Acadia 2024 trip days 1 & 2

 We left for Acadia last Sunday by 8 am with the intention of stopping in Wiscasset, Maine for some delicious lobster rolls. We made more one stop before lunch in Freeport to do a bit of LL Bean shopping. 

Lunch was delicious and well worth the wait! Red's Eats has made the #1 lobster roll in Maine list for many, many years. They've even been featured on Somebody Feed Phil.

 We checked into our B&B around 4:30 or so. This time we got a standard king room but it does have its own private entrance and bathroom tucked under the loft bedroom. It was lovely.

The Harbour Cottage Inn in Southwest Harbor Maine

After such a large and late lunch we decided to just walk into town and get an ice cream for dinner. Then we watched TV and turned in early.

Giffords Blue Monstah Cookie-- blue vanilla ice cream with pb swirls, chocolate chip cookie dough, and mini M&M pieces

On Monday we had a full day in Acadia facing us; but first a delicious breakfast from Daniel (the chef at the B&B).  It was amazing!

Breakfast views

From breakfast we decided to head out on a double summit hike; we hiked the Saint Sauveur and Acadia Mountain Loop. It was a hard hike only because we hiked up Saint Sauveur, then all the way down the water's edge before hiking all the way up to the summit of Acadia and then down to the car. 

a shot looking up the mountain we just climbed down..

We rested by the bay for a bit in the shade, drinking water

Acadia mountain was a steep climb

I was SO wiped out by the time we reached the second summit; I needed to pull myself up and over so many rock climbs on this trail. We both agreed we were glad we went counterclockwise because I'm not sure I would have made this trail going in reverse. 

After hiking we headed back to Southwest harbor to eat lunch. Our friends told us we had to try eating at Little Notch bakery and it did not disappoint. Their breads are amazing. 

I got the chicken panini

After a quick shower and change we headed to Bar Harbor since it was low tide time and we wanted to walk out to Bar Island (an island that is only accessible by walking to it at low tide). We walked around it a bit and then spent our evening in Bar Harbor doing some shopping, eating dinner, and ending our evening with dessert. 

It was so cold walking out to Bar Island

Once on Bar Island we took the summit trail (knowing it would be very easy!).

Lupine grows everywhere in Maine.

View of Bar Harbor from the summit

Walking around Bar Harbor:

dinner at Paddy's was amazing!

We walked all around after dinner

We got ice cream at Ben and Bill's Chocolate Emporium

It was only 6:30 or so but we were wiped after nearly 3 hours of hiking and then another couple of hours walking around town. 

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. I need to share this post with my husband because Acadia is on our list of parks we want to see. You guys are amazing hikers and I love the images you took. That B&B looks wonderful too. Thanks for sharing your time!

  2. What a great post and so many beautiful photos! The inn looks like an amazing place to stay.

  3. What a beautiful place and love how you took full advantage- thanks for taking us along! :)

  4. Great pictures of your food and the amazing sights you saw at Acadia. Looking forward to reading more :).

  5. I just love Acadia! Those ice creams look perfect, they are the best treat post hike. I don't think we did that hike, but I remember one we had to go down a rock scramble and I was so glad it wasn't icy or wet!

    1. They really are such a great post-hike treat! We hiked a few that cautioned not to attempt in wet or icy weather... and we could totally understand why.

  6. What a lovely journey of fun! Personally I love the idea of ice cream FOR dinner!

    1. Me too! I love getting ice cream FOR dinner.

  7. You certainly earned those wonderful meals and treats with so much hiking. Such lovely photos of a beautiful part of the country. I love Bar Harbor, but all of Maine is so pretty.

  8. Man you know how to have a workout vacation!

    1. Oh yes, we really do. I came home so sore this time... my back is still a little sore! LOL

  9. This looks like a beautiful park and the food looks yummy too!

  10. What a wonderful trip! You went on some really beautiful hikes! And all of the food looks delicious. Especially the ice cream! I really would love to visit Acadia someday!

    1. It really is so pretty and we've lucked out 2 years in a row now with perfect weather.

  11. I love all of this. I feel like I was right along with you. 🖤

  12. I would love to stay in that b & b! Bar Harbor is on my list of places to revisit someday. I am so impressed with your hiking! How did you make the trail map showing your route? Can't wait to see more. And YES to ice cream for dinner!

    1. The app we hike with; Alltrails draws that hiking map as we hike and allows us to save it when we're done.

  13. Hi Joanne, wow - I so enjoyed this little virtual trip with you! That hike did look hard but very beautiful and worth it judging by that outlook at the summit! The whole town looks gorgeous as does where you stayed! Your sandwich looks delicous and the icecream too. How cool is the walk to bar island? Lupine everywhere would have me snapping away like crazy with my camera. BTW I love the show Somebody Feed Phil! Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy - enjoy the rest of your week! xo

  14. I love how you have ice cream for dinner! But, with all the hiking it's well worth it. What a gorgeous place Acadia is. I don't remember visiting the town, but I sure would love to go there now. And, lupines...I love them!

    1. Thanks! We often use ice cream as a reward for hiking! :)

  15. I'd really like to spend more time in Maine.

    1. It really is such a pretty state (though I have never visited in winter before!).

  16. What a stunning area! It must be so relaxing to hike there. And what a breakfast!

  17. I have to say, as stunning as the views wer, iot's the ice cream that did it for me! ha! #WWWHimsy. You should be pretty chuffed with that eleation! Hard work!

  18. Thank you for sharing such a lovely place in your country, even if the challenge of all that climbing was tough. Great pics for sure, and wonderful memories made..just for the two of you! That IS special.

  19. The lobster rolls look amazing and what a lovely B&B. Fantastic photos and I love that you had ice cream for dinner!

    1. I am not usually a lobster roll fan but it was really amazing and dare I say worth the wait?! LOL

  20. What a wonderful holiday. Sigh, lobster rolls! And your B&B is divine -- what a fabulous place to rest after all that hiking!

    1. We fell in love with this B&B last year and have talked so much about both it and the people who run it that my middle son has asked if he can come with us next time!

  21. Looks like a wonderful place. Love the views.

  22. I love all of those hiking photos, I'm sure each view was more beautiful than the last and the photos don't even really do it justice. How many steps did you do that day!?!

    1. Definitely true! I don't wear any sort of pedometer anymore so I have no idea how many steps we did but I'm betting A LOT!

  23. What a GORGEOUS place! And I always love seeing all of your ice cream flavors when you travel! I'm glad y'all had a good time!

  24. Is this your 2nd trip to Acadia? I thought I remember you going there last year. Nevertheless, it is gorgeous. I would love to go there but it is so far away for me. I am shocked there's so much civilization around a national park. Other than the Smokey Mountains, most parks Ive been too don't have much around them. The towns look worth visiting just for themselves. The food looks incredible.

    1. Yep, we went last year for Memorial day weekend.

  25. This looks like a truly delightful trip, Joanne, and the food looks heavenly! I hope you enjoyed every bite.

  26. Hikes with beautiful views and delicious food, sounds absolutely perfect! Glad you had a fab time. :)

  27. The hiking images are very pretty. I especially enjoyed seeing all the ice Cream flavors you encountered! I looked at the galleries in reverse

    1. Thank you! We are huge ice cream fans, as you can tell.


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