What's Up Wednesday: March 2023

It's the last Wednesday of the month and that means it's time for What's Up Wednesday with Sheaffer and Shay.  

What We're Eating: 

Sunday-- I roasted 2 whole chickens in the oven and served them with rice pilaf (cauliflower rice for me) with green beans

Monday-- I made this Italian turkey soup but subbed out the turkey with leftover chicken (since I could not find the leftover turkey I thought was in the freezer!)

Tuesday-- Waffles, breakfast sausage, and fresh fruit (I just save and eat my fruit/yogurt/granola bowl for dinner).

Wednesday-- Baked ziti with salad and garlic bread

Thursday-- Leftover pie (we had a mini Thanksgiving dinner meal this past month and I made another pie for us to enjoy). 

Friday-- Is up in the air w/ Alec's SkillsUSA competition that day so it will probably be takeout-- maybe? 

Saturday-- Grilled salmon with roasted potatoes and zucchini (the boys will eat chicken with salad and potatoes). 

What I'm Reminiscing About: This time 3 years ago we were just ending our second week of sheltering in place (which for us included a lot of hikes!).  Being homeschoolers with a husband whose job was essential not a whole lot changed for us other than not running nearly as many errands and not seeing our homeschooling friends for hiking.  I'm sure it helped that we live in a pretty rural region too so distance is not hard to find. It's crazy to think it's already been 3 years. 

If you care to you can read that blog post here

What I'm Loving: We had another fabulous date night this month-- my husband and I have always been great about taking time away from the kids just us two but this year we're focusing on making date nights a little extra special. This month my husband actually made reservations (unprompted!) and we enjoyed a fabulous dinner out.  I even did up my hair a bit fancier than normal and wore a new shirt. 

What We've Been Up To: The usual-- lots of baking, lots of hiking, lots of reading, 

peanut butter granola bars Alec made

Challah bread using Dara's Recipe

What I'm Dreading:  Nothing! 

What I'm Working On: All sorts of cards and scrapbook pages.

What I'm Excited About: It's spring!! Our weather was so beautiful last week too that I hiked without a jacket or coat for a few of the days.

What I'm Watching/Reading: I've been watching lots of great shows and movies!  I watched The Chaperone (Prime) and re-watched Jumanji, The Proposal, & Pretty Women.    I've started watching Not Dead Yet (Hulu), Caribbean Life (Discovery+),  and Blue Bloods (Hulu). I watched Daisy Jones and the Six (Prime) & UnPrisoned (Hulu). 

I read 12 pretty great books this month too (but my full review won't be up until April 11th)

What I'm Listening to: I actually have Caribbean Beach on in the background as I type this. 

What I'm Wearing: Even though it's spring the weather hasn't yet caught up to the calendar so I'm mostly wearing pants, sweaters, and warm clothing still.  

What I'm Doing This Weekend: I don't think we have any plans this weekend.  I know Alec and I will both be sleeping in since he has to be at school on Friday by 4:45 (which means we need to leave here-- dressed and ready to go by 4:15!!)

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: We're looking forward to our oldest turning 19, Alec and I are both looking forward to his April Vacation and sleeping in, and we're hoping to tour at least one college. 

What Else is New: Nothing much, really it's been much of the same here. 

Linking up with:


  1. I have been thinking about three years ago lately, too. Such a strange time! I wrote about it as well. Writing about what was happening seemed to help somehow... Love your date night look and those bars Alec made look so good. Any baked good is elevated with the addition in M&M's in my opinion!

  2. It is still cold here too. Hope next month will be spring.

  3. I can't believe it's been three years since lockdown.
    Those cinnamon rolls. ❤️

    1. They are my favorites... so I try to never make them! LOL

  4. Still sweater season where you are at! How did you like that challah bread recipe? I have a recipe which is pretty good but I would be curious to try a different one. I love how you fixed your hair for your date night. Hubby and I went out on a double date a week ago and it was a lot of fun. Need to make sure to plan a date night next month.

    1. I love that recipe; Dara (from Not in Jersey) gave it to me a few years ago and it is my go to recipe for Challah.

  5. You looked so pretty- hope your date night was amazing! That challah looks incredible!

    1. Aw, thank you! I am loving getting all dolled up.

  6. I really like how you and your husband are having proper date nights! I really liked your hair, and your other outfits, especially that with the pink top. Hope spring weather continues!

    1. Thanks! It's a huge step up from grabbing food and ending our night at Lowe's (though I think we may have stopped in there that night too! LOL).

  7. What a fun date night...love your hair and outfit. It really is hard to believe it's been 3 years since 2020!

    1. Thank you! Time really does fly by so fast.

  8. I'm so behind on reading your blog. I LOVE your hair and your top for your date night. And I am excited to get out on some spring hikes. Sadly, we're under a winter storm warning here (BOO) so I'm not wearing much of anything warm weather either. Blah. Come on Spring!!!

    1. Boo! LOL. I cringe each time I hear we might have snow in the forecast now and complain to anyone who will listen that it should not be allowed to snow in spring.

