Acadia 2024 Trip Days 4 & 5

 Wednesday we decided to do something a little bit different so after breakfast we had an hour to just hang around and relax on the front lawn before walking down to the harbor for a sailing cruise. 

Breakfast was a blueberry tart

Homemade croissants & shakshuka with scrambled eggs

It was a beautiful day for a sail and we motored out to the Ambergris with our captain Patrick and the other couple that had booked the sail trip too. 

bear island lighthouse

seals sunning themselves on the rocks

After our sail we went to lunch

We split the fisherman's platter

It was a lovely view

We ran to the local bakery to pick up some fresh bread to bring home and then decided to head off for an afternoon hike. We took the trail Hunters Brook up to the Triad summit. 

The trail runs alongside the brook for quite some time

We had to cross the brook quite a few times but the water was low at each crossing so it was easy. 

The Alltrails app showed it as an out and back trail but we saw this sign on the other side of the rock and spied a few cairns so we decided to take the Triad trail/Van Santvoord trail down to where it meets the carriage roads. 

We walked up the carriage road and then picked up the Hunters Brook trail for the rest of the walk back. 

We never saw a single person the whole hike! It was just over 4 miles long and by the time we finished we were starving. 

We headed back to the B&B, took showers, and got dressed for dinner. It started sprinkling.. and by the time we reached the car it was pouring. 

We decided to alter our original plans to head to Bar Harbor (since we knew we'd have to walk pretty far from the parking lot for the restaurant we wanted) and head to a local hotel right down the road that looked pretty online. The food was delicious and the views were amazing! 

It was called Little Fern located inside The Claremont hotel. 

sour dough with herbed butter

Halibut with balsamic glaze and veggies

peanut butter mousse 

We were up much too early on our last day but hung around for one last breakfast before heading home. It was nice to get to visit with Dora and Daniel a bit before we left (Dora and Daniel run the B&B and are the sweetest people!).  

We drove for just under 4 hours before stopping in Kittery, Maine for some shopping and lunch. We tried a new place this time for lunch called When Pigs Fly- they make my favorite bread with just a handful of REAL ingredients baked fresh each day. 

I got the turkey BLT on their Cranberry bread with a salad

 We made one last stop for ice cream before heading on our way home-- making sure to pick up groceries for the morning. 

I FINALLY got my Maine Black Bear ice cream (vanilla with raspberry swirls and cups of raspberry filled chocolates)

Days 1 & 2

Day 3

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. Love that you got out on the water! Everything you eat looks delicious. Thanks for sharing your time away!

    1. It was so peaceful out sailing; we had never been sailing before.

  2. More pretty views! Your hike looks like another good one and how nice that the rain held off until after your planned outdoor activities. Your food all looks so good- good food and exercise with a side of beauty- I need to get to Acadia!!

    1. Yes, the timing of the rain couldn't have been more perfect.

  3. Looks like a great time.

  4. The sailing cruise sounds like fun, what amazing views. All of the food looks so good.
    What a wonderful time that you had.

  5. Replies
    1. I keep joking that if it weren't for the horrible winters I'd happily move to Maine.

  6. All of the food pictures are the best! That blueberry tart - YUM! I bet that was delicious! I'm glad y'all had such a great time!

    1. We had some amazing food for sure; Daniel is a genius and I love that they alternate between a sweet day and a savory day for our main course at breakfast.

  7. I love how you guys get away and enjoy life!

  8. Such beautiful photos of the water and enticing food shots.

    You exemplify "carpe diem."


  9. Joanne, you and your husband look like teenagers in that picture! I love it so much. What a lovely vacation. ❤️

  10. What a great trip! Any time spent on the water is wonderful.

  11. What a wonderful trip. I'm definitely saving this for future reference! Just wish it weren't so far away from us down here in Texas!

    1. Yeah, even our 6 hour drive feels looong at times... usually when we're heading home! LOL.

  12. I thought, for a moment, under those bubbles in the water, was a whale! What a fun day...a trip on a sailing ship! Did you have to do anything, or did you just get to enjoy it? I always love photos with waterfalls in them. Your vacation was just about perfect, I'd say...especially with that final ice cream!

    1. We didn't see any whales but we did spot a dolphin a time or two along with the seals and plenty of birds. We just got to sit back an enjoy the trip; the captain has all the ropes rigged in a way that allows him to control them all from where he sits to steer (but even he didn't have to do much work once he set us on course).

  13. What a wonderful trip! Lots of hiking with stunning sights along the way, delicious food, charming settings and a sailboat cruise! Your sailing trip brought back memories of the times we've chartered a sailboat on Lake Superior - some of our favorite memories with our girls! Thanks so much for sharing!

  14. I loved all the pictures especially the water and lighthouse.

  15. How fun! I've never been on a sailboat before. All that food looks amazing!

    1. Thank you! It was a lot of fun and felt very different and calming compared to a motorboat.

  16. Beautiful photos. That poached egg dish looks amazing!

  17. The two days look fantastic. Beautiful photos of nature and food. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  18. I like shakshuka and it sounds especially good with scrambled eggs! Love the seals and the lighthouse!

    1. We were so excited to spot the seals! It's amazing how many lighthouses dot Main's coastline.

  19. I've been on several different kinds of boats, but never a sailboat. It looks fun.

    1. It was a lot of fun; we've been on many kind of boats before too but it was our first sailing trip.

  20. Thank you for letting me joine you at your trip

  21. The food, the views all beautiful. When you were on the sail boat, did the sails make loud flapping sounds? When I was scrolling thru the photos, I could hear the flapping! :)
    Thank you for sharing. For someone who does not travel much, seeing these images is the next best thing!

    1. They made some flapping sounds for sure; but once they were filled they were quiet.

  22. Hope stunning, esp the sailing part!

  23. I love shakshuka but I would need a larger pan because I can eat quite a bit in one sitting.

    1. I was not a fan... but I don't like cilantro or cumin so I wasn't really surprised but I still had to try it anyway.


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