Share 4 Somethings August

 Tomorrow is the last Saturday of the month and time for the Share 4 Somethings link up with Jennifer.

Once again we'll be sharing some things we've loved and/or disliked, accomplished, some things we've improved upon and/or that need improvement, and noticed


Loved: My creativity has come back in a big way this month and I completed another painting, worked on so many beautiful cards and scrapbook pages, and even tried my hand at a few new recipes (like making pickles and relish!-- though I am terrified of making my family sick... )

Disliked: I was deleting a bunch of old Google photos only to find that it erased many of them (from prior to 2017) off my blog posts as well so I've been working overtime trying to "fix" my old posts. Recreating many of the recipes I need photos for-- like our summer squash lasagna, waffled French toast, chicken/broccoli/rice casserole. 

Accomplished: We got Alec all moved in!

Something I've Improved Upon/or that Needs Improvement:
 By default I am improving upon many of the photos/collages for my old blog posts and cleaning up any old links that don't work. Since not all posts can be recreated I've been searching on Pinterest for photos from old posts that I may have pinned and that has caused me to delete many of my old pins that lead to the broken link of my old blog before I migrated over to this space. These are all little behind the scenes things that no one really knows or sees but it's making me feel so accomplished and good! 

Noticed: We noticed a lot of murals and public art spaces walking around Providence when dropping Alec off. I really liked this one that he can see from his school campus. 

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. Wow- you are accomplishing alot! Good luck fixing the rest of your photos- I understand what an undertaking that is

  2. Your cards are amazing! I really like your painting too. Great job!

  3. Good job on all of the creativity! And moving Alec in- I know it´s no easy or stress free task.

  4. What beautiful cards and painting! You are so creative! I once worked on changing the size of the pics in my first blog posts, they were too little, but I am not sure how far I went. It definitely takes time!

  5. My google is very full and I have been scared to delete anything for that reason! It's interesting how dorm rooms basically look the same across the whole country.

    1. I thought so too! Though I have seen a couple that look pretty different-- like Carly Jo's dorm on The Queen In Between. Her dorm is really cute and different.

  6. Murals in cities are so fun to see! Oh, I never thought about erasing pictures from Google would affect the blog! Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Every mention of taking Alec to college makes me pine a little for Rhode Island. We really loved our time there.

  8. How frustrating! I hope you get your photos sorted.
    I love all of your arty projects, you have been very creative.
    Have a lovely weekend Joanne. 😊

  9. Oh that can take so much time, when you want to find the old photos. But good thing about old links. Enjoy your weekend.

  10. You have been very creative, you are so talented.
    Oh no! That is rubbish that you deleted those photos. I never mess with Google photos just to be safe. Eek! At least it's a good excuse to recrate the older recipes. I really should check my broken links, it's one of those jobs that I never get around to.

    1. I never had before either and now I really regret it.

  11. Cleaning up photos and blogs is a never ending task, right?? People just don't realize.

    1. It really is; I try to go through every couple of years and make sure everything is staying current but the longer I blog the more posts there are to go through!

  12. Hi, Joanne - Thank you for being a regular contributer to #WBOYC. Your painting and cards are absolutely beautiful. You are very talented!

  13. WOW re your painting and cards. Just wow ... and be kind to yourself as you miss your boy. It's a big deal when they move out.

  14. It sounds like August has been full of creative highs and some challenging lows!
    Your new painting and crafting projects sound wonderful.
    I hope Alec’s move went smoothly and that the murals in Providence added a nice touch to your month.
    Looking forward to seeing more of your work!

  15. Oh no about the photos! I use, which has frustrating technical glitches that make me crazy! Is Blogger connected to Google? Getting Alec all moved in was a fantastic accomplishment. I hope he is settling in well. Have a great weekend!

  16. That's annoying about your photos Jo. That would do my head in. I love that mural.

    1. I just had a feeling as I was doing it... and I should have followed my gut!

  17. That painting that you did is beautiful! You're so talented, my friend. I need to find a hobby for my nights; I love to paint, but I need something as a guide. Technology can be such a pain sometimes, though it is also something I'm grateful for. Have I mentioned how glad I am that you mentioned the hand truck that you used to move Alec into his dorm with? I love it and have used it multiples times for work! That was one of the best purchases I've made all year.

