I would have been able to hike without them. 

It's a quick ascent up that steep section and then it flattened out for a much longer, slower hike to the summit. 

Sadly, we had cell service on top of the mountain so of course my husband ended up fielding a few calls from work

It was so neat looking back the way we came and seeing all the mist rising up over the ocean and between the mountains behind us. (Plus there was a really nice breeze facing that direction too!).

Off to our right we could see just a bit of Jordan pond (on the middle left hand side of the photo below) where we had started our hike. 

As we neared the summit we could see water in front of us now too and just a bit of Jordan Pond where we started (on the left hand side of the photo below).

As we were hiking we did have beautiful views on al sides of us and while I was snapping away I thought each side looked pretty distinctive but once I was back at the B&B and uploading photos they all looked pretty similar... pretty but not nearly as distinct as it was while I was up on the mountain. 

We were so happy to finally see the summit sign; while it wasn't hard once we got above the tree line it was starting to get HOT hiking in the sun without any shade around. Luckily the temps were only in the 60's so it could have been so much worse. 

As we started down the mountain we could have chosen to pick up the Sargent Mountain trail and done another summit but we elected to head down the Deer Brook Trail instead to the Jordan Pond path.

I was so glad to see Jordan Pond again! We hiked it around to the Jordon Pond house and then waited to have a meal there. 

We turned right at the base of the trail and remembered that this section of Jordan Pond has a few rock scrambles... 

But once we hit the boardwalk section it was smooth sailing! 

There was a 2 hour wait for tables... and for some reason my husband insisted on waiting. I wasn't that hungry so I didn't care one way or another.  Turns out that the restaurant wasn't that busy but they didn't have enough waitstaff so when we were finally seated there were only 4 tables inside that were full and a handful on the lawn. 

I got a garden salad and some lobster stew with their "famous" blueberry lemonade. 

Before turning in for the night we stopped in Southwest Harbor at The Salt Shop and got some ice cream. 
strawberry cheesecake 

Linking up with: Thinking Out Loud, Spread the Kindness,


  1. Great pictures of amazing views. Did you guys do different hikes than last year when you were there? I don´t remember that hike but it was pretty long ago for me, someone who obviously wasn´t there to remember, lol. Can see why people enjoy eating outside at that restaurant. The view of the water and mountains is gorgeous.

    1. Yeah, I don't think we hiked any of the same hikes or even really explored the same areas of the park at all as last year other than our hike to get back to the Jordan Pond house from the base of Penobscot.

  2. What a beautiful day to be in the park! I can't stop thinking about that breakfast though, yum!

    1. We had the most amazing weather while we were there!

  3. Looks like a beautiful lunchtime view! There's a hike here that is super steep and has handholds. I thought I might need to be helicoptered out, but I made it lol.

    1. I'm okay with the steep hikes with handholds as long as I know I don't have to go back down that way; climbing up is much better for me since I don't have to see what is behind and below me and just the rock that is in front of me.

  4. Very sweet. What an amazing view.

    1. Thanks! It was definitely worth the climb to get up there.

  5. Beautiful scenery!

    1. We really lucked out with such clear and sunny skies the whole week.

  6. The weather was perfect for your hikes! Such beautiful scenery. ❤️

  7. Nice! I love Jordan Pond, but did not hike there. We tried to watch the sunrise atop Cadillac Mtn one morning, but we got fogged in. This is the post on my trip.

    1. Thank you! We haven't watched the sunrise atop Cadillac yet but we did enjoy the views and a really nice hike there on our last trip.

  8. What a beautiful day with another tough hike!!

    1. My poor body still feels like it's recovering! LOL

  9. Your Acadia trip sounds amazing!
    Those pancakes look yummy 😋
    The hike sounds challenging but rewarding with those stunning views.

    Have a great weekend, Joanne!

    1. Thank you! The views are definitely what make the hike worth it!

  10. Your photos are gorgeous as always. All that fresh air and beautiful scenery! I would be eating lots of ice cream!

  11. Y'all had the most beautiful weather!! So many amazing pictures as always!

    1. Thank you! We really did have such perfect weather.

  12. That looks like a really great hike and the views sure were beautiful! I hope you didn't have to hike back down that steep section!

    1. Thank you; and no we did not! I am such a wuss when it comes to coming back down mountains that we've learned to find less steep ways back down.

  13. Replies
    1. I really was so beautiful! And other than a few tiny spots on the way up was a very easy hike too.

  14. You make me want to pack a bag and head to Maine. It's stunning!

    1. It really is! I just love coastal Maine... in the spring and summer.

  15. Honestly, hiking is not something I would think to do. Your images tho, makes me want to start doing. It's the interesting views you present that intrigues me. Thank you for sharing!
    Take care and best wishes.

    1. Aw, thank you! I am so glad you enjoyed the photos so much.

  16. I was just about to jot down a few notes about your hike because we will be there in August. But then I saw the part (and pictures) about the iron handholds! I'll be looking at your other posts for hikes that aren't as challenging lol. Good for you guys though!

    1. Oh yes! There are much easier hikes to do-- we definitely challenged ourselves on this trip. We picked easier hikes last year (I think). I highly recommend the walk around Jordan Pond it's so easy and beautiful. Then Gorham mountain was a good hike that seemed like most skill levels could do and yet has beautiful views. This was my first hike with iron handholds!


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