Monthly Musings February 2024

 Oh I nearly didn't join in today for Monthly Musings with Patty and Holly... mostly because today's questions are all about winter and I am just not enjoying winter at all this year! I mean I never love winter but most of the time I can make myself get out there hiking, snowshoeing, taking photos of the pretty ice and snow but this winter has just felt so long and so miserable.  I'm sure part of it is me and my attitude but we've also had a weird winter with lots of really cold, wet, gloomy days but not a lot of snow or prettiness to it. 

1. I tend to do more baking in winter and that brings me joy, I also read a lot of books, and get out hiking anytime the sun is shining and the weather seems even remotely nice. 

2. I stay warm and cozy in winter wearing lots of cozy sweaters and fuzzy socks, curling up in front of the fire or the fireplace, and mostly staying indoors whenever I can.

3. I was looking forward to snowshoeing this winter but we haven't gotten enough snow for that yet.. so mostly I'm looking forward to it being over and spring arriving. 

4. Hiking, reading, working on puzzles, or scrapbooking/card making.

5. My favorite winter months tend to be December since winter is just starting and I'm excited about snow and the change of seasons and March since winter is (hopefully!) ending.

6. We make lots of soups, stews, and casseroles in the winter.  Some of my favorites include:

Roast beef pot pie (a great way to use leftover roast beef)

Turkey (or chicken!) & cornbread pot pie

Chicken, broccoli, and rice casserole

Sausage & Tortellini soup in the crock pot

Crock pot lasagna soup

Turkey and rice soup

7. We have a wood burning fireplace and a woodstove in our basement; we don't have any fossil fuels of any kind in our house (other than gas/ diesel for our vehicles).

8. I don't often drink any hot beverages at all but I will have the occasional mug of hot cocoa or tea but usually only when I feel like I'm coming down with something or I've just spent lots of time outside and need to warm up quickly.

9. Movies that take place in winter-- like the ones shown below...but I also like to watch a lot of beach/ vacation/ tropical movies to help me escape the winter too! Movies like RV, Blended, 6 Days/ 7 Nights. 

10. Even in winter we try to eat right with lots of fresh fruits and veggies, we get plenty of rest, exercise/fresh air, and take a few supplements-- a daily multivitamin, a vitamin D supplement, and some elderberry gummies. 

Linking up with: Thinking Out Loud, 


  1. I bake more in the winter, too. And try to balance the goodies with some healthy meals!

    1. Definitely! I often bake things I don't even like so I won't be tempted to eat them... like banana bread or anything with marshmallows.

  2. I agree that this winter has been a dud. There just hasn't been a lot to get out and enjoy, in my opinion, apart from a few days.

  3. This was fun to read! I'm like you, though...I'm ready for Spring!

  4. So glad you can come down south in the spring!

  5. This winter has seemed kinda brutal and weird. I'm ready for spring!

    1. Yes, brutal but weird definitely sums it up nicely.

  6. I am not enjoying winter either!! It has been grey and gloomy here too, there's none of the snowy days. Hmmf.
    Baking is a great way to fill your time in winter and I love all of your cosy sweaters! That Roast beef pot pie looks so good, I will have to remember that for when we next have roast beef.

  7. I agree this year hasn't been snowy to be pretty to make winter more bearable.

    1. I never really thought I'd be wanting more snow but if it's going to be so freezing cold then it really does need to snow. LOL

  8. I feel you with winter sister- yes to it all-sigh...anyway we are one day closer to spring AND chicken cornbread pot pie? Oh my gosh- yes please!

    1. My husband and oldest son love that combo! I hadn't made it in years but we just had it again a week or two ago and they gobbled it all up.

  9. I didn't write a post today, because I feel like I've already moved on to spring here in Texas. Hopefully, your gloomy winter will brighten up soon!

  10. I have to admit that I don't miss that cold weather, but we basically do the same thing in the midst of our summer....stay inside 😄

    1. Yes, my sister and I were talking about how if you live where it's really hot in summer you stay inside a lot and how it's like swapping one slightly unbearable season for another....

  11. That roast beef pot pie looks amazing. And I love your sausage tortellini soup. It's one of our favorites.

  12. I wish I could bake! I am so terrible at it. Lol. All of your meals look delicious. It sounds like you really know how to stay cozy in the winter. :)

  13. I tend to bake a lot more in the winter. I think that's because I don't want to heat up the house during the summer. Your hikes were still beautiful, but I'm guessing there were more days without snow than with.

    1. Yeah, I think that's a bit part of it too... plus I like to spend more time outside in summer and not be in the house preparing food.

  14. I usually bake more in winter as well, especially bread. This year, not so much. Love all your photos!

  15. All of your baked goods & the food look SO delicious! I love the Mighty Ducks!


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