What's Up Wednesday in June (2024)

It's the last Wednesday of the month and that means it's time for What's Up Wednesday. It has been such a busy month and such a great one! 

What We're Eating:

Monday: Pesto Pasta with veggies and salad

Tuesday: Waffles (double batch of our favorite recipe found here), fruit, bacon, & eggs.

Wednesday: Pulled pork sandwiches with crunchy, sweet coleslaw salad, & fries

Thursday: Spinach ravioli and sauce with veggies from our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture farm box).

Friday: Chicken/ tofu stir- fry with fresh veggies and rice. 

Saturday: Hot dogs &/or burgers with salad and BBQ macaroni salad

Sunday: I'm sure my husband will be smoking some sort of meat and we'll probably grill up some veggies from our box we get from the farm along with some cheesy grilled potatoes.

What I'm Reminiscing About: I haven't been reminiscing about anything this month as we've all been looking forward; not back. 

What I'm Loving:  Lots of yummy salads for lunch & dinner! 

tossed salad with orange slices, sunflower seeds, raisins, and croutons.

Tossed salad with a small scoop of homemade pasta salad on top (and just 3 or 4 croutons)

Tossed salad with pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, raising, and croutons

What We've Been Up To: It was such a fun month! We started with Alec's graduation party here at the house and about 30 other people. Then my husband and I spent 4 glorious days hiking in Acadia National Park in Maine. We arrived home just in time for Alec's final week of graduation prep and we had his friends over a few nights to decorate their caps. Then the actual graduation ceremony itself-- all that by the 14th! Then we spent the rest of the month relaxing and falling into a new summer routine.

grad party:

Fisherman's platter-- I love seafood

Penobscot mountain

Grad week:
senior awards night

we had ALL the crafting supplies out for hat decorating night(s)

What I'm Dreading: Nothing! 

What I'm Working On: I spent most of my month making cards (mostly thank you cards!) and putting together graduation and father's day gifts. 

My "go to" grad gift those those kids not heading off to a college dorm was a mason jar with candies and some money decorated with a grad cap theme. 

What I'm Excited About: We have lots of fun planned over the next week and half and I can't wait to see our friends and spend time with family. 

What I'm Watching/Reading: I don't feel like I watched much TV this month.  We did watch Hit Man (Netflix), several more episodes of Royal Pains (Netflix), I started rewatching Cougar Town (Hulu) when blogging and trying to go to sleep, and we finished up 9-1-1 (Hulu) & The Rookie (Hulu).  We went to the movies to see Bad Boys 4 and then watched Wanderlust (Netflix) & Bad Boys 3 (Hulu).

I did manage to read another 12 books this month! I'll have my review of them all up next Thursday with the Share Our Shelves link up I co-host (even though it's a holiday we'll have the link up ready to go 4th of July morning at 5 am EST!). 

What I'm Listening to: I'm working on finishing up my latest audiobook: Only the Beautiful before it's due back tomorrow. 

What I'm Wearing: A little bit of everything! 

What I'm Doing This Weekend: The younger boys and I are heading to the beach overnight next week so I'm pretty sure I'll be packing and preparing some yummy foods to take with us and share with our friends. 

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: 2 days at the beach with our friends, 4th of July parties, my birthday! 

What Else is New: Nothing much. 

Linking up with:


  1. Your salads look really good! You have had a busy and good month- all the grad ¨things¨ turned out really well. Throwing in a trip on top of everything didn´t seem to cause you to skip a beat!

    1. Thank you! The trip really didn't throw me off at all since there wasn't much for ME to do leading up to graduation and his party was already behind us. It really ended up all working out perfectly and it was a wonderful getaway.

  2. Your salads look delicious! And oh my goodness -- you've had a full month! I hope you get some relaxation time in July.

  3. You had a fun month for sure! It’s great to hear that Alec had a wonderful graduation celebration. The trip away with your husband sounds like it was a great way to relax before all of the fun graduation prep. I love your salads and all your food always looks so fresh, delicious and healthy. Enjoy your time at the beach this weekend!

    1. It was the perfect relaxation before all the hoopla!

  4. Congrats on your son's graduation! What a fabulous month this was for you and your family!


  5. Such an exciting time for all of you! Love Alec's cap- came out great! Your summer outfits scream perfection to me and you are a reading machine!

