My Spring Bucket List

 Tomorrow is the first official day of spring and while I know that doesn't mean it will magically be warm and sunny just yet, it does give me hope!  It also means it's the perfect time to share my spring bucket list.  

1. Starting June 1st I'd like to make a habit of visiting the local farmer's market more often (that's their official opening day). 

All photos for this post courtesy of pixabay

2. I am determined to pull out all my painting supplies and canvases and get at least one full painting done!

3. Get some flowers planted for the front steps

4. Read on the back deck in the mornings

5. Go hiking more!

6. Celebrate Ian's 20th birthday

7. Enjoy all the final senior year things with Alec; Prom, Final track and field season, Awards nights, Graduation, etc.

8. Break out the big cameras and take some "real" pictures/ perhaps tackle another photo challenge

9. Get an herb garden going

10. I bought a calligraphy book and I am determined to break out both the book and my calligraphy set that I got for Christmas in 2022! 

11. Spend Mother's day with the whole family doing something fun together. 

12. Plan something fun for our anniversary; we don't think we'll have time for a weekend away but I'd at least like to plan a fun day trip for us.

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  1. I have several of these things on my spring list too!! Lots of planting in our futures 😊

    Lauren @ Don’t Mind Our Mess

  2. Oh I think that is a fine spring bucket list!! Isn't this just one of the most beautiful times of year!

  3. I love spring and your bucket list sounds so fun. Enjoy the warm sunny days to come!

  4. Sounds like a good list! We were just away for the weekend and the spring flowers were out in force! It is such an exciting time of the year.

  5. I need to do my list. Great ideas and many of these will be on mine!

    1. I do find that so many of my seasonal lists have the the same things from year to year.

  6. Great ideas, although we are in autumn. I’ll be celebrating all the lasts with my daughter for her final year of high school.

  7. Can't wait to follow along on your herb garden- you are inspiring me- maybe I will try one with you!? :)

    1. I had one ages and ages ago that I got as a wedding shower gift and I loved it. I think I'll try to have one indoors instead of out this year and see if that works better for me.

  8. Looking forward to seeing how you do with your spring list!

  9. I love these! It's a great list. I love these types of posts!

  10. Lots of these on my list as well! I’m always so excited for the farmers markets and anytime we’re in another town I like to go to the ones they have as well.!

    1. We hardly visit our "local" famer's market because it's really not that local or convenient but I am determined to do more farm to table type meals this spring and summer.

  11. These are wonderful items for your bucket list! I would also like to go hiking more, and to visit our local farmers market more often. Visiting from #MMBC

  12. A great spring bucket list! I agree that spring does make em hopeful, even if the weather doesn't agree!

    1. Thanks! I know what you mean about the weather not agreeing too-we have possible snow in our forecast for the end of the week..

  13. I'd love to check out some farmers markets this spring before it gets unbearably hot here in Phoenix, haha!

    1. We usually don't have to worry about that in Connecticut! :)

  14. This is a great list! I want to go to farmer's markets this summer, too.

  15. Joanne, happy spring! I have some of these on my list too. I can't wait to see your flowers and herb garden.

  16. Great list! I need to try out my local farmer's market, too. Thanks for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #30 linkup. Hope to see you next time, too.

  17. We had a day here which actually felt like spring, I had washing outside drying and all of the windows open. It was lovely!
    It sounds like you have some fantastic plans! We have a farm shop just up the road and I've said from Easter I will be using it more for their fruit and veg.

  18. That’s a great list! I am so ready for spring! Reading in your deck sounds lovely!
    Sarah @ Sunshine & Books

  19. So many fun things to look forward too! My mom does calligraphy and I love when she writes my cards with it.

    1. I used to do a lot of calligraphy and even used my calligraphy pens and inks for drawings when I was in high school but I feel like I've forgotten it all!

  20. Great ideas for the spring! It is so surreal when one of your kids leaves the teen years!

    1. It really is! I do not feel old enough to have a nearly 20 year old.

  21. We had that same idea with Farmers markets. Ours have already started and pretty much go all winters fall and spring. We don't have them in the summer. So I actually put it on my calendar so I would remember!

    1. Ours are pretty sparce those first few weeks of June but really take off once summer hits and all the berries and vegetables start to ripen. I already added our CSA farm pick-up to my calendar each week so I don't forget.

  22. A herb garden is also on my wishlist, for years actually. I used to do calligraphy, years ago, loved it.

    1. Me too! I had a bunch of different calligraphy pens and inks that I used all through high school and even into college.

  23. I should really plant more herbs than just mint in our raised beds. Maybe I'll add some basil this year!

    1. I definitely want to grow basil and make our own pest again (plus I just love adding a few sprigs of basil to most anything with pasta!). I'd also like to grow some oregano and thyme and maybe rosemary.

  24. This is such a great Spring bucket list! I need to do this.

  25. Ooooh I can't wait to see what you paint!

    1. Most likely a landscape or something in nature like flowers.. those tend to be my favorite subjects.

  26. I had forgotten that today is the first day of spring! I have planting more flowers on my Spring bucket list too. Sounds like you have some fun days ahead!

  27. Those are all such good, attainable goals that you would do well! Looking forward to seeing pictures of some of these things. Hope your week is going well!

  28. What a wonderful bucket list! Wouldn't you love to have that blue shed? I know I would! I'm looking forward to planting all kinds of wildflowers on the hump behind us. It will take so many seeds and so much patience on my part, but I think it will look good if it works!

  29. I think your bucket list is very doable! I say "onward!"

    1. Thanks! Now if only the weather would get the hint and get warm.

  30. These are lovely intentions, perfect for warmer weather. Coincidentally on the first day of spring yesterday, we had the warmest day of the year so far! But sadly turning a bit colder in a few days. Thanks for linking.

    1. How wonderful! We had warm weather last week but this week has been very chilly.

  31. What a great list Joanne. I can't wait to hear about what you've done on the list.
    Visiting today from Will Blog For Comments 30 #5&6

  32. Can't wait to plant flowers, it's my favorite thing when it starts getting warm!

  33. I love your list - I can't wait for everything to bloom and for Travis to plant flowers. Hayden had his first mow of the season last week. Spring has sprung!

    1. Thank you so much! We are still "enjoying" winter here..


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