September's 10 on the 10th!

 Monday's September 10th and it will be time to link up with Marsha for her 10 on the 10th but since we have the Not Just a Mom link up that day I figured I'd post my answers and questions a bit earlier.  Marsha always makes me think long and hard about these!! 

1. My favorite 9 letter word is diagnosis-- I can't get into much detail (since it's not me) but we have a family member undergoing lots of testing for some medical issues and I just know that we are all just praying for a diagnosis. Somehow just the knowing what you are dealing with is much less scary than lots of professionals making their best guess and offering to try different treatments that might or might not work. 

2. I had to Google songs with September in the title and out of all the hits I got I only recognized one or two of them so I guess I'd have to say my favorite is September by Earth, Wind, & Fire since it's the only one I really know.

3. In our area the most famous celebration that takes place in September is the Woodstock Fair and its motto is "Always Labor Day weekend."  I have great memories of going to this agricultural fair each fall growing up and in upper middle school and high school I'm pretty sure I ended up at the fair all 3 days.  I used to enter all sorts of crafts projects and won several ribbons throughout the years. We've only gone a couple of times with the boys as it has gotten more and more expensive each year and it's always so crowded that I don't really enjoy it much anymore. 

our last trip in 2021

4. My favorite pirate for talk like a pirate day would have to be Captain Jack Sparrow from Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean since I love all things Disney. 

5. A pet peeve for fall/ September would be all the road work.  Now we tend to have road work all 3 seasons that aren't winter but I swear every town ups their game once fall hits knowing that they need to finish before the ice and snow arrive and it starts to feel like every single road is being worked on. 

6. Well, I didn't come up with this stupid question my boys love to remind my baker that years and years ago when he was first learning to help out in the kitchen and make his own breakfast he asked "so, do you bake toast or do you toast toast?" since our toaster has multiple settings.  They have never let him live it down that obviously you TOAST toast. 

7. That's easy! My youngest son was born in September and that is definitely one of my favorite September memories.  I can't believe he's going to be 16 this month and driving soon...

8. I also had to Google famous celebrity birthdays in September and found quite a few of my favorite actors and actresses were born in September but if I had to pick one I'd probably say Adam Sandler. He's funny and I know that when my brother in law met him (playing basketball at Mohegan Sun casino) said he was just like like was in the movies-- kind, casual, and totally personable. 

9. I have so many wonderful memories with my grandparents! They used to take my sister and I on lots and lots of road trips and vacations. I know it asked for one favorite but I'm going to give a couple.

My grandparents owned Airstream trailers my whole life and were part of a club that often had rallies where we would go and stay with lots of other Airstream families.  One year it was in Ohio and we got to tour the factory.  My grandparents took us to Longwood gardens (according to the back of the photos these two things happened the same month and year so I can only assume we made a day trip on the way in or out of the rally). 

My sister and I had these carriers for our dolls and carried them around with us the WHOLE day! I remember it being quite hot and not liking the plants and flowers nearly as much as the fountains.

We went swimming many afternoons; my sister and I perfected our back flips (that's her jumping backward but I'm already in the water). 

We met and made friends

Apparently my new friend and I won the 3 legged race.

We went to another huge rally with them in Lake Placid the year the town was hosting the Olympics and we got to watch the ski jumpers practicing and the figure skaters at night in the giant arena.  I bought a figure skating outfit for my cabbage patch kid and my grandmother, sister, and I displayed some of our paintings during an arts and crafts fair and one lady wanted to buy mine! 

The rallies were HUGE and my grandmother bought a panoramic shot of the whole field with all the Airstreams lined up; they marked the location of their trailer on that photo but I only have this copy. I couldn't for the life of me tell you where we stayed!

I don't remember this parade but I'm the one holding the white flag. 

This arena was used for everything-- we had all sorts of entertainment, opening ceremonies, and even a beauty pageant. 

10. My favorite 9 piece "thing" would  have to be our table and chair set we found many, many years ago for our patio (in fact, I know those are not the original chairs anymore!)  But I loved that it was a square and not a rectangle so when we have family or company over it's easy to all sit and talk and not have to lean over one another; plus it fits perfectly on our patio where an oblong or rectangle table would not have fit so well. 


Linking up with: On the Edge, 


  1. I do hope your family member gets a diagnosis soon, waiting for things like that is quite agonising! I loved looking at the pics of when you were little. You have so many special memories with your grandparents.

    1. Thank you! I really do have lots of wonderful memories with my grandparents.

  2. What great pics and memories! The Airstream factory is about an hour away from our house. I went by it when I came home from Indiana the other weekend. Cute pictures of your baby boy- certainly a great reason to love the month! Have a great weekend!

  3. Oh I LOVE those pics of you from way back- looks like you had amazing summers and such special memories with your grandparents! :)

    1. Thanks! I traveled with them right up through college even!

  4. Sending prayers and hugs. Regine

  5. I love the throwbacks of your youngest sweetheart! I am praying your family member gets a diagnosis and everyone can move forward with treatment and healing. Have a great weekend my friend.

