Friday Favorites: Shelter in Place Week #2

My kids have been pretty content to connect with their friends on-line but I am slowly beginning to realize just how much I relied on quick errands out, seeing our friends a few times a week, and just being able to leave the house to help keep my sanity in check.  You can bet we are out hiking and out in nature any chance we can get! On the plus side we are flying through our schoolwork... but if we're finishing up most subjects in next week or two I am kind of at a loss as to what we'll be doing after that.

We put aside some of our schoolwork on Friday monday for just a bit so we could head out on a hike while the rain was holding off.  The boys did complete their schoolwork for the day afterwards and Ian ran a lesson on Ph.  I then spent my afternoon on Amazon trying to get some supplies that I just can't seem to find around here (and really didn't fare much better on there either). Word came through that the governor was shutting down all non-essential businesses as of Monday and so we worked out a plan on how we can continue homeschooling when/if my husband works from home.

I worked on cleaning house and bedding on Saturday while catching up on blogging & reading.  In the late afternoon my husband convinced me to take a ride through the woods to his great aunt's house so he could stock up on coal for the forge.  It was a bumpy ride in our ranger!  I was so thankful for the enclosed cab as there were HUGE mud puddles everywhere.  The trails were quite crowded with dirt bikes, 4 wheelers, and even a pick- up truck.

I spent most of my day Sunday trying to finish up my latest book; Fountains of Silence. I did manage to get a few loads of laundry done as well as work on some scrapbook pages and a card.  My husband and I went on a good 30 or so minute walk through our woods just before dinner and tried to convince the boys to go with us.

We got word Monday morning that all manufacturing is listed as "essential" and my husband was reporting to work as usual.  So the boys and I settled into our schoolwork and continued on as usual.

Alec finished up his writing curriculum for the year and the other two boys are so close that they're doubling up on lessons.  After school I spent the afternoon finishing up getting all our photos labeled and scrapbooked.  My husband and I headed to the store after dinner and found everything on our list except for eggs so I was pretty happy with that. It was a relief to see much of our store getting slowly re-stocked.

Thankfully the rain washed all the snow away by Tuesday morning.  I was starting to get the days confused though; without having karate or any activities going on they're all blending into each other!  We looked up how to re-grow items from kitchen scraps and we're trying to grow some celery, lettuce, and pineapples. We finished up lots of schoolwork and headed out for a hike after lunch.  We saw maybe 4 people on the trails so they weren't that crowded.  They were muddy, wet, and even flooded though!  We only made it about 3/4 of the way through the trail we planned to hike because there really was a giant puddle we could not get around.  My husband stopped at two more stores on his way home and managed to find eggs, flour, chicken, and napkins-- things I had hoped to find but really had no real belief we would!!

Eek! Spring is coming!! 

Today the trail stops here.. 

We got a late start to our schoolwork on Wednesday because Alec and I decided to start our morning making homemade cinnamon buns.  They were so good and only took a little over an hour to make.  The boys completed their schoolwork quickly and each worked on a bit of housecleaning.  I started a new puzzle and a new book and Ian worked on finishing up his latest model car kit.

Alec just had to try one before he finished making up the glaze so ignore our "hole"

Thursday I balanced my morning time between helping the boys with their schoolwork and finding some creative uses for new fruits and veggies we received through a subscription box called Misfits Market (I'm going to do a whole separate post on this soon!).  I made some homemade apple sauce with the 5 slightly bruised apples we received and tried adding fresh mango to my salad and iced tea at lunch.  After lunch the boys and I hit the trails.  It was sunny, 50 degrees, and positively beautiful out today so that meant the trails were crowded.  At times it was hard to keep our 6 feet distance but we all tried our best.

Buds on the trees!!  I am so excited even if it means that I need to start taking allergy meds everyday. 

How did your week go?!

Linking Up With:


  1. I am in the same situation as you--finding myself with all kinds of time to do school with my son, which is a real gift after a senior year in which I"ve been fitting our academics in between all kinds of musical activities and his job.
    I feel sorry for our teens with all their disappointments and cancellations, and am working at helping our son process all this upheaval in a very pivotal time in his life.

    1. My oldest is pretty bummed that he most likely won't be taking his driving permit test on his birthday like he planned but I think all my boys are handling this all so well.

