Waffled French Toast

We had some leftover fresh bread last week and it had been awhile since I had made waffled french toast for the boys.  So I grabbed all the ingredients and set to work.

It's such a simple and quick breakfast and using the waffle maker helps make the french toast nice and crispy.

To make waffled French toast you will need:

Leftover Italian or French Bread
3 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1 tsp. cinnamon
Waffle iron
non- stick spray

In a shallow dish mix up eggs, milk and cinnamon.

Slice bread:

Coat both sides of the bread with the egg mixture.

Spray the waffle maker with non- stick spray and then lay the bread slices on the waffle maker and gently squeeze it shut.

 When the waffle maker indicates that it is ready pull out the french toast.

We like to top ours with butter, syrup, strawberries or whipped cream. This time I went for just butter and whipped cream.  YUM!

Linking Up With:

Friendship Friday


What's for Dinner-


  1. This looks yummy! But it's not why I'm here, you've won the Kwik Stix give away over at Learning Curve! Congratulations! Please email your mailing address to me at tjohuffman at verizon.net

    1. Thank you and Wow! I don't think I've ever won anything before.

  2. Making it in the waffle iron is a nice twist to a classic recipe. THanks for sharing on #TastyTuesdays

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I find that the waffle maker gives it an added bit of crunch.

  3. This idea is brilliant!
    I NEED a waffle maker!

  4. I've been thinking of getting a waffle maker for a while. You might have just pushed me over the edge. Now I'll be looking for a Black Friday waffle maker sale!

    1. LOL! Well, I hope you enjoy it if you do get one.

  5. I have some leftover homemade bread from our dinner yesterday. This looks like a great way to use it up!

    1. This would be a great way to use up leftover bread.

  6. I do this too and the family likes it better than waffles, mmmmm!

    1. I do like waffles better but I don't typically like French toast; this makes it nice and crispy so it's my favorite way to prepare French toast.

  7. What a great and delicious idea!! I'd love to have you share at our what's for dinner party! http://www.lazygastronome.com/whats-dinner-sunday-link-party-124/

  8. This looks fantastic, thanks for sharing


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