  6. Lots of fun facts about you and your family Joanne - loved the baby pics and also the childhood ones - your family obviously liked to take photos - lucky you to have so many memories to look back on! And I hope that diagnosis is made soon.

  7. It's so fun that you have pictures to go with your memories! I will be linking up with this one on Tuesday next week, so thanks for the ideas, haha!

    1. I only have a handful; most of the photos were taken by my grandmother and while she had entire rooms of photos I have no idea what happened to them since I was on vacation the week my family decided to clean out her house.

  8. What a fun post! I think a couple of my answers are going to be the same as yours. I have friends who live in Woodstock and we went to see them one year when we lived in Rhode Island and went to the fair. Their church does a huge chicken bbq meal there every year. That's an amazing gathering of Airstreams and what great memories of your time with your grandparents!

    1. It's We've volunteered in many of the booths throughout the years!

  9. I love all the old pictures, what wonderful memories. Hope you have a great weekend!

  10. I hope all goes well with your family members diagnosis. What a worrying time.
    What great answers and lovely to look back over your memories.

    1. Thank you! They hope to know more within the next few weeks as more and more of the test results come in.

  11. how fun to look back at these old photos! I am with you about diagnosis - it is nice to know what you are dealing with. Praying for the situation and all involved!

  12. The Airstreamers!! That is so cool. What a fun thing to be a part of. — April from

    1. It was so neat to see SO many of them all spread out in this HUGE field. They did such a great job with signage either that I don't think I ever got lost.

  13. I love those throwback photos. So much fun, Joanne,

  14. Love this post, you took me back a few years... in fact, I had to do a double take, I actually thought your fair was our fairgrounds here in Ohio. Then I read further and you mentioned Ohio! My grandparents also had a motor home, it was not an airstream, but in inside looked very similar to the one you show above. I enjoyed taking trips and visiting with my grandparents. Adam Sandler is one of my favorite actors too Joanne, I have heard he is very down to earth although I have never met him. What a fun post!

  15. Those are wonderful memories of summer and precious photos of your son. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  16. Happy Birthday to your son.

  17. I loved reading this, Joanne! I hope you get a diagnosis and treatment plan soon. And, the photo of all those Airstreams!! Wow! I love that you have these wonderful memories of trips with your grandparents. Thanks for playing along. I hope you'll come and link up on Sunday!

    1. Thank you, Marsha. They have narrowed it down to an auto-immune disease but they're waiting on a whole bunch of tests to come back before they can narrow it down any further.


  18. Thanks for kicking my Saturday morning off with a bit of Earth Wind and Fire. Loving those disco effects!

  19. So many wonderful memories with this post! Happy birthday to your son!

  20. Fun fact, Longwood Gardens is where I usually take my flower pictures! So I'm dying over your pics!! I think I know exactly where you guys are, with the Conservatory in the background! And they still have lots of fountains!

    1. I have never been back since that trip in... I think it was 1986 but in the last few years I've found myself wanting to go there more and more. I now love botanical gardens and wandering around just sounds lovely.

  21. These are always such fun posts -- a real look into one's life and a chance to know you better! What great things today!

  22. Love this and all the memories from September you shared!

  23. I've never seen or imagined so many air streams in one place! Didn't know they had these specifically for one type of trailer!!! You must have done a lot of work digging up those photos. Must have been a nice walk down memory lane for you :)

    1. It was a lot of fun! I just wish I had more photos to pick from as I know my grandmother was snapping away all week. She used to take rolls up on rolls of film with us everywhere.

  24. Sending positive thoughts for your family member! That's cool that your brother-in-law met Adam Sandler! You have some great memories with your grandparents. Hope you had a great weekend!

  25. Keeping your family member in my thoughts Joanne. I hope all goes well with their diagnosis.
    Loved sharing your memories with your grandparents. I had a great relationship with mine too!
    Hope you have a lovely week. :)

  26. I love all those old pictures.
    Toast toast is so funny.
    Sending positive thoughts to the family member with the diagnosis.

  27. I think birth of a beautiful baby would dominate the month for me. I hope he has a happy birthday! #MMBC

  28. I especially loved reading about your wonderful memories with your grandparents and seeing all those photos! And I laughed at the stupid question!

  29. Praying that your family member gets some answers soon! It is so frustrating getting shuffled around from doctor to doctor and never getting a diagnosis.

    1. Well, he saw the same doctor as he was in the hospital under the care of their neurologist but they did say it would take upwards of 2 weeks before all the test results come back and they have a better idea of what they're dealing with. But thank you so much for your prayers!! He's feeling better and back home now but everything is still very much in the air as to where to go from here...

  30. I hope that diagnosis happens soon. Time goes by so fast. Before I know it my girls will be driving too. My youngest daughter and I also have September birthdays. Thank you for sharing this wonderful post filled with memories with all of us over at Crazylittlelovebirds link party #4

  31. Keanu Reeves is another September birthday. In fact, we're birthday twins :-P.


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