What's Up Wednesday; March 2024

It's the last Wednesday of the month and that means it's time for What's Up Wednesday.  It's been a fun month around here and I feel like March flew right by! 

What We're Eating: I've branched out and started making even more of my meals plant based.. in fact I'm pretty sure I only ate chicken or fish once or twice each this month and no red meat or pork of any kind. I'm having a much harder time cutting dairy out of my diet but have definitely been eating less of it. 

A tiny cup of nuts and seeds fills me up for hours!

I ate fish once this month paired with a salad and two types of veggie mixes

fruit with homemade granola

farmer's market pizza from Pizzeria Uno

apples with almond butter, cucumbers, and tomatoes

veggie stir-fry over wild rice blend

tossed salad with chick peas

grilled cheese with a side of veggies

veggie sir-fry with chick peas and asparagus

Assorted root vegetables with quinoa 

Assorted vegetables with baked potato

sourdough with almond butter, peaches and cucumber 

What I'm Reminiscing About: Easter with little kids and all the egg hunt and egg decorating fun we used to have:

Tie dye eggs (a how to here)

What I'm Loving: We found these granola bars to try and I am so glad that my boys like them! They come in 4 varieties and I love that I know ALL the ingredients!

What We've Been Up To: We started out the month checking out my sister in law's art show, we've been on lots and lots of hikes. I worked on some cards and scrapbook pages. We went to lunch with my mom one afternoon. 

Chicken Caesar wrap with sweet potato fries (there was not a single vegetarian option on the menu!)

What I'm Dreading: Alec needs to get his wisdom teeth removed soon and I am dreading that.  Hopefully he'll sail through as easily as his older brother did. 

What I'm Working On: Setting up some college tours for Evan.. it's early since he's just a sophomore but I have no idea what homeschoolers have to do to get into a 4 year college I figured we'd better start early. He also doesn't have any real ideas of where he wants to go and only a vague idea of what he might like to study so it could be a long hunt. 

What I'm Excited About: Alec has made his college decision and we had a great day at Johnson and Wales accepted student day.

What I'm Watching/Reading: We're watching all our usual shows-- The Rookie, 9-1-1, The Connors, plus we started watching Silicon Valley. We watched Wonka too. I've been working my way back through Cougar Town and Modern Family.

I'll have a full review on the blog next week but here are the books I've read this past month:

What I'm Listening to: Mostly I've been listening to audiobooks (Girls in White Dresses, The Plot, A Blue Spool of Thread, etc.)

What I'm Wearing: Still wearing all my sweaters and pants! 

What I'm Doing This Weekend: My sister and her family are up visiting from North Carolina so I'm hosting Easter at my house with most of our family. 

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: I have a girl's weekend away planned and I can not wait! 

What Else is New: Nothing that I can think of off the top of my head. 

Linking up with:


  1. I've been wondering lately about where Sam will end up for post-secondary and I have NO CLUE. So I'm glad to hear that it's a slow process. This school year is going so fast though, I know we'll be thinking about it before long though. And while I love many of your sweaters, I HATE that we still have to wear them. Come on warmth!!! Happy (almost) weekend to you!!! Enjoy celebrating with your family.

  2. Love all the tops you are wearing! You nature pics are always so beautiful and I need to check out those granola bars.


  3. I am looking forward to your book review- I have read several of the books that you have read and am curious as to what you think of them! Your food all looks good. I used to make homemade granola and now I want to do it again. Yours looks soooo good (also I am terribly hungry at the moment!). But seriously, your food looks good. Swooning at the pizza as well... have a great Wednesday!

    1. I'm wanting to branch out into making homemade granola bars like I used to... that I'm hoping to tackle making some homemade English muffins today.

  4. What a great month! I enjoy watching Modern Family and that has been a favorite show at my house. Enjoy your family this weekend for the Easter holiday and I'm excited about the girls weekend too!

    1. I think I'm on my 3rd or 4th re-watch of the series; it's so fun.

  5. Hope you have a wonderful Easter with your family! I do miss the days of Easter egg hunts. My parents still do it for my one sister in town and there's always an egg I find while decorating for Christmas ha! Thankfully they are plastic eggs filled with jelly beans.

    1. Aw, thank you! I guess I don't miss the egg hunts enough since we were invited to my family's egg hunt this weekend and we opted not to go. I used to count how many eggs I had hidden so we knew how many we had to find.. though I didn't mind if it took an extra day or two because I was usually the one to find them and then that candy became mine.

  6. Glad to see you are starting college tours early too- hope we can compare notes! Hope you have a wonderful Easter with your sister and family!

    1. Thank you! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter too.

  7. Your nature photos are always so breathtaking!

  8. Gabbie getting her wisdom teeth out wasn't so fun and I think Zachary would handle it a lot worse...so I hope he doesn't have to! lol.

    1. Ian did well and his were technically difficult for the surgeon to remove; I'm hopeful Alec's will be fairly standard and we can find a time to get them done that wont hugely impact all the million things he has on his schedule.

