Evan's 10th Grade Homeschooling Curriculum

 After the fiasco that was Earth Science last year, Evan and I took a full two days researching possible science courses, materials, books, and the like before settling on a plan for his 10th grade year.  Once we had science nailed down, the rest of his year fell together pretty easily. 

We have another 9 credits planned for his 10th grade year; he's hopeful to start taking classes at our local community college starting in 11th grade so we're keeping that in mind. 

Math: Algebra II-- We'll be using two different curriculum materials in conjunction with one another to teach Algebra II-- 1 credit



English/Language Arts: We'll be combining reading (he's working his way through the Lord of the Ring series including the Hobbit and all the graphic novels he's found to go along with them too!) with   Grammar, and WriteShop 2 (Ian and I used the same Grammar and WriteShop series for his high school classes)-- 1 credits.

History/Government: We will be using these two books to look at Civics around the world. Evan has been so passionate about human rights since reading the March series in middle school and I just knew he'd love looking at different human rights efforts and problems all around the globe-- how far we've come, where we still need work, etc.  He's really excited about this!  We'll be supplementing with some memoirs and movies too and tying them all into lessons on contemporary affairs too!-- 1.5 credit



Science: After lots of back and forth we finally settled on learning about Genetics for Evan's 10th grade year of school.  We'll be looking at Mendel's work and how genetic traits are passed from one generation to another. For now we picked these two books to start and we'll supplement where we need/want to.-- 1 credit



Foreign Language: We'll continue learning French using Dulingo and this  Easy French Step- by- Step -- 1 credit

Psychology: Since we only made it part-way through Evan's Abnormal Psychology book this past year before setting it aside to learn about an entirely different field of psychology we decided to give this book another try this year and supplement with more personalized lessons--  1 credit

Drivers Ed: Evan will be turning 16 this fall so we'll be teaching him to drive-- .5 credit

Phys. Ed: I give my boys a 1/2 credit for phys. ed every year since we do so much hiking and nature walking and bike riding, etc. 

Music Theory: Evan really enjoys listening to music and I thought this would be a fun and easy credit for both of us. We'll combine a few different books on music theory and the history of music along with actually listening to and analyzing various compositions. -- 1 credit



Home Economics: Since all my boys help clean the house each week and rotate chores like dishes, cooking, shopping, & planning I give them 1/2 credit each year for these life skills as well. 

Hopefully, it will be a fun year; I find he's not an easy student to motivate so hopefully having some subjects he really cares about will help.  I did remind him that subjects you enjoy make learning easier and the day go by faster before we even ordered anything so hopefully he took my words to heart!  

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  1. I'll bet it's time consuming to comb through all the resources. Good job picking out materials (though by this time, you probably feel like a pro...). It would be neat to tailor your kids' education to some of their interests. Your sons are lucky boys!!

    1. It usually takes me at least a week to pull together all the subjects and materials for a year. I love that we get to tailor their education to their own interests! It keeps them wanting to learn and actively engaged (well, most of the time!).

  2. It sounds like you have a great plan for the next school year. My youngest found that learning about genetics was so interesting.

    1. Well, Evan figured it tied in rather nicely with psychology since they're discovering more and more that many psychological disorders are hereditary and I certainly couldn't argue with that. I think it will be really interesting!

  3. Looks aggressive and robust- sending you all the successful thoughts!

    1. I think I have a tendency to over plan and overbook us! LOL. I just have such a hard time narrowing down the choices.

  4. I love the lifeskills idea!!! I'm learning more with my younger daughter, since my oldest took classes both at home and at a local high school, and I think that's a great idea... helps me out a lot around the house too haha! I'm excited to see how next year turns out for you! Hope you have a nice summer off as well!

    1. Thank you! I figured I use to get home ec. credits in school for learning to cook and sew and clean so why shouldn't my boys?!

  5. Love that social studies curriculum!!

  6. I love that you include life skills. I think that's something that gets forgotten at times, yet it's so important. And genetics...now there's something I loved. It's SO interesting to the biology geek that I am,

    1. Absolutely! I think life skills are so important; in fact it's one of the first things we really focused on when we began homeschooling and noticed within a year that my boys had gained so many skills that their contemporaries did not have. They just keep adding to those skills too and I love it.

  7. It looks a full and varied year. Abnormal psychology sounds like it could be either good or gruesome. Good luck next year!


  8. That looks like a very full and exciting year of learning. I love the idea of tailoring the learning this way. Well done to both of you!



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