Alec's High School Graduation Party

Knowing Alec was going to be the only one to have a "real" graduation from high school and that he had made so many friends over the past 4 years at school we decided to throw him a fairly large grad party (large by our standards anyway-- Ian had 10 people at his graduation celebration). We invited upwards of 50 people and had 40 confirmed yeses. 

We planned his party for the Saturday 2 weeks before his actual graduation knowing that his friends would all be busy with their own parties and celebrations the weekend of actual graduation. We sent out the invitations a full month in advance and just before filling them out we decided to change the time of the party from mid-day to later (from 3-8) since so many of his friends work-- it was perfect since we had most of the day to set up and decorate and get ready. 

A table with a fun game, a stuffed animal & a matte for everyone to sign

Our food tables before the party started

gift table with card basket

We decorated the patio

Photo banner; we had a slideshow playing inside too on the big TV in our basement

Everyone began showing up right around 3. We had a mix of old homeschooling friends, his high school friends, and family. 

We stuck with burgers, hot dogs, pulled pork and lots of chips and salads for the meal at Alec's request. 

I made the pasta salad, my mom brought the fruit salad, my mother in law brought potato salad and my husband's step mother brought a large tossed salad. 

We had made a lot of desserts ourselves and a bunch of Alec's friends ended up showing up with desserts too! My husband's step mother made her famous brownies.

This cheesecake one of the 11th graders made was a HUGE hit!

As were my grad cupcakes

Everyone had a great time and a few of Alec's friends stayed long after the party had officially ended. 

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  1. It looks like it was a great party! So good that you got help with the salads. I love the grad cupcakes.

    1. Thank you! I was so thankful for all the offers of help and that I finally took people up on them when I usually don't.

  2. You live in such a beautiful spot Jo - and it's the perfect place for a large gathering. Sitting out by the water, eating all that lovely food, it looks absolutely perfect - even the weather came to the party and gave you sunshine and blue skies. Congrats to the new graduate. :)

    1. Aw, thank you! We really lucked out with perfect weather.

  3. Parties with food brought by an assortment of people is always fun. It looks like a beautiful way to celebrate the happy occasion. Your home is so lovely! #MMBC

  4. What a great party! The set up and scenery were perfect- are those picnic tables near the water yours and are they always there? They seem like a perfect place to eat. How fun that many of the guests brought food- I guess when you and your friends are foodies, that is likely to happen :).

    1. Yes, those are picnic table and no they aren't usually there. My father in law was in the process of building 10 of them for the campground and offered to loan us a few for the day-- he even delivered them! I hadn't anticipated so many of Alec's friends bringing food but it really did make sense when I stopped to think about it.

  5. Oh wow! What an amazing party! Well done with all the organising! The decorations look fab and the food too. I am glad everyone had a great time.

  6. You have a great place for a party and your food set up is perfect! So glad you went all out. I'm sad that we weren't able to do this in 2020 for our twins. I think 3-8 is perfect!

  7. Looks like a great party! My son is entering his senior year and forever, I foresaw him having a big party like this but I'm guessing his will be closer to only 10 people too. And that's ok; it is what it is.

    1. That is okay; I've learned that all my boys are vastly different with different personalities and what works for some does not work for others. My oldest would have hated a big party like this.

  8. So much fun.

  9. Looks like an amazing celebration!

  10. What a great celebration! I'd like a bite of each dessert, they look incredible, especially your cupcakes.

  11. Looks like a great party! The food looks delicious and that’s great that the kids stayed to hang out afterwards. You were smart to have it a little early.
    Sarah @ Sunshine & Books

    1. I LOVED that I got to really enjoy his graduation and I even said to my husband that it was so nice to sit and take photos and not have to worry about a huge to do list to get a party together afterwards-- it was already done!

  12. Looks like a great party. Congratulations to Alec!

  13. Oh, this looks like a delightful time! I love the cupcakes--so darling. What a great celebration. Thanks for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #40 linkup. Hope to see you next week for #41. Have a lovely week.

    1. I loved those adorable cupcakes! I was so glad they turned out so well.

  14. Oh wow, that is a fabulous party! Your sons are so lucky to have you as their parents!

  15. Replies
    1. I think everyone had a really great time and both my husband and I even had time to sit and enjoy it.

  16. How lovely! AND you had beautiful weather, too! ❤️

    1. We really did luck out with the perfect weather!

  17. That was smart to have it before the other parties!! 🎉🎉

    1. Thanks! I was just saying to my husband at graduation that it was nice to be so relaxed too and not have to worry about throwing a party soon since it was already done. I felt like I was able to really focus and not have a million things running through my head as part of my to do list.

  18. Your cupcakes are so cute! Looks like a fun party and the timing was right. Glad it was a great day for all!

  19. Your patio/lake is such a beautiful setting for a party. Looks like great weather too!

  20. Joanne, what a great party! All the food looks amazing, along with the decor and view! So happy for y'all and glad it was fun night to celebrate Alec!

  21. Congrats to the New Grad!! Everything looks so yummy ...Perfect place for a party and it looks like everyone had a great time!! Thanks for sharing and thanks so much for stopping by!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  22. Congratulations to Alec! I think, should you ever need a job, you definitely have a future in party planning! It all looks wonderful!

    1. I've always thought that would be such a fun job!

  23. Looks like the perfect Grad party... I bet Alec had lots of fun! I was impressed by the cheesecake made by an 11th grader (!) and your cupcakes looked so festive!

  24. Many congratulations to Alec..everything looks super delicious...looks like everyone had a great time..thanks for sharing the pics dear :-)
    The Art Diary

  25. I should have shared my son's grad party on the blog! It was a success too with lots of his friends coming and every one having a great time. Having an indoor and outdoor space was great for the number of people there and because it was hot. We had Cornhole and a couple other games and we did the party with one of his friends. Glad Alec's party was a success too!

  26. Very nice. Looks like a wonderful time was had by all.

  27. What a fun party! The food looks delicious!

  28. That is definitely a large crowd to have at your house! You provided such a comfy space and lots of yummy food so I'm sure everyone enjoyed it! It looks like it was a great time!

  29. Great idea to have the party early. The cakes look delicious. Congratulations to Alec. The photos you took are lovely.


  30. Joanne, congrats to your sons graduation! How fun to have a party at home for him and all the food looks amazing.

  31. What a fun time! Very special. Your cupcakes, those looked pretty and good :)
    Take care and best wishes.

  32. Well done! The best part? Everyone looked relaxed and that says it all!


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