My Favorite Summer Foods

This week's 26 Lists is all about summer foods.  While summer is not usually my favorite season I do love the foods of summer!  BBQ chicken, grilled steaks and burgers, delicious sides and nice cool frozen treats.  Summer foods make me smile!

Some of my all time favorite summer foods include:

Ice cream-- Maine black bear, moose tracks, coffee Heath bar crunch.... I like ice creams with a vanilla base and lots of chunks of stuff in it. 

Pasta and macaroni salads of all kinds!-- I try make mine with nonfat dressing or light mayonnaise to keep the points down and I love a good pasta salad loaded with vegetables and fruit.

Find the recipe here

Fish, chowder, and all things seafood-- While I do enjoy seafood year round there is something about summer and the sun and being by the ocean that just makes seafood even better.  I love a delicious clam chowder with freshly made clam fritters.  YUM!

Fresh fruits- there is nothing quite as sweet as freshly picked fruit and we enjoy almost all of them from strawberries to blueberries to peaches and more.  The bounty of fresh foods available in summer just can not be beat.

Grilled steaks, burgers, chicken, and fish-- I love the smell of grilling foods and that smoky, lightly charred flavor.

Check out this peachy BBQ Pork tenderloin recipe-- it's SO good! 

Garden fresh vegetables-- While I can not seem to grow my own vegetables, I sure do enjoy the bounty from other people's gardens.  I LOVE squash and zucchini and fresh picked tomatoes.  Peas and green beans and corn too.  They always taste so much better in the summer and we have so many favorite family recipes centered around them all-- like these sweet corn fritters.

Potato salad-- my grandmother always made the best potato salad and while I never think mine come out quite as well I really enjoy trying out new recipes.  So far our favorite potato salad that I've made is this loaded potato salad recipe.

Linking Up With: On the Edge,


  1. Summer food is so fun, and I am a huge fan of eating it in the great outdoors!

  2. I am with you on the seafood- will take it all!

    1. I STILL haven't had any clam cakes (which apparently are really fritters) yet this year and I've warned my husband that we need to remedy that soon. It's just not summer without them.

  3. Replies
    1. It's the best! Sadly my eczema does not agree.

  4. I pretty much love everything on your list starting from the ice cream all the way down to the loaded potato salad. I have a recipe from Paula Deen that I've been using for ages for the potato salad and it's delicious! Happy Summer to you.

    1. Oh I bet it's amazing; Paula Deen has some really fabulous recipes.

  5. These all look so yummy. I love summer foods too. My favorites are grilling out. We grill out almost every single day.

    1. Us too! Grilled meats with a few cold salad sides is the perfect summer meal.

  6. Great round up of summer foods, and I'll have to try corn fritters, never made them and they sound wonderful!

    1. They are really good! We had a bunch of leftover corn on the cob on year from a party and I started googling what to do with leftover corn when I found a recipe for fritters. My boys LOVE them!

  7. I am sooo hungry right now. Ha. I love ice cream and fresh fruit!

    1. I think I'm pretty much always hungry.. and blogging food posts always make me more so.

  8. I just had dinner and you’re still making me hungry! Summer freshness and ice cream are the BEST!

  9. The corn fritters are calling my name! We love icecream and fresh fruit too.

    1. I was hoping to make some last week but our leftover corn was eaten before I had a chance to make any.

  10. Oh my word, everything in this post looks so amazing! I like vanilla based ice cream with lots of good stuff thrown in as well! Right now my favorite to make at home is vanilla ice cream with a few spoonfuls of chunky peanut butter thrown in and then honey drizzled across the top. It is so good! Thanks for linking up!


    1. Oh that does sound good!! We haven't made our own ice cream yet this year. I just put the ingredients to do so on our grocery list.

  11. I think I bought the ingredients for your peach pork loin then forgot to make it!! Going to rectify that! Love the corn fritters. Delish.

    1. I've been trying to have some leftover corn all summer just so we can make corn fritters!


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