October's books

I had ANOTHER fabulous month of reading!  I read a little bit of everything this month-- some thrillers and murder mysteries, a dystopian novel, a middle grade fantasy, and of course some love and romance. 

1. None of This is True by Lisa Newell-- Wow! What a wild story.  Alex is approached by a woman on her 45th birthday and Josie claims they are birthday twins. The two strike up an odd acquaintance/ friendship when Josie tells Alex she had a great idea for her next podcast.  Josie begins to tell Alex her life story and Alex gets quite caught up in the tale.  Pretty soon Josie has moved in and Alex life is starting to feel unrecognizable. I could not put this book down and read it in under 24 hours. 

2. The Golden Spoon by Jessa Maxwell-- Bake Week is usually quite fun for all the amateur bakers that are invited to stay at Grafton (while set in the U.S this reminded me a lot of the Great British Baking show!). As the contestants work through each day's project one person is eliminated but this particular bake week turns deadly when a body is found in the tent.  It was a fun little murder mystery novel told from the points of view of all the bakers and the host with lots of little twists and turns.  

3. Everyone Here is Lying by Shari Lapena--  I knew my when sister sent me a text telling me to GET THIS BOOK I had to pick it up! This fun and suspenseful story kept me flipping pages long past my bedtime.  When 9 year old Avery goes missing after school one day the cops get called in and they interview everyone in the family, on the cul-de-sac where they live, at the school, etc. It seems like Avery vanished without a trace but as time goes on more and more lies are detected until the truth is finally revealed. 


4. Class Mom by Laurie Gelman-- Jen Dixon finds herself acting as class mom to her kindergarten son, not the typical mom though since Jen has 2 girls already in college. Hoping to fit in and bring a little fun to the role, Jen writes witty little emails to all the class parents.  But not all the parents appreciate Jen's humor.  I know I am real late reading this series; I didn't think I'd "get it" since we don't have class moms up here and my boys were only in school for a year or two before we turned to homeschooling.   But I really enjoyed this fun and funny book and put a hold on the second book immediately! 

5. See Me by Nicholas Sparks -- I was scrolling through my Libby app looking for available audiobooks when this one by Nicholas Sparks caught my eye; I usually enjoy his books and was surprised to see one I don't remember reading before.  I had a hard time with this one, mostly I think due to the narration and not really the story itself. Colin and Maria are the unlikeliest of pairs having met it a most unusual way.  Colin, working on getting his teaching degree and putting his old self- destructive ways of living in the past is just trying to live clean until his probationary period is over.  He stops to help a woman change her tire in the middle of the pouring rain. Maria is a lawyer working for a prestigious law firm struggling to find happiness in her life's choices.  Somehow the two slowly hit it off when a second chance comes around and find themselves being more honest than ever, falling slowly in love, and hoping they can begin to build a life with one another but troubles from the past come into play. It was a fun byplay between suspense and love story. 

6. Hello, Stranger by Katherine Center--  This book took me a little while to get into but I really enjoyed it.  Poor Sadie nearly died before having to undergo emergency brain surgery.  Complications from the surgery have left her trying to navigate in a world where she can no longer see faces, which would be bad enough if her job wasn't painting portraits.  I was a psychology major in college so I really enjoyed reading more about this disorder (even if it was in a fictional setting the disorder is real and oh so fascinating).  Of course no romance novel is complete without some romance; in this case Sadie meets 2 great men but has trouble deciding between the two since the rest of her life is in utter shambles and she is dealing with a painful family history/ evil step-sister as well.  Every time you think it can't get any worse it does but thankfully Sadie is pretty determined and optimistic to keep on going and giving it her all. 

7. You've Been Volunteered by Laurie Gelman-- I was thrilled the second book in the series was available right away; this book picks up a few years later when Jen's son is in 3rd grade and she's once again been roped into being class mom... and put in charge of the safety monitors at school. Just as funny as the first I enjoyed reading more about this delightful cast of characters.

8. Galloglass by Scarlett Thomas (Worldquake book 3)-- I read the first two books in this series earlier this spring and finally got around to reading the last book in the trilogy.  On a visit to the Otherworld, Effie is accused of being a Galloglass and thrown in prison. Lexi is being threatened by a professor staying with her and her family and Wolf is off on a quest to find and save his sister.  Effie and her friends must try come together to stop the Diberi who are intent on destroying the world during the midwinter festival. 

