What's Up Wednesday: September 2023

It's the last Wednesday of the month and that means it's time for What's Up Wednesday with Sheaffer and Shay. Is anyone else feeling surprised that the end of September is already here? I feel like this month just flew by! 

What We're Eating: 

Sunday: We celebrated Evan's birthday with the grandparents and he requested smoked chicken, egg noodles, and broccoli. For dessert he wanted a caramel/chocolate cheesecake. 

Monday: We got take out since the heating element in my stove blew (literally we had sizzling/ zapping sounds and flames.. good times). 

Tuesday: Pot roast with roasted potatoes in the air fryer.

Wednesday: Chicken noodle soup with fastest no-knead bread (this is the recipe I use)

Thursday: Leftover smoked pulled pork used to make sandwiches served with cole slaw and corn on the cob.

Friday: Baked fish (chicken fingers for the boys) with rice pilaf and butternut squash.

What I'm Reminiscing About: I just recounted Evan's birth story on the blog Monday... how can my last baby already be 16 and ready to start driving?! He's talking about jobs, and college courses, and it just feels like that time flew by.  I mean there were years where it felt like the days were dragging by but it really did fly.  

What I'm Loving: I found this body scrub at Target and I am loving both of these scents and how soft they make my hands and feet feel.

What We've Been Up To: September found us all trying to fall into a new routine: Ian jumped back into full time college courses (after being part time for a full year) while also juggling a full time job AND trying to finishing up his CDL classes while squeezing in nights to drive the tractor trailer around the testing route.  It has made for a busy and stressful month. Alec went back to school and adjusted his work schedule while also filling out all the college forms and things and jumping into his SCAP (Senior Culinary Arts Project-- a year long project of designing and implementing his own menu based on a specific geographical/cultural region: He picked Greece).  Evan has been hard at work studying for the driver's test to get his learner's permit, working through his 10th grade coursework, and teaching himself to play piano.  Around all that we had lots of quieter days at home mixed with a few hiking days and field trips. 

I tried soaking up the last days of reading on the deck before it got cold and rainy

our last days of going our for ice cream before all the local stands shut down for the season

I finally made zucchini bread

we went to the apple orchard

we had beautiful hiking days

We hiked Mount Wachusett

With all the rain we've had the rivers are really full

Alec as barista

Hiked a new trail with our hiking group with a surprise overlook

Evan and I went to the zoo one day so he could practice his photography 

My mother in law took us out to lunch

celebrated Evan's 16th birthday

Went to lunch again at Alec's school (I forgot to take a picture of the food!)

What I'm Dreading: Nothing much... just the cold dark days of winter.  

What I'm Working On: I got the house all decorated for spring this week and I ordered the supplies to start on my Christmas cards.

What I'm Excited About: My mom, Evan, and I leave in just a few weeks to go down and see my two sisters and their families and I can not wait!! 

What I'm Watching/Reading: Only Murders in the Building (hulu), Billions (Paramount +), still working my way through Blue Bloods (hulu), The Little Mermaid (live action version on Disney+), & Book Club 2 (Prime)

 I read another 14 pretty fabulous books this month (which I'll recap in just 2 weeks).  

What I'm Listening to: The wind is howling out today and I can hear all the leaves rustling in the trees, mixed with the sounds of the race cars on the track nearby.

What I'm Wearing: We started September with a heatwave and ended it with lots of cool days so I start off the month in shorts and tanks and ended it in sweaters and pants. 

What I'm Doing This Weekend: Celebrating my husband's birthday

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: Alec has a shadow day at Johnson and Wales university with the head of the baking department, Evan and I are leaving to go to North Carolina, Ian is testing for his CDL-- all of which make me equal parts excited and anxious. 

What Else is New: Evan passed the test to get his learners permit yesterday so we can start teaching him to drive. 

Linking up with:


  1. There’s a Johnson & Wales campus in Charlotte! Not that you’d ever want him that far from home :) Love that pic of the boys together at Alec’s school!

    Lauren @ Don’t Mind Our Mess

    1. Funny enough we talked about that with some of the professors when we toured Johnson & Wales in the spring and they replied with something like why go to a fake when you can have the original! (not those exact words but that general meaning) LOL. They do have lots more programs to pick from at the main campus and I do like the idea of him only being an hour or so away from home but if he had pushed for Charlotte I wouldn't have objected since it is his choice.

  2. Oh, I'm not looking forward to when my kids start to drive. And yes, September went by so fast. I had forgotten about the heatwave which started September. I like our current weather MUCH better. And we need to find a quiet Saturday to go on a hike. This is my favourite time of year to go for a walk in the woods.

    1. Yes, I am enjoying the cooler weather more too but wish it hadn't cooled off quite so much so quickly! It does make for perfect walking/hiking weather though.

  3. So many things going on this fall for you and your family! Happy birthday to Evan! I have an Evan too. :). All the yummy food in the beginning of this post is making me hungry!


  4. That cake is a work of art! So many exciting milestones going on in your boys' lives right now. Did you get the black Umgee pants? I thought the pants in the first photo look like they could be them? I am still wearing mine like 2 times a week. So cool for the mid 80s but still look decently professional for school.
    I experienced no oven for like 3 months! Airfryer to the rescue - can't believe I made it work for so long, but it is the stay on the countertop large size.

    1. I actually decided not to get the Umgee pants since I have 2 or 3 pairs of wide legged black pants already.

      I am glad to hear you managed without an oven for so long since it looks like I'll be waiting at least another week! Our air fryer is large but I can still only cook either the meat/main or the side dish but not both (maybe if I cooked one and kept it warm in the microwave while I cooked the other?!)

  5. Look at Evan´s big smile! How exciting and a bit bittersweet as an era of driving your kids everywhere they need to go will come to an end. Your nature pictures are so pretty! Rain is annoying when you want to do something outside that day but it does help beautify and nourish the earth...