    1. Aw, thank you! I typically pic a photograph to use as my guide (or a magazine photo) that way it's already in 2-d and then I might use a bit of artistic license to change a few things around. I am so glad that hand truck came in handy! I used it for moving in (while my husband piled up and hauled everything else) and I thought it was quite useful.

  18. The food all looks so yummy! I loved the murals in Providence..they do have a lot of good ones. That is so frustrating about the blog photos. I really need to check mine now! I'm glad Alec is all moved in. How is it going? I hope you're having a great holiday weekend!

    1. He actually had a pretty rough first week-- his schedule was all screwed up, his laptop got hacked and he had to close out his bank account (and come home to fix it!), plus he's finding that his classes start before the dining halls open so he's often skipping meals.. then last night his roommate contacted him all panicked because while they combine laundry one of his chef jackets got a huge blue stain from something in the wash. All easily fixable things but definitely adding stress onto a big change he was already dealing with.

  19. I love the look of the ingredients in the summer lasagne. It looks delicious!

  20. Joanne, Thank you for your weekend coffee share. You're a talented and creative person, not just painting and card making but also in the kitchen.

  21. Wow, Joanne! I didn't know you were an artist and very talented. Thanks so much for sharing with us at #WBOYC? Have a lovely September. x

    1. Aw, thank you! I minored in fine arts in college and really wanted to be an art teacher but life took me down other paths. I had let my painting go for years and have been working at getting some of those long dormant skills back.

  22. I'm so sorry to hear about your photos! That can be so frustrating! There is so much work that goes on behind the scenes. I wish I had more time and more tech knowledge!

  23. Replies
    1. It really is... but I'm trying to tackle it in very small increments.

  24. What a beautiful painting and your cards and scrapbook page all look so wonderful too!
    How frustrating though that you accidentally deleted photos! Love how Alec's dorm room turned out!

  25. Your painting (and all your creative pursuits) is beautiful! Glad you've been able to enjoy time working on those projects. I've actually been putting off the project of decluttering my google photo albums because it might make a mess of my older blog posts. I need to do a lot of blog and photo decluttering and I'm having a tough time figuring out a manageable way of tackling it. I love that you spun that to a positive by feeling accomplished for getting that behind-the-scenes work done! Hope you have a great September!

  26. You are very creative and productive this summer. I like all your creations. I'm so sorry to hear about your photo problems. If you no longer have the photos, check out Pinterest. If you pin each post, the photo pinned is saved on Pinterest. I hope that helps. #MMBC

    1. Thank you! Yeah, I have been finding may of the old photos on Pinterest and that has saved me some time aggravation.

  27. Thanks Joanne for sharing your post with us for #WBOYC, I wish you well for having your son move away, it can be hard!

  28. Oh my word, I would be DEVASTATED if I lost photos on my blog. I wonder how the heck that happened?! That is awful! I would have been freaking out!

    1. Luckily so far I haven't found any missing photos of the kids-- but some of my recipes are definitely blank now and lots of the titles I used to make on my old homeschooling posts are all gone. Luckily I stopped every few "months" worth of photos to check and see if it was hurting the blog in any way so it could have been a lot worse if I had kept on going.

  29. Reviewing and reviving old blog posts is a project in itself. One of things I've learned in blogging is to revive (reblog) a post from way back when -- though I haven't done one yet. I think it could be a fun thing to do because you recorded how you felt then and in the reblog, you could write about how you feel now. I know have plenty of "hits" that have aged or haven't aged well. Or maybe to reword "haven't aged well" -- more like how I've grown since then.

    1. Oh definitely! I went through some of my very first posts years ago and was surprised at how boring they were-- written like diary entries with zero photos and long paragraphs. It took a lot of work to overhaul them as best I could after the fact.

  30. awesome on the creativity..whoo hoo. I need to go through and delete photos on my computer and phone...especially doubles. I have wondered if I delete them off my computer and they were used on my blog if that messes things up...thoughts? I know I have old posts that need revamping...sometimes I don't know if I should bother...I don't have a big following, but I'd like them all to work.

    1. Thank you! Most of the photos I deleted didn't affect my blog at all but then others left gigantic spots where you can tell the photos were deleted... however, I noticed it only affected blog posts written before 2016/2017-- all the other photos I deleted from the last 7 years didn't do anything to the blog at all.


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