What's Up Wednesday: January 2020

Normally I'm kind of sad to put these posts together thinking about how fast another month has flown by but I'm not a huge fan of January and February so I'm pretty OK with how fast January flew right by!  Now it's time for What's Up Wednesday with Shay and Sheaffer.

What We're Eating This Week: 
Sunday: Haddock, rice, and roasted asparagus
Monday: Oven roasted chicken breast, green bean casserole, & salad.
Tuesday: Unsloppy joes with butternut squash fries and salad

Wednesday: Taco salad (and tacos for the boys)

Thursday: Chicken orzo soup
Friday: Ham steak, egg noodles, & corn
Saturday: Grilled filet steak, steamed broccoli, twice baked potatoes.

What I'm Reminiscing About: We're heading to Disney and Universal Studios next month and I have been thinking about all our old trips!

2007: I can't seem to find my pictures!  I just remember being pretty miserable with morning sickness and exhausted chasing around a 2 & 4 year old all day.

2009: (Evan was not even 2 yet so we made the tough decision to leave him at home with my mother- in law)

2010: Our first trip with everyone and Evan was terrified of all the characters; except Snow White and Dale.

2012: We had a lot of character photos since it was the first year NO ONE was afraid to meet them and they were perfectly happy posing.

2013: Our last trip; the boys have vivid memories of fighting Darth Vader and their absolute favorite breakfast at Chef Mickey (the one place we had to eat every single trip!).

What I'm Loving:  I started combining two different types of granola on my yogurt & fruit in the morning and I love the chocolate/ PB combo.

What We've Been Up To: Organizing most areas of the home and working on household projects.  Check out our pantry!

What I'm Dreading: I have to call and make yet another Doctor's appointment as I am still having quite a bit of pelvic pain (you can read about part 1 of my health saga here)

What I'm Working On: I started making my Valentine's Day cards and am tackling a new skill-- making a hat using a round loom

What I'm Excited About:
Our vacation next month. I can not wait for (hopefully!) warm weather and sunshine and blue skies!  I might be more excited for warm temps and sunshine than the actual parks but.... maybe not as I am a huge Disney and Harry Potter fan!

What I'm Watching/Reading:
With the new season of Grace and Frankie out I started watching the whole series from the beginning.  We're also watching Last Man Standing, America's Got Talent the Champions, and all our old favorite shows that are slowly coming back with new episodes.

I read 8 books this month; you can read about them here.

What I'm listening to: The boys and I are finishing up our book on CD: The Trials of Apollo; The Dark Prophecy.

What I'm Wearing: Lots of aqua green apparently!  I took all these photos this month and just had to laugh at how often I seem to have this new favorite color cropping up.

What I'm Doing This Weekend:
We don't have any plans for this weekend.

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month:
On top of our vacation we have hopes to tackle another one of the boys' bedrooms an swap out the carpeting for some vinyl plank flooring.  I can not wait!

What Else is New: Nothing much; with cold winter weather hanging around these past few weeks the boys and I have been sticking close to home. 


  1. I am making that taco salad!
    I am happy for you that you get to getaway from winter for a bit. I always think why don't we schedule vacations in the middle of winter but right now with our oldest at college, it isn't possible. The beauty of homeschooling! :)

    That is so funny that you favor aqua! It's a good color, so I get it. I feel like I favor gray or black. I need to change that for aqua! :)

    1. My boys are the ones that pointed out my phone case, yeti, and new bathing suit are aqua too! I have a ton of black and gray in my wardrobe too but I do like those pops of color... especially when it's so dreary and gray outside.

  2. You look amazing in aqua green! We had taco salad last week and I forgot how much I love them! Yours looks delicious. I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

  3. That teal color is my favorite too! I am making tacos tonight too. I'm jealous of your Disney plans! I love eating granola. I find it addictive though and then I eat too much of it.

    1. I am really strict with myself and my granola; only allowing myself a 1/4 cup on my yogurt. I do love granola and trail mix.. could easily eat it by the handful.

  4. Lovely pictures and your food looks so tasty, you are making me hungry :) Thanks so much for sharing your post with us at 40 Years Cousins Reunion In Brighton: Wordless Or Not So Wordless Wednesday Link up. Hope you can join us on Friday.

  5. Oh my goodness, have so much fun on your vacation!!! Those throwback pics are too cute. And I love that color on you. It's one of my favorite colors too!

  6. I'm not a huge fan of January either, but I am so thankful it's been a mild month for us weather wise. I feel like if we can make it past February we'll all be in a better place. I just love the spring and a fresh start! That's so fun you'll be in Disney next month! We've never been to Universal but think it would be a lot of fun when the kids get a little older. We're headed to Disneyland for the first time in a few weeks when we'll be visiting family in Cali.

    1. We've never been to Disneyland but we have family that lives in California and it does sound so fun. My boys are HUGE Harry Potter fans and while they don't seem to care much about anything else in Universal they love the Wizarding world so much and easily spent 2 full days there last time.

  7. You guys are going to have so much fun at Disney World! I wish we were going back soon. I am not a fan of January either and this one has been far too long. The unsloppy joes sound amazing and right up my alley. And that taco salad looks really delicious. Can you tell that I am hungry right now?

    1. I sure hope so; I'm just hoping and praying we all stay healthy until then because it seems like everyone we know is coming down with the flue!

  8. Those meals look delicious! I need to think outside the box and try some new dinners!

  9. Ooh, have fun at Disney. February is a great month to visit the parks. All your food looks delicious. Love your Valentine's card. And I recognize that green coat! It looks lovely on you.

    1. I sure hope I can get everyone here to be healthy enough to go now! We love visiting the parks in the "off" season but with so much sickness all around (and in our house!) I'm starting to wonder if we're going to make it there. :( Thanks for the heads up on that coat; I LOVE it!


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