  2. I don't know where exactly you live but it is just gorgeous there and I am so jealous. Need to think about that when this is all over.....may need to move somewhere pretty. :)

    1. Thank you! I live in Northeastern Connecticut.

  3. Replies
    1. Oh me too; though I was starting to get uncomfortable with how many people we encountered on the trail yesterday. Thankfully today's trail pick was completely deserted.

  4. Homemade cinnamon rolls sound so good! Glad you've been able to get out & go hiking. I really need to find a park around here that is still open while my county still isn't on a "stay-at-home/shelter in place" order.

    1. They were delicious! We do have a shelter in place/ stay at home order but were given the OK to go for walks and get fresh air.

  5. Yum to all the good food. Those cinnamon rolls look amazing. I also love that salad. We took a drive as well. Hopefully this all ends soon and we can all get out more and get back to normal. Have a great weekend!

    1. I enjoyed that salad so much that's what I had again for lunch today.

  6. We made cinnamon rolls this week too! And hiking is so important for us right now to be able to get out and feel more free. Have a great weekend!

    1. To me they are the perfect comfort food and I find hiking is definitely important for my mental health (as well as my physical!).

  7. I need to pick up a new puzzle. I am picky and been trying to get ones that depict places we have been because I have been framing them. I have been doing good in the kitchen but I need to be more productive in other areas! A couple project need to be tackled especially my photobooks for last year's fun adventures.

    1. I typically don't get to pick out my own puzzles as many of them are given to us as hand me downs. When we're done we put them back in the box and pass them on to someone else.

  8. Oh, that snow is so beautiful but this time of year, I'd rather see the buds on the trees in the picture you shared. While I was in KY, I don't think we had a single completely dry day. While I love all the green, the trees, grass, and the blooming Bartlett pear trees all over Lexington, I missed my El Paso sunshine.

    When you say the boys are writing curriculum what does that look like? They write the curriculum for the following school year? I always loved to write lesson plans. In fact, going to try to finish a post where I share one of my favorite lessons from the library...just in case there are any homeschooling mamas looking for something to do with their elementary aged babies.

    1. I would much rather see the buds and sunshine this time of year than the snow too!

      What I meant was that he was all done with the curriculum we use for his writing portion of language arts. We use a program called Writeshop and my middle son finished up his last assignment of the year. In fact I think he'll complete all of his schoolwork this coming Monday and then he gets to enjoy a nice break until September.

  9. My kids are really doing so well with this too. They have lost jobs, performances, concert tickets, the spring formal and so much more, but they are being really positive. I am so proud of them. I love all of your outdoor time. I am still trying to figure that out. We aren't supposed to drive unless we are going on an essential errand and they closed all the parks anyway. We are lucky to have a big yard.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. We were told we weren't supposed to drive or leave our house unless running essential errands and then we each received a call from our governor and he told us he and his wife would be going for drives and walks and he encouraged us to too; just to stay away from other people and not make stops unless for outdoor/ fresh air... so it was kind of confusing and I figured I'd keep on heading out for hikes (within just a few minutes of our home) until it was otherwise clarified. We try to go at times or to places where we think we won't see anyone else anyway and worse case we do have a huge patch of woods behind our house that is sill considered our land where we've cut a few trails and we could use that too.

  10. We are finishing up Week 2 of shelter in place here in Kentucky too. Since our schools are closed, we are watching our grandsons, age 12 and 9. Much of their schooling has been online for the past two weeks. Paper packets were sent home on the last day of school so they are finished with those. We are waiting to see if everything will be online next week. We have self quarantined ourselves between our house and their house. Their parents are in health care and must go to work daily. We live in the country so have been able to take walks and come in no contact with others. Take care!

    1. We live the country too and that is something I am rather thankful for right now. I am sure their parents are so thankful for the help. I have so many friends that are still working and trying to do all that schoolwork and online lessons with their kids is a real struggle.

  11. If you lived in my little community you would just have to walk down the street for eggs. A lot of neighbors have a stand on their driveway selling their eggs. Isn't it a great feeling to walk out of a grocery store and know that you scored and got almost everything? Stay healthy!!

    1. Pretty soon we'll be getting eggs for free; we have a few family members just down the road that raise their own but they had to get new ones as the foxes and predators were extra bad this fall/winter. I was thrilled to have every single item on my trip this morning!!


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