Top 10 Most Viewed Posts of 2023

It has been a couple of years since I've posted a Top 10 post.  I always find these so fun to pull together and what better time than New Year's day to take one final look back.

It's neat to see what resonated with my readers and try to speculate on why some of them were so popular.  I added the pageviews so you can see how much difference there is between.. and some of those jumps are really huge!  

Here are the top 10 most viewed posts from 2023: 

10. Share 4 Somethings from August with 705 views.

9. Septembers 10 on the 10th with 737 views.

8. My Favorite Rom Com's with 757 views

7. Perfect Fall Side Dish with 900 views

6. Share 4 Somethings from May with 956 views

5. Favorite Amazon Purchases for Summer Living with 966 views

4. Prime Purchases from January with 1050 views

3. A Look at Our Favorite Comfort Foods with 1,111views

2. Holiday Books I Read Last December & Favorites From Years Past with 1,288 views

1. Let's Look at Our Medicine Cabinet with 14,624 views

Linking up with: Fine/Whatever,


  1. ...September is a cute month!

  2. I'll be reorganizing our cabinets and closets when we move so I can see why that last one was so popular.

    1. I love to clean and organize; and I love it even more when I find a system that the whole family keeps up with.

  3. Wow! I think I would have to have a whole month's worth of posts to equal just one of yours, Joanne! Well done!!

    1. I have never had pageviews that high before and I honestly thought I was misreading that number! Oddly I never would have even known if I hadn't gone back to look through ALL the pageviews for the year.

  4. Hi Joanne, what a great way to see what posts are resonating with readers. Well done!

  5. This year I did a post (coming soon) on which fashion posts I wrote I like best but in years past I did a similar post. It really is interesting to see what catches the reader's attention.

    1. Yes! I often find it funny that MY favorite posts rarely make it onto any of my round up posts.

  6. I enjoy seeing these so I'm glad you posted it! Happy New Year!

  7. What a great collection of posts, I remember reading most of these. I have a post coming up with my top 10 from 2023 and was surprised by some of them.

    1. I love reading these wrap-up/ round-up posts!

  8. These are all great posts and congratulations on getting so many views on your No. 1 most viewed post. That's amazing!!

  9. I had missed a few of these.. thanks for sharing.

  10. Wow! The "Lets look at our medicine one" is incredible. That is one I'd never click on, and here it was the one that got you the most. views. So funny.

    1. Thank you! I thought it was pretty amazing too; I would never have thought that would be such a hit.

  11. It is fun to look back isn't it! I am often surprised at what I discover! I have to go check out your favorite Rom Com movies, Happy New Year Joanne~

    1. It sure is! I am often surprised by what I find too.

  12. I pinned several of these! I love top ten posts. The book one, the movies one, and the beautifully organized medicine cabinet are all exciting to me! Happy New Year!

  13. Love this! It's so fun to see the popular posts, and the page views too. You are the best food picture taker though, should do a monthly food related post!

    1. Aw, thank you! I really should; I used to share our monthly menu each month complete with photos of most all of our meals and I got away from that.

  14. Top ten posts are always my favorite because they always surprise me! Like, who wants to know about my favorite tablecloths and yet there it is as a top ten haha.

    1. Yeah, right?! Sometimes I'm surprised at the ones that seem so popular.

  15. I remember some of these! The romantic comedy one post was one of my personal favorites! Thanks so much for joining with my first There's No Place Like Home Linkup!
    I will be sharing each Tuesday on my new blog space:
    I really hope you can join this upcoming Tuesday!
    Thank you again!

    1. I had to skip one week since I was on vacation but hope to be back to blogging regularly after today!

  16. Amazon posts are always some of my highest viewed each year, too! And I totally get why the medicine cabinet was your most-viewed! I love organization posts!


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