    1. And yet he could not care less about driving! LOL. I think he was just happy to pass the test and know he doesn't have to study the manual anymore.

  6. Happy birthday to precious Evan! Did I ever tell you that was one of the boy names I thought about using, love it! Oh my gosh that cheesecake looks amazing and your outfits are so stinking cute!

  7. A busy, but great month! Love the fall decorations and looking forward to the book review. I always add a few to my list from your recommendations :)

  8. What a great post! Can't wait to hear all about Alec's Greek menu. We really enjoyed Book Club 2.

    1. I thought Book Club 2 was really cute. I am really enjoying hearing him research and plan and alter his food choices.. so far it sounds like whipped feta dip with homemade pita and beef Slovakia are definitely on the menu as well as a lemon panna cotta.. and he's been tossing around a few other dish ideas. I can't wait to try some of these recipes!

  9. Good luck teaching Evan to drive! Zachary has been doing well so far I think! I love all your outfits. I never know what to wear these days when it's cool in the morning but hot when I go out and walk dogs!

  10. September has been a busy month for sure and it sounds like your kiddos have their schedules nice and full. It is similar for us here. September has flown. I am looking forward to fall here!

    1. Just trying to keep track of their schedules feel like a full time job. LOL.

  11. Happy belated birthday to Evan! It sounds like a delicious meal with an amazing dessert. Our kids really do grow up so quickly! What adorable photos.

  12. Happy Birthday to Evan! So many good things happening for your boys-you must be so proud! They have a great role model :) Love all of your hikes and outfits and goodness in this post!

  13. Wow! beautiful pictures. I love to make zucchini bread.

    1. I love it too! I love most anything made with zucchini though.

  14. You guys sound so busy! That birthday cake looked amazing and all of the food is making me hungry. Congrats to your boys as they continue their education and learning. Your outfits are so cute, I feel like I'm always re-wearing the same things. I like how you mix it up! I will check out some of those books. I've been loving Only Murders In The Building This Season. I was all caught up but now I need to see the new episode that just dropped. We've just been through about 3 very long days of rain, wind and gloom. I'm happy to see the sun today!

    1. I definitely feel like we have been busier than ever; normally I feel like we have so much downtime but this season has been jam packed with all the things.

      We just watched the latest episode last night and my main "suspect" was not it...

  15. Happy Birthday, Evan! So many happy things! That cheesecake! Oh man....

    1. Thank you! I was so glad that cheesecake was gone the next day... otherwise I would have been so tempted to eat more.

  16. Start teaching him to drive. Now I'm sure you're a pro at that, but don't kids take classes anymore??

    1. My boys all take driver's ed classes and do 10 hours of driving with the driving school but need a minimum of 40 hours to be able to test for their actual license and since Evan can't start class until November we're definitely going to be teaching him the basics on our own first.

  17. Such sweet times. I'm so jealous of your lush green hikes...it's so hot here still. The cake looks amazing!! And you amaze me with 14 READS!!! I was surprised how much I loved Carrie Soto!! & now I'm drooling over that ice cream...so good.

    1. Aw, thank you! It is definitely not hot here... it was 45 this morning with a high of 60 today and we have a threat of frost in the forecast already. Some of the books I do listen to while driving and others are actual physically read; plus I have always been a fast reader.

  18. What flavour of ice cream is that? It looks so yummy!

    1. It's called Cookie Jar and has M&M's, chocolate pieces, peanut butter cups, and oreo bits in it.

  19. Congrats to Evan on the Driver's permit, and wow, Ian sounds like one busy guy! I always love your hiking pictures since like Shelly said it's still so hot here in Texas! Loved hearing all the latest news!

  20. Lots of loveliness and fun here. That cake is gorgeous and seeing that soup reminds me it's time to make some! I love a good birthday celebration! And the hikes look fun too! Happy upcoming weekend!

  21. Congrats to your boys on all their accomplishments! And, that cake looks delicious! I'll be curious to see what you thought of The Little Mermaid.


    1. I thought it was just okay; I'm not even sure I bothered to finish it. Knowing the animated one by heart I had a hard time with the changes in voices and slight alterations to the storyline.

  22. That cheesecake is making my mouth water! Congrats to your boys!

  23. Ice cream! Oh that would be dangerous for me. I'd be visiting the shops daily. I sure enjoy seeing all of your pictures!
    Take care and best wishes.

    1. I love ice cream but it often makes me feel sick or causes my eczema to flare up so I'm not tempted to always get some. Usually I can content myself with one bite from my husband's cone/cup and I'm good.

  24. Oh my goodness that cheesecake looks delicious! Pot roast is one of my favorite meals. We are watching Only Murders in the Building too and really like it.

    1. It is such a fun show and I love a good murder mystery!

  25. What a busy month you have all had! The cheesecake looks delicious and we too, started the month with a heatwave and are now all rugged up in our winter wear. Hope your oven is up and running again and how good is MITB?!

    1. Sadly we had to wait ANOTHER week for a part for the oven; thankfully I can still use the stove top at least.

  26. Everyone is growing up fast once they get their learner's permit. We are winter going into Spring here and have days of heatwaves and then a few cold days. ALL the wardrobe is on rotation! Thanks so much for linking up, and hope to see you next week for Denyse's Words and Pics Link up.

  27. Happy belated birthday to Evan! I totally agree that time goes so fast, and it honestly feels like September came and went and I missed it! I hope Alec practices lots of delicious Greek dishes for you to try at home. Yum!

  28. That caramel chocolate cheesecake looks incredible. And I'm loving all of the baby pictures! So sweet!

  29. Congrats to Evan! I do love decorating for fall. So many cute things.


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