Share 4 Somethings in July

 Tomorrow is the last Saturday of the month and it's time to link up with Jennifer for her Share 4 Somethings.  We had a wonderful and very busy July.  

loved-- Our weekend in Maine!  

Celebrating my birthday

Spending time on the beach (the sunburns not so much)

Hearing all about Alec's 3 night/4 day stay at college-- he had so much fun that he was actually sad to say goodbye to everyone and come home with us! 

learned-- I have the hardest time with this prompt each and every month. I learn so many things but usually little things that don't seem worthy of mentioning.  I've learned about how our bodies process glucose, I've learned how to snake a kitchen drain, I've learned more about the process of getting a CDL (commercial driver's license), and I've learned a whole lot more about these schools that Alec is interested in attending. 

read-- I read another dozen books this month (which I'll be sharing more about on the 8th) and while I enjoyed most of them my favorite was a toss up between Elin's latest and a gripping historical fiction novel about WWII.

 ate-- Much too much junk food!  I am almost embarrassed to show these photos! 

Strawberry shortcakes at Longhorn with my mom for my birthday

Seafood casserole with squash in Kennebunkport

Peanut butter ice cream in Kennebunkport

Maine Black Bear ice cream in Ogunquit 

Alec made jam tarts

Alec talked me into cheesecake for lunch one day when we went to Barnes and Noble

He also talked me into buying some Crumble cookies for us all to try/share

I did try really hard to balance all this sugar overload on those days we were home (and honestly I am looking so forward to not having any travel at all for the next month!).  

Linking up with:


  1. Happy Happy Birthday Month! So glad you had a wonderful trip :) What do you think of Crumbl Cookies? I think they are deadly- they are too good so I try to avoid that shop at all costs- ha! Have a great weekend :)

    1. Honestly? I only liked two of the cookies we tried-- then told Alec I bet they would be even better if he tried making some fresh homemade versions himself! LOL.

  2. Happy birthday month! I hope you celebrate all month long! You had two great reads - I just finished The Paris Daughter and loved it.

  3. I loved seeing your Maine pictures! I struggle with the "learned" prompt as well, but the ones you shared are great. I will say this tomorrow, but this month I read about and learned more about what to do/what not to do with people who suffer with dementia. I also think we can learn a lot from podcasts, so I feel like I'm always learning something new from there as well. Don't you feel like it's great for our brains to be continually learning? I hope you have a wonderful weekend, friend!

    1. Thank you! Maine was so much fun. I do think it is great for our brains to be continually learning and I've said that to my boys over an over-- learning never stops.

  4. What a fantastic weekend and happy birthday month! I still need to try Crumbl cookies!

    1. Thank you! This was our first box ever and while I would never stop there again I don't think the rest of the family feels the same way.

  5. As good as those Crumbl cookies look (and are), Alec's jam tarts look way better to me. Crust is one of my favorite foods ever and I'm a sucker for pretty looking pastry. Love the beach pics- you are enjoying summer and your proximity to many beautiful places.

  6. Your Maine trip looks so fun! So does all the ice cream, and those jam tarts!

  7. Replies
    1. It really was! I can't believe how fast it flew by.

  8. Ice cream in Kennebunkport, doesn't get better than that! Except, well, maybe those jam tarts. Looks like a full and fun July.

  9. It does sound like you had a wonderful month. Your trip to Maine sounded lovely and it sounds like Alec had a great time at college. All that food looks so good, I am sure with all of the hiking you do you have already worked it off.

    1. Just barely but yes, thankfully even with all the sweet treats my weight doesn't seem to be going up!

  10. Happy birthday!! That ice cream all looks so good.

  11. It's always hard to curb the sweets especially on vacation. And then I really start to crave them more after that. I swear it's such a terrible cycle. Did you read the Glucose Revolution?? I think her trick of trying to eat veggies first so I don't have sweets on an empty stomach have helped tremendously.
    But it is so hard.

    1. Yes! I find that cutting out the sugar after vacation is so hard but I find that cold turkey works best and just grit through the cravings.

  12. We haven't tried Crumbl cookies yet, it's on our summer bucket list! They look soo good, I've heard some people love them, and some people aren't fans. I'm curious to try!

    1. I think I definitely feel somewhere in the middle.

  13. The strawberry shortcake and homemade tarts look good. Happy birthday!! #WeekendCoffeeShare

  14. I am embarrassed to show my food photos sometimes, too, but I show the decadent things more than the basic healthy things.
    So glad Alec loved his college stay!
    You had a very full and very summery month!

