Alec's High School Graduation

 All the students had to be at graduation an hour early, and in fact Alec's class of culinary students had to be at the school an hour and a half early since the Chef's culinary awards had not come in on time for him to hand them out earlier in the day as he had planned. 

Alec had just enough time to come home from school, decompress and tell me all about his day, where to sit, what to expect, etc. then he dressed and headed out. 

We got to the school at 4 and were able to sit right where Alec explained to me. 

Promptly at 5 the students proceeded in and luckily Alec is so tall he was easy to spot!

They started with the pledge and then this girl sang the national anthem acapella and did an amazing job!

They had a few short speeches by the principal, the class president, the salutatorian and (pictured below) their valedictorian. 

Diploma recipients are called up by shop and names are read off in alphabetical order much like at a college graduation so I knew when to expect Alec and all his friends (though I did miss a few of them)..

Not sure if you noticed but all his friends (and the person handing him his diploma) all looked down the center aisle where the photographer was set up but Alec knew where I was sitting and that I had my own camera so he looked right at me and smiled. 

The graduates on the other side of the aisle cross the stage in the opposite directions so the photos of his friends that are in hairdressing didn't turn out nearly as well. 

But in no time at all they were moving their tassels..

and tossing caps

in fact they kept catching them and tossing them again; over and over. 

The students were dismissed first and each group headed to their own shop to pick up the actual diploma paper as they really had only been given the diploma holder during the ceremony. 

We took photos with family and friends-- inside because it was pouring out!

My mother in law and my mom

My step-father

I LOVED seeing all the decorated caps!

Alec really hit it off with the hairdressing teacher his freshman year and nearly picked hairdressing. He stopped in to visit her every single day!

We realized once we were home we never got a photo of him with Chef but Alec reminded me that part of the awards and gifts chef gave them included a group photo from their field trip earlier in the year (as well as a very nice Ellis Tech Alumni sweatshirt and an Ellis Tech weekender bag). 

He also got this culinary medal that was given to the whole class and the Chef's award for always going above and beyond in his work. 

We were in the car and headed back home by 6:30 so all in all it was a pretty short ceremony and a quick night! 

You can read about his graduation party here if you missed yesterday's post.

Linking up with: Tuesdays with a Twist, Spread the Kindness/On the Edge, 


  1. Congrats to all of you! Such an exciting time! It also seems that the ceremony was short and sweet which you gotta love :)

    1. Thank you! We were thrilled that it was such a short and sweet ceremony because those wooden bleachers are definitely not that comfortable.

  2. It looks really nice! We really need a technical high school like this. I think so many kids would thrive in this setting!

    1. The above comment was Amy from

    2. Thank you! I think it really is an awesome program and am so happy that our tiny little state has 17 of them! Each school has slightly different programs and offerings too.

  3. Congratulations to your son! Graduations are such happy events. (:

  4. Congrats to the GRADUATE!!!! Thats always so fun - & emotional - to see them move on to the next phase in life.

    1. Thank you! While none of us were emotional about this change we did see lots of tears in the halls that night.

  5. Congrats Alec!! What a special day for the family. I remember my class in high school had about 625 kids and it took forever!!

    1. Wow! That is a lot of students; Alec's school is actually considered quite large for our area where most class sizes average around 100.

  6. Congrats to all!! I love your outfit for the graduation, it looks so good on you!

    1. Thank you so much! I actually got quite a few compliments on it that night.

  7. Congrats to Alec! What a fun and special ceremony. Love his award for going above and beyond!

  8. Very nice. Congrats to him and your family.

  9. How wonderful! Congratulations to Alec and you all!! You're lucky it was quick, those can go on for hours!! This looked like such a nice ceremony!

    1. Thank you; we were thrilled that it was nice and short and sweet.

  10. What a wonderful graduation. Congratulations!!

  11. Oh how awesome! Happy graduation to him! I know you are such a proud momma!!

  12. Congratulations to Alec and proud family!

  13. Congratulations to Alec! That's so amazing! What's his favorite dish/treat to make?

    1. He likes to make croissants and other complicated pastries like that.

  14. Congratulations to Alec and you all! He did a great job orienting himself so you could get a terrific photo of him getting his diploma.

  15. Gosh, how proud you must be. What an accomplishment and I can't wait to see how he progresses.
    PS I loved that he looked at you for the photos.

  16. Congratulations to Alec! I didn't realize Alec attended a technical high school, that's so cool! I wish more states offered that!

    1. Thank you! I wish more states did too; they are such great programs.

  17. Congratulations!! How exicting...Alec looks so happy (rightfully so)! Good job, Mom! I know you are so proud (again, rightfully so)! :)

  18. Oh, I love that he almost became a hairdresser! How sweet. Such a big day! Congratulations to Alec! ❤️

  19. Congratulations! I love how everyone decorated their caps.

    1. Me too! We saw some really fun and creative ones that night.

  20. What a lovely graduation ceremony, filled with lots of thoughtful touches! Congrats again to Alec, and his proud parents, too!

  21. Congratulations! What a privilege to be invited along. Aloha to you all

  22. I think this is a wonderful way to graduate students! My granddaughter's class is over 1200 kids, and I know the graduation will be held on the football field. Even though she'll only be a sophomore next year, I'm already beginning to dread the thought of sitting on those bleachers for that length of time!

    1. Holy cow! That is a huge class! Graduation was supposed to be outside but we had thunderstorms in the forecast and it's a good thing they moved it indoors since it poured like crazy.

  23. Congratulations to Alec, his friends and all of you! Fantastic photos!

  24. Three cheers to Alec! And I loved the party post, too!

  25. Congratulations to Alec, and to you his parents! That's a big change in your lives too. Loved the photos and that the ceremony was reasonably short!! Denyse

  26. Congratulations! Looks like a great ceremony.

  27. Congratulations to your son on his wonderful achievement! And congratulations to you Joanne and your husband for raising such a fine young man. My goodness he is talli isn't he? Lovely to see photos from such a happy day! Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy - hope you have a wonderful weekend! xo

  28. Congrats to Alec - you must be so proud of him! I loved the pics of all the hats in the air. What a happy day!

  29. Congratulations to Alec! You did a fabulous job of documenting the memories as well.


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