  9. Joanne,
    Great post and you look great!! Thanks so much for your prayers for Joe and our family....The not knowing, even though I have my suspicions, is the Killer...Wishing you and your family a very Happy Easter!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  10. I've been reminiscing about past Easters too. We're going up to see Sophia on Sunday, so I'll take along an Easter bag full of her favorite goodies.

  11. Your meals are always so colorful! It looks like you truly eat such a great variety of foods!

  12. What a month. So much lovely food and lovely views too. I had my wisdom teeth removed and on reflection I think a root canal filling was worse and took longer to heal. The college tours sound exciting but it's hard work isn't it, working out with our young ones what they want to do with their futures.

    1. Thank you! I had my wisdom teeth removed in my 30's so I figure it's got to be easier for them to have them out in their teens. Luckily my two older boys had very definite ideas about their futures and were quite easy to guide (heck, they pretty much guided ME along! LOL).

  13. Those nature pictures are beautiful! I really love the sweater in your first outfit picture!

    1. Thank you! I bought that off Amazon a few years ago for Thanksgiving and it's just so soft and cozy.

  14. Wishing you a lot of luck with visiting colleges. Congrats to your son for being accepted to J & W. I love your collection on pretty sweaters. I'm still wearing sweaters and sweatshirts. I can't wait for warmer weather and wearing spring clothes. I hope you enjoy the rest of the week and have a happy Easter.

    1. Thank you! I'm hoping to wear some spring clothes soon... but just keep rotating through my sweater collection... waiting for it to warm up.

  15. Your plant-based meals look so delicious. We are eating way less red meat and having mostly chicken and turkey instead. My husband commented the other day that he was going to grow feathers soon! Good luck with Evan's college tours! The whole process of choosing a college sounds so interesting and a much longer process than over here. I guess that it's becasue we dont have as many uni campuses as you do over there

    1. Probably; we have a crazy amount of college campuses even just within driving distance!

  16. My husband just suggested we start watching the Rookie. I can't wait for your book reviews. I'm reading The Heiress right now.

    1. We enjoy The Rookie a lot. I tend to like most things with Nathan Fillion.

  17. oops, I hit publish too soon - The kids over here just apply online and commute to uni. I hope all goes well with Alec when he gets his wisdom tooth removed. My older son had his removed in the chair a couple of years ago and although everything went well, I dreaded him having to go through it based on my own experience-shudder!!

    1. LOL! That is what it is like to apply to our local community colleges but a proper 4- year university with dorms and such requires a lot more work.

  18. How fabulous that you'll be having family for Easter.
    I have to check into those junk list granola bars. It's certainly is a good name but I always have to look at the ingredients.

    1. I knew all of them; can't say they were all super healthy ingredients but at least I know what they are eating!

  19. Hi Joanne, I loved your post - the healthy, delicious meals, the boys making the easter egss and of course your natural beauty photographs. Have a lovely week. x

    1. Hi Joanne, just stopping by again to say thank you for joining us at #WBOYC? Have a wonderful April x

  20. Hi Joanne, I'm loving the look of all the plant based food you're eating. Yum! I'm also a 'sweater' and pants type girl too. Well I will be when the weather cools down a bit more here. Loving your hair still too! Wishing you a wonderful Easter and thank you for linking up with #WWWhimsy xo

  21. I do enjoy your catch up for the month posts, Joanne. And yummo to that food. I loved your selfies too...almost getting to your flip flops time in all of the pics. Time is racing away with one off to college and one getting some plans in place!! How does that happen. Denyse

    1. Thank you! I feel like I blinked and suddenly college is upon us... all 3 of them will be involved in some sort of college classes in the fall!

  22. What fantastic photos. Love the scenery with blue skies! Interested in your mostly vegetarian diet. I would struggle to cut down on dairy. Your recipes look delicious.

    1. Thank you so much! I am finding that diary is hard to limit... especially if I want to eat out. If it's missing meat and made with veggies than it's pretty much guaranteed it's got some sort of cream sauce or cheese. :)

  23. What a wonderful wrap up! I'm hungry just looking at all this. I'd like to try those granola bars so thanks for the intro. And I'm with you on nuts. A small amount is a good way to start the day. Lots of beauty here!

  24. You are doing so well with eating plant based! This gave me lots of snack and lunch ideas. Need to check out those granola bars. Your hiking photos are gorgeous!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  25. Your meals all look delicious and so healthy! As always, your hiking pictures are beautiful!

    Lauren @ Don’t Mind Our Mess

  26. So much going on Joanne! Hope you enjoy Easter.

  27. So much good happening for you this month! Happy Easter!

  28. I'm so envious of all the sweaters. We're still having daytime summer temps (at the end of March) so that's a dream. Happy Easter and thanks, as always, for your support with our linky.

    1. And I am at the other end of the spectrum where I am so sick of wearing sweaters! LOL

  29. Hi, Joanne - Your plant based meals look and sound delicious. I find that the more I make plant-based meals the easier they become, and I get increasingly comfortable branching out to new recipes and new-to-me ingredients. Enjoy your upcoming girls' weekend. Wishing you a very happy Easter!

  30. You have really done a wonderful job changing to a plant based diet. I hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend.



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