    1. Yeah, I tend to show more the sweets than the everyday foods too; it was just one month filled with sweets! Alec had a really great time and I almost feel bad that he has another whole year to wait.

  15. So many yummy treats this month! I love it! And happy happy birthday to you!

  16. Happy belated birthday Joanne! I hope you had a lovely day.
    Glad you guys had a great weekend away in Maine. It's nice to have some chill out time.
    Don't get me started on the junk food! I've had far too much these past few weeks.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend! :)

  17. Hi friend! I have seen our posts show up on my reading list but I haven't had a lot of time to sit down and blog but I have seen you've been very very busy this summer! I'm excited that you had so many fun experiences to share! I've always wanted to go visit Maine, it looks beautiful, but it is a haul from here. Also, when is your birthday? I'm a July baby too (25th!) Crumbl cookies is amazing! We have one at the Outer Banks that is to die for! Thanks for sharing, this linkup is so fun! Nice to catch up with you!

    1. Yes, we have been very, very busy this summer and I am loving it! I figure it's one of the last ones we'll have with all of our boys at home.

  18. The birthday trip and food looks fun! It is always good to spend time at home and get back into routine.

  19. Happy belated birthday. Sounds like you had a fun-filled July. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  20. A Crumbl cookies store just opened here. I happened to be going to Kroger (which is beside it) and saw all of these people standing in line to get cookies. There were probably a couple dozen people waiting! I hope you had a wonderful birthday!

    1. We saw really long lines at Crumbl when they first opened too but the day Alec and I went we were the only people in the store. I would never wait in line outside a store for some cookies. I can't imagine any cookie being THAT good! LOL.

  21. Looks like it was a great month with so much good stuff happening for you! Those desserts all look so delicious!

    1. They sure were! Now I'm back to trying to omit sweets entirely from my diet... until the next party or event or vacation. LOL

  22. Happy birthday, Joanne. I erased my comment when I saw Marsha's name above mine. Then I read her comment and realized it was not me. LOL. All your treats look delicious and way overload. Back to the trail! :)

    1. LOL! That is so funny! I'm glad you took the time to type it back in though. We actually just went hiking again this morning.

  23. What a wonderful month you enjoyed! I go through waves of having a sweet tooth, too but have become limited by my gluten intolerance which helps temper me when I'm out and about ;-) Your trip to Maine looks lovely! We had friends recently move there so have been talking about visiting them sometime soonish! You've re-inspired me! Hope your weekend is lovely!

    1. Thank you! I hope you do get to Maine; it is such a lovely state.

  24. Happy Belated Birthday! You had some delicious eats! We love Crumbl Cookies. And summer is all about ice cream! I had to return the new Hilderbrand book before I had a chance to read it, so will have to take it out again.

  25. Our posts are very similar, LOL! Happy birthday to you! I shared about the pool, not the beach, but it was also my birthday month and I think I rival you for the amount of junk food consumed! I hope you have a fabulous week.

    1. Thank you! I'll definitely swing by and check it out.

  26. Happy Belated Birthday Joanne. I enjoyed hearing about your weekend in Maine. I can virtually taste the junk food you had and I'm weighing in on thanks it was oh so yummy!.
    Visiting from Share 4 Somethings.

    1. Thank you! They were oh so yummy and I'm happy that it hasn't been SUPER hard to cut back and start eating healthier once again.

  27. Hi Jo - I hope you had a great birthday and your holiday away looks like it was a fun and relaxing one. There was a lot of yummy looking food, and I can see why you'll be enjoying getting back into your normal routine in August just for a rest!

  28. looks like a great trip...that seafood casserole looks amazing.

  29. This one has been opened for quite some time too and I had never gone there before.

  30. Looks like July was a delicious month!! Your meal in Maine looks especially yummy:) And chocolate for your birthday - yeah!!

    1. Oh it definitely was delicious! My oldest son sure knows my favorites-- he bought me those chocolates and told me to hide them from everyone else too.

  31. Happy Birthday. Ice cream is just milk, makes the bones strong.. consider it medicine. Ice cream just doesn't count. But those Crumbl cookies are a whole different ball game. Lol.

  32. Looks like you had a wonderful birthday month. I think you get to eat as many goodies as you want in your birthday month ;) And look at that dark chocolate, that's definitely healthy stuff--my favorite kind of chocolate (the dark stuff and not because it's healthy). All the food looked delicious and it looks like you had a great trip as well.

  33. Happy birthday!! Maine looks lovely! I've never been to that part of the U.S. I've had Crumbl cookies -- way too sweet. But that Maine Black Bear ice cream looked so good!


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