Evan's 11th Grade curriculum

Going into his 11th year of schooling Evan already has 18 high school credits behind him which puts him slightly ahead of schedule for graduation (our state requires 25 high school credits for graduation and even though we fall under the umbrella of private school-- which means I can set my own standards-- I use the general requirements as a guide knowing he wants to go to college). 

We're looking to take it a bit easier this year since he doesn't want to graduate early or head off to college any sooner than his traditional peers. 

However, after reading up on lot on the requirements (for homeschool students) that many of the colleges he is interested in attending have published on their webpages, we've decided to dually enroll him at our local community college so he has more grades on this transcript than just those given to him by his mom.  Also he'll hopefully make a few connections with teachers and staff for recommendation letters too. 

But for now here is our rough plan:

Math: Geometry-- 1 credit

We've already started using both of these and we really love the Must Know High School Geometry  and we use the Everything You Need to Ace Geometry book as a supplement for additional practice. 

English/Language Arts: He signed up for English 101; Freshman Composition for the fall semester at the college-- 3 credits

History/Government: World History using this book, this graphic novel, this textbook, and plans to supplement with movies and books from our local library-- 1 credit 

Science: Zoology using this textbook-- 1 credit

Phys. Ed: 1/2 credit

Music: This year we'll be focusing on the history of music using this trivia book and this national geographic book with supplements from our library and lots and lots of listening to actual music from the different artists and genres -- 1 credit  

(we had planned to use these books last year but he decided to take piano lessons instead). 

Home Economics:
1/2 credit

He's also planning to take 1 or 2 courses in the spring depending on how his composition course goes and what interests him so that will be an additional 3 or even 6 credits. 


  1. I miss homeschool curriculum! I always geeked out over this every year, and I am keeping my favorite text books for that same reason. I ended up LOVING our history curriculum that was also about government, economics, and had some literature that we could implement with it all; it was the Notgrass curriculum. The books were so big and beautiful and rich with fabulous knowledge and photography. I know you're glad to know Evan's plan for next school year and that he will have some dual enrollment. Exciting times!

    1. We toured the community college last night and he must have really liked it because he *might* revise his college plans now. I told him to take it one semester at a time we still have nearly 2 full years before he has to make any big decisions.

  2. So fascinating- what did he do for math this year? Diana is a sophomore and doing geometry this year- I worry about Algebra II next year- eek!

    1. He did algebra 2 this year. I never understood the break between algebra 1 & 2 since then the first part of algebra 2 is all review.

  3. I hope the dual enrollment is a good fit for him! All three of my kids did/ are doing college classes along with high school classes. It was a win-win since they got high school and college credit.

    1. Thanks! I hope so too; we went to an open house last night and he seemed to enjoy it and feel comfortable there so that's good. He's even debating about just staying at the community college for the first 2 years and getting all is general ed. requirements out of the way since our community colleges are free for CT residents... but we'll see because then he might have to give up the idea of dorm living or study abroad... either way I figure he's got time and starting with 1 course is a good way to go.

  4. Oh, this brought back memories of researching homeschool curriculum! I would go to curriculum fairs with friends and it was always fun to see the new stuff. That is great he will have some extra credits when he is ready for college.

    1. I have never been to a curriculum fair! LOL I knew myself well enough to know I'd want to buy ALL the books!

  5. Love this post! Takes me right back to our homeschooling days and making plans for each year. Are you familiar with Rainbow Resource? I don't know if they still have their catalog, but I used to spend ages going through the pages, I think in my mind I had enough for ten children! We loved supplementing our history curriculum with books and movies and visiting local historic sites in our area. New England was a great place to teach early American history.

    1. Yes, I use them a lot; I don't get their catalog but I do use their webpage.

  6. It looks like you have a definite plan for this year and continuing into his 12th year.


  7. That's such a fabulous idea about enrolling him for social and possible letters of recommendation.

    1. Thanks! I figured exposure to college classes might help him gauge and narrow down his field of study too. Right now he's toying with the idea of a doctorate in psychology... but we'll see.

  8. It sounds like Evan is doing really well with his schooling, it's good to be ahead and community college sounds like a great idea.

  9. Looks like some good choices. My son will be a senior next year and has no interest in college but maybe trade school. he's attending a vocational school this year and hopefully next year and will have some qualifications that will send him straight into the workforce. He earns college credits through this course as well. I was so nervous this year that I contacted my evaluator and said I was so worried we didn't do enough and she said she would be very surprised if we didn't and to stay calm. I was glad she calmed me down because I was up late at night for a few nights just worrying that I'd ruined his life.

    1. My oldest has zero interest in college either; though we did talk him into trying classes at our local community college and he's now just one semester away from getting an associates. That's as far as he'll go though and I'm okay with that since he has lots of vocational skills that he's picked up along the way. Last year he even got his CDL. It's so neat to see the very different paths all 3 of my boys are taking!


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