9. From Notting Hill with Love.. Actually by Ali McNamara-- Scarlett has always been a huge movie fan and is thrilled when the chance to escape her life and house sit in Notting Hill comes along.  She makes friends with the guy next door who offers to help Scarlett look for her mother that had abandoned her.  The two definitely feel a spark but Scarlett is already engaged and doesn't want to see anyone get hurt.  A very cute romcom with so many movie references made for such a fun and light read. 

10. Yoga Pant Nation by Laurie Gelman-- the third book in this series picks up with Jen's son Max in 5th grade where she is once again roped into being class mom.  Juggling a new job, the fund raising committee she's been put in charge of,  and her ever growing and busy family it's as entertaining as ever.

11. The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood-- I wasn't sure what to make of this dystopian novel at first... set in the near future the main character can remember a time before when women could read and write and had jobs and money of their own.  She can remember living with her own husband and daughter and spending time with her friends.  All that was in the time "before."  But now she is a handmaid and her only job is to serve in the house of the Commander and to try and get pregnant. I didn't love it but I definitely wanted to listen to the very end... not sure if I'll be picking up book 2 or not though.. 

12. Her Last Breath by Linda Castillo (Kate Burkholder #5)-- In this 5th book of the series Kate stumbled upon a hit and run involving an Amish buggy. Three of the four passengers are gone before the ambulance even makes it to the scene and to make matters worse Kate's best friend from childhood is the grieving widow and mother.  Determined to solve this crime Kate is surprised when the investigation begins pointing not at an accident but at murder. 

13. Ready for Marriage by Debbie Macomber -- Two short stories in one, I began reading this book on the plane ride home.  I had finished the two books I brought with me and my mom had finished up this book she brought for herself so we swapped!  In the first story, Mary Jo goes to work for the man she left years ago.  Mary Jo has always loved Evan but left him when his family pressed her to claiming she wasn't the right sort of girl for their boy. Of course Mary Jo assumes she has no chance of getting a second chance with Evan and Evan is still bewildered as to why Mary Jo left him. In the second book, Fiona rents her carriage house to a widowed man named Eduardo.  They had known each other before Eduardo was rendered homeless from a fire one night.  These two single parents quickly strike up a deep friendship but a few meddling matchmakers have other plans. 

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  1. I read the Handmaid´s Tale and didn´t bother to read any of Atwood´s other books. I thought the storyline was intriguing/ scary and it held my interest. I have heard good things about the Class Mom books. I may have to check one or more out at the library.

    1. I didn't think I'd really "get" the Class Mom books since we weren't ever really in a school system but I still found them to be so entertaining. The main character is quite sarcastic and I thought she was a riot.

  2. Oh you have some of my faves here! I love Laurie Gelman's books- cracked up during every one and Shari Lapena is one of my favorite suspense writers- great list here!

    1. I've read 3 of Shari's books and have enjoyed every one of them.

  3. I LOVE the Class Mom series, they're such quick but fun reads. I've read two so far. I got my mom onto them too and she was a class mom for my sisters and I so she especially enjoyed it. Thanks for some new recommendations!

  4. I haven't heard of The Golden Spoon, but my daughter and I are big fans of the British Baking Show so I might buy us both a copy to read. Have a great day!

  5. I read and loved Class Mom but never continued the series! I should. The funny thing about The Handmaid's Tale is I gave it 5 stars but then I reread it in graphic novel format and I wasn't sure why I liked it the first time around!

    1. You really should keep reading the series; I thought each book was really fun.

  6. Laurie Gelman's books are so funny. I have read all the Kate Burkholder (Linda Castillo) books and am listening to the newest one on audio right now. You had a big reading month!!

  7. Some really interesting titles. I need to check out for sure.

  8. I was surprised to see that Nicolas Sparks book because I haven't heard of it either.

    1. I figured it had to be a new one but it isn't!

  9. I'm definitely going to read None of this is True and Everyone Here is Lying. Thanks for the suggestions. I've been reading a lot more recently...maybe it's the change to cooler weather.

    1. I find this is the perfect time of year to curl up with a good book.

  10. I put a few of these on hold so thank you!!!

  11. I haven't read any of these books, but I do have Everyone Here is Lying on hold. I started watching The Handmaid's Tale and just couldn't. So, I'm not sure if I'd like the book or not.


    1. I never tried watching the show so I couldn't say either..

  12. There are some good-sounding ones here (and a LOT! Well done!). "The Golden Spoon" and the Notting Hill both are calling to me and now on the someday list!

  13. Captivating titles and covers 📚✨
    Gotta check them out.

    Hugs and blessings, Joanne

  14. I just added None of This Is True and Everyone Here Is Lying to my tbr list. They sound very intriguing. I'm always looking for a great novel. I'm almost finished reading Counterfeit (I can't figure out the ending yet!).