  6. What a great month! I love your go to grad gifts. Also love your outfits!

  7. What a June to remember! I am amazed you read all those books in the midst of so many other things. So glad you are finally enjoying summer!

    1. It sure was! I was surprised at how many books I got through too; though I did listen to a lot of them as I was cleaning and cooking.

  8. Great post! I'm always so hungry after I see all of your delicious photos.

  9. Wow, great times and lots of memories made! That pesto pasta salad sure caught my eye ..

  10. You always have fun plans! And so many great looking recipes! ❤️

  11. Another month of cute outfits!! Oh my and such good eating! Everything looks so delicious. I must be hungry. Isn't this just the best time for salads!! I am trying to get caught up on blogging and blog reading - but it sounds like your summer is going great! Hooray for a wonderful June! Here's to all the summer feels continuning in July!!

    1. Thank you so much! I do love all the fresh produce this time of year.

  12. Congratulations on Alec's graduation. And your salads look amazing.

  13. Your salads look delish! I eat a lot of salads, and my hubs enjoys them too which is nice. July feels like real summer to me. June is still just a precursor lol. Our June has been busy but July is all about the lake plus both of my girls and all my grands will come and I can't wait for that! Enjoy your day!

    1. Aw, thanks! That's very true; I think I'm just thrown by last week's heat wave that really made it feel so much like summer.

  14. Y'all have been all kinds of busy this month!! All good things, though!

  15. How fun to go to the beach! Have a blast

    1. I hope so! We usually do; the family we meet up with (and all their family and friends!) are just so sweet.

  16. I always enjoy your end of month posts and admire your what I'm wearing pics. Lots to eclebrate for you this month, plenty of lovely family things and a seafood plate that looked very yummy indeed.

  17. The beach - how fun! The graduation festivities and trip to Maine made it an extra special month!

  18. You had such a busy month! I don't know how you remember it all! We just watched The Hit Man and really liked it! I don't know if I even finished two books this month. I just can't get my reading mojo back.


    1. Aw, that's too bad; but it's probably because your mind is so preoccupied with everything going on with Nigel. I find I read a lot less when I'm battling worry and stress.

  19. What a busy month you had! It looks like the perfect mix of busy but also relaxing (especially the trip to Maine!). Your cards are absolutely beautiful and I can't wait to read your book reviews!

  20. What a great month you've had Joanne! Those salads look delicious as do all the other meals. You're doing really well with your new eating lifestyle! Funny to see you in your summer gear when we're all in our winter gear here though it doesn't really get terribly cold here. So nice to see families together crafting and having fun! Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy - enjoy the rest of your week and have a fabulous weekend! xo

  21. I would love to visit Acadia National Park! My small group leader visited last year and it sounded so nice! Also, I'd love to hear what you thought of The Paradise Problem and Funny Story!

    1. It is such a beautiful park. I really enjoyed both Funny Story and The Paradise Problem. They made for some fun summer reading.

  22. A graduation - that is huge isn't it? Your healthy eating recipes look delicious and inspiring. It really is just a matter of changing lifestyle and healthy eating certainly doesn't have to be boring. Enjoy your week. x

    1. It really is a bit milestone! I can't believe he's off to college and living in a dorm away from home next year...

  23. Those salads look so good! I'm impressed with all of your reading. Way to go! I love all of the crafted hats. That look really fun!

  24. What a wonderful month. Loved all the activities around the graduation too.

  25. You have had an amazing month! I want to go to Maine so badly! I got to thinking that I haven't even had many dinners out so far this summer and my hub and I definitely need to do that a few times.

    1. I find we eat out a lot more in spring and summer-- probably because it's not so dark and cold and I actually feel like leaving the house! LOL

  26. Acadia has been on my bucket list forever! Congrats oon graduation....looks like he was well celebrated.

    1. Thank you! He had a wonderful graduation and party. Acadia is such a pretty area.

  27. ...Joanne, you certainly packed a lot of excitement into June. Take care and have a fun and safe summer.

  28. Those waffles sound so good and the pulled pork sandwiches.
    You have had such a great month, with so much going on. There is a lot to reminisce about.

  29. Such a fun and busy wrap up! Love your outfits!


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