  9. It's weird to think back on that time three years ago, isn't it? We are watching Daisy Jones right now. I read the book so many years ago so I don't know if it closely follows the book or not. We go out a lot, but I wouldn't call them date nights!


    1. I don't know if I really remember the book well enough to compare the two but I didn't really like the book and I did enjoy the show.

  10. So many mentioned reminiscing about the beginning of the lockdowns in 2020, and I purposely AVOIDED mentioning it because there was so much about it that was stressful and just wrong. But honestly, our family managed to put a positive spin on it and make some great memories - at least for the first couple months! Haha!! Your date night hairdo is so pretty!

    1. We hardly felt like we were on lockdown at all; we went out nearly every day to some new park or trail and life pretty much continued as normal for us... we even saw most of our family members like usual, but we were still aware of what was going on.

  11. It does seem a long time ago, like a distant memory. We did lots of walking and hikes too. Your food always looks delicious. You've made me nostalgic for the scrapbooking and card making I used to do! Thanks for joining the link up.

    1. Thank you! Scrapbooking and card making is something I've only just started getting back to these past couple of years. I nearly had given up everything for a few years when my boys were taking over all my free time and I'm enjoying being creative once again.

  12. I love your date night look and how awesome - not sure my husband knows how to make a reservation! Ha!
    The granola bars and the Challah look amazing!

    1. I didn't know my husband knew how to make reservations either; I literally texted back to him "who are you and what did you do with my husband" when he texted to tell me he had made them!

  13. I too am still wearing winter clothes, maybe a thinner jacket but definitely still need my sweaters. Making date nights extra special sounds like a great idea and I love how you fixed your hair for the occasion!

  14. Your hair on date night was perfection! I have zero ability to create hairstyles so I tip my hat to you :)

    1. Aw, thanks! I've always had fun playing with my hair and even debated about becoming a hair dresser.

  15. It's hard to fathom how life has changed since Covid and all the restrictions. I find that many businesses have chosen to not go back to the way things were. Some of those changes have worked out to be good but others have just distanced people more and more from one another.

    1. I don't feel like life has changed since Covid; other than shortages that still crop up now and then... BUT we do live in a pretty rural area with lots of small businesses so I think that makes a difference. Maybe?

  16. It is so surreal to see my TimeHop memories from the early days of lockdown! Love your outfits.

  17. Your fancy hair was so pretty! We have just finished watching The Night Agent on Netflix and thought it was really good. Just one season so far, ten episodes. The season can stand on it's own which I like. It's intense, not quite as intense as 24, but intense in a similar vein. I just read The People We Keep for book club this month. Hubs and I have a few roadtrips coming up and since we FINALLY!!! finished Napoleon we are going to start on Leonardo Da Vinci. It's only half the length of Napoleon so that's encouraging : ) Have a great weekend!

    1. Oh I'll have to check that out; The Night Agent does sound good. We enjoy listening to audiobooks when we travel too.

  18. I can't believe it's been 3 years since lockdown. I love how you styled your hair for your date night! Those peanut butter granola bars sound delicious! Have a wonderful weekend!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  19. I am so glad you and your husband care for each other first by organising date nights and time away...we did that too, and we had supportive parents who would care for our kids while they were young. It's your relationship that matters most...not all people see it that way and wonder, after kids have grown and moved on, that there is a couple left...the parents. As always, I am grateful that you shared your post for Wednesday’s Words and Pics. See you again next week, when no more daylight saving in Australia for 6 months, means Eastern States will be all on same time! Denyse.

    1. Yeah, between my mom/step-father and my husband's 2 sets of parents we rarely didn't have available sitters so not only did we squeeze in frequent date nights but starting from the time the boys were quite young we always planned one weekend away just the two of us as well.

  20. I can’t believe it’s been three years since lockdown. As someone who was teaching at the time and had a newborn, I can say our lives changed quite a bit! It’s interesting that because of your homeschooling and your husband’s job, yours didn’t change all that much. What a crazy, wild time. I am so happy that is behind us now!

    Lauren @ Don’t Mind Our Mess

    1. Yeah, we often felt "left out" from all the talk of the changes that time brought since we barely noticed it at all!!

  21. Your hair looks lovely in that date night pic and I love the sparkly straps on your top...and your crafting. I love your crafting. Thanks for linking up.

  22. Thanks for joining us for What's Been On Your Calendar? and sharing what's been happening in your world. Date nights are great and I've combined my love of cooking with re-introducing our Home Restaurant Date Nights again. I also just completed a 5 day Wardrobe bootcamp so have been trying putting outfits together for my wardrobe and getting read of clothes that don't fit. It has been cathartic. Enjoy April! x

    1. I am looking forward to doing a wardrobe clean out when I bring out my spring/summer clothes!

  23. Hi, Joanne - Thank you for joining us for What's Been On Your Calendar. You had me at the opening food photos. Your date night photos were especially stunning as well. Wishing you an awesome April ahead!

    1. Oops, I forgot to mention - this is me, Donna, from Retirement Reflections!

  24. Thanks for sharing your March with us in this way Joanne, you always have great photos of outdoor walks! Great to have you link up with us for #WBOYC. All the best for a fun April - lucky you with spring on the way!


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