    I felt the same as you about The Handmaid's Tale. I'm glad I read it but it gave me such a yucky feeling (which I suppose is the point). That's how I felt about The School for Good Mothers (which I disliked more than I liked tho).

    1. I definitely think that was the point with The Handmaid's tale but it's so unusual for me not to want to read ALL the books in a series to see how it ends.

  15. I am really curious about The Golden Spoon. And From Notting Hill...has been on my wish list for awhile now. I really should check it out sometime soon. I loved Class Mom, but I didn't like the second as much. Glad you loved all three.

    Thanks for linking up,

    Lauren @ www.shootingstarsmag.net

  16. You really did have a mixed month of reading with all those different genres. I love the sound of Class Mom and I really enjoy the tv series of The Handmaid's Tale.

    1. It works best to have different genres then I can have a few books going at once and easily remember the plot when I pick them up.

  17. The Class Mom books are so great! We don't have that concept here in Canada but I could appreciate the drama (although I made the comment that it didn't seem like any of the moms worked! Which is different from my experience where I know very few SAHMs).
    I have never read The Handmaid's Tale but the show is so good!! It's filmed in Toronto so I'm a little partial to it, but it is critically acclaimed. Only the first season of the show takes after the book, but the other seasons are very good too. Maybe you would like the show better than the book.

    1. Obviously I pretty much only know SAHM since we all homeschooled but none of us have much public school experience. I'll have to check out the show.

  18. It's always so fun visiting and seeing what books you have read. I added a few to my reading list! Thank you.

  19. Hi, Joanne - You've definitely have had a full and varied reading month. I haven't yet read anything that you featured here but I am currently reading Debbie Macomber's 'The Christmas Spirit' and I have 'Christmas in Alaska' (also by Macomber) sitting beside me waiting for its turn to be read. <3

    1. I have one of her Christmas books sitting in my book basket!

  20. The Lisa Jewell book sounds like a really good one, and I think the Laurie Gelman ones would be fun to read as well. I'm impressed with how many books you read each month - I feel like I just can't keep up the reading pace I had a few years ago. Life changed for me, I guess!

    1. Thank you! I am enjoying this season of life where I have more free time.

  21. I'll have to look at some of Atwood's other works!

  22. You read so many books Joanne. I will be adding some to my reading list.

  23. None of This Is True had me at the metaphorical edge of my seat. Fabulous. Thanks for linking up with us!

  24. Wow you read a lot in a month! I wish my life allowed for it. I miss being totally immersed a good book very much. I used to read a lot when I worked on the train to and from work and a bit more at bed time. Hopefully the time will come where I can find some space for reading again! Thank you for linking up with #WWWhimsy

    1. I can see how a good book would be great for train travel.

  25. This is a great list of varied genres Joanne! You've had a great month of reading. I'm so glad you enjoyed None of This is True, it was unputdownable wasn't it? Thanks for joining us for #WOYBS

  26. That little of everything list is a cracker. I’ve noted the Nicholas Spark’s one, don’t think I’ve seen that on the library shelves so a hunting I will go 😊

    1. I had never heard of that one either; and it's not that current so I'm kind of surprised.

  27. What a great list - I'll have to add some of these titles to my To Read List. I watched the first two series of The Handmaid's Tale on TV but it was so scary, I couldn't watch the other series.

    1. I haven't tried the show yet but I don't do well with scary... I didn't get a scary vibe from the book though.

  28. I thought Everyone Here is Lying sounded really good when it crossed my radar. I need to give it another look. I want to read the latest Hunger Games book because I enjoyed the original series so much but have fear that it will not live up to the trilogy. Reading The Last List of Mabel Beaumont, and Such Kindness and Remarkably Bright Creatures right now. Hard for me to manage 3 books at a time. Thankful that the main character in Remarkably is a squid!!

    1. Everyone Here is Lying was really good! I both loved and hated the latest Hunger Games book-- it fit in well with the other books but I hated that it tried to make me feel bad for Snow..

  29. I've never read The Handmaid's Tale, but we watched the show and WHOA is it nuts!!!! It is SO good, though. Probably one of my favorite shows of all-time. It's one of the ones that you could just sit and binge all day because you have to see what happens next.

  30. Apart from The Handmaid's Tale I haven't read any of these. I had to read The Handmaid's Tale for my degree and remember some parts but I wouldn't read it again! I'm not sure about watching it either.


  31. I really loved the handmaids Tale - I read it about 10 years ago. It's the only Atwood I really like,. #Words&Whimsy

    1. I had never heard of her before so I've tried any of her other books.


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