What's Up Wednesday: November 2020 Edition

I know it's not the last Wednesday of the month but with the holiday here in the states next week I'll be taking a mini blogging break so I wanted to get my What's Up post published.  
What We're Eating This Week: 

Sunday: Spiral ham dinner with squash casserole and steamed broccoli

Monday: Shaved steak wraps with salad and butternut squash fries (frozen French fries for the boys)

Tuesday: Cheesy herb crusted pork chops with Rice a Roni, green beans, and corn

Wednesday: Tacos/ taco salad

Thursday: Chicken Noodle Soup with fresh bread (using this recipe for fastest no-knead bread)

Friday: Easy French bread pizzas and salad

Saturday: Pecan crusted chicken with roasted potatoes and acorn squash.

What I'm Reminiscing About: I was culling through all my old digital photos pulling together some Shutterfly calendars for Christmas and just fell down a rabbit hole.  

What I'm Loving: It sounds rather funny but I am loving these new Parisian themed sheets I found for Alec's bed.  Honestly I wanted to buy them for my own bed; they are just darling!  I love that he adores everything French/Paris just like I do.  

What We've Been Up To: With the beautiful weather we've been having I've been getting out for lots of short hikes and walks with the boys.

What I'm Dreading: The cold and snow and ice; we already had one small storm at the very end of October and I really hope that is not an indication that we'll have a super snowy winter.  

What I'm Working On: I've been working on making Christmas cards and Christmas gifts as well as finishing up my Christmas shopping! 

What I'm Excited About:  Thanksgiving next week! I can't wait for all the yummy foods followed by decking the halls the day after.  

What I'm Watching/Reading: So far I have read 6 pretty fabulous books this month but my favorite was The President Is Missing (so glad I pushed myself to read something I would usually just pass by).  My full book review won't be up on the blog until the 28th and I'm pretty sure I'll have plenty of other books added to the list by then. 

What I'm Listening to: I feel like I am always listening to my kids talking online with their friends.  

What I'm Wearing: We had some really warm days from the 5-10th and I broke my flip flops back out of my closet!  It was wonderful to see temps in the upper 70's again after we ended October with snow.  The rest of the time I'm wearing boots, sweaters, and jeans.  


What I'm Doing This Weekend: Probably just taking Alec to his karate class and then spending most of the weekend at home. 

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: Christmas baking and wrapping and prepping.  

What Else is New: Nothing.

Linking Up With: On the Edge, 


  1. Your meals always make my mouth water! Wish we could get that warm weather back just once more this year!

    1. Me too! I miss that warm weather and leaving the house without a coat.

  2. Well I clearly need to go to your house for dinner! And those old picture of your boys... too cute!!

  3. You have some delicious dinner ideas! I want to make those French bread pizzas. Have a great week!

    1. They are so good; especially when made with fresh French bread.

  4. Yummo on that food! I adore the throwbacks! Such cuties!

  5. Your menu sounds delicious and I can see how you fell down the rabbit hole looking through old photos of those darling boys!

  6. The weather here was like that too. Snow, and then 80s. I don't want it to be winter soon!

    1. I'm ready for a third set of 70/80 degree days but I don't think we'll see them again for some time.

  7. I LOVE your sweater! The boots too! Once it gets cold I will always be found in a sweater, jeans or leggings, and my duck boots!

  8. What's that duck?? I love ducks! Lol. Stephen King, oh that's a long time ago abs I also love James Paterson. Enjoy your week off!

    1. My son was obsessed with ducks for the longest time; which gradually morphed into all animals.

  9. Okay, you officially made me quite hungry!! LOL! Cute pictures of the children!! And LOVE the snow pictures...We had a mere dusting here today.....
    Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!! I really appreciate your kind words!!!

  10. The snow scene looks beautiful, but I'm sure it does seem like a long winter when that begins in October!

    1. It sure can feel long at times. We've really lucked out with mild winters the last couple of years so I'm a bit fearful we might be in for a long, snowy winter this year.

  11. I'm reading a few old books from the library and eyeing those yummy looking pizzas.

    It might end up being a cold, snowy winter in Idaho, we are due for one :(

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family - and keep taking pictures!

    1. I think we're due for a long snowy winter too since we've had such milk winters these past few years.

  12. I fully dread snow & ice. It makes me a nervous wreck

    1. I don't mind it as long as I don't have to go out in it!

  13. So much fun to read more about your week, Joanne! I love that you're creating picture books it's such a great gift idea. Your menu looks amazing too. I live in Florida so it was fun to see all your snowy scenes. It was super windy here and in the mid 60s and I wanted to break out the cable knit. Excited to see what you have in store for the holidays, CoCo

  14. How are you feeling, sugar plum? You sure look great!! Sounds like you are ready to celebrate the holidays. Good for you!!
    Hope you will share all the snow pictures once you start having winter weather. I am living vicariously through your snows!!
    Your boys were mighty cute young 'uns. And still very cute. Love the Mr. Potato Head glasses. One of my favorite photos of my oldest daughter is Brennyn in Mr. PH glasses.

    1. I'm feeling pretty good! I have three whole days without Motrin and have managed to add just a bit more movement in too.

  15. Great menu ideas, I can't wait to see what you make for Thanksgiving! Glad you're able to get a few more warm hikes in before the cold and snow hit.

    1. Thanks! We're hoping to head out on one today as we're supposed to have slightly warmer temps again today.

  16. I really enjoy seeing what you all eat! I had planned to take pics of this past week's meals since I had shopped a very budget friendly grocery trip but I forgot after the first 2 days!

    1. Thank you! I actually stole these photos from old recipes I've shared. I usually am so focused on getting food to the table that I usually don't remember to take photos at dinnertime.

  17. I can see why you fell down the rabbit hole with those pictures -- Adorable!!! And we've started to get out for some walks in the woods and I can see why you love it so much. The woods are beautiful this time of year.

  18. Your food always looks so amazing, Joanne! And those Paris sheets are too adorable! I had to chuckle at your photo rabbit hole...we all go down those every now and then and it is heartwarming! Thanks for linking with me.


    1. And yet we did just awful actually using our menu this week!

  19. So much to love about this post! I love your gray sweater. I love all the pictures of the boys. I love the short hikes. And I love all the meals! Glad you all are doing well.

    1. Thank you! I got that sweater on sale from Target and I just love it! I am doing really well and feeling better everyday.


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