Would You Rather; Fall Edition

I was looking for a quick and fun blog post when I stumbled upon this graphic on Pinterest.  I stopped by Life By Wyetha's blog and found so many great Would You Rather and printable game ideas for parties.  It's a really fun blog and you should definitely check it out (here!).  With her permission, I'm using her adorable graphic for today's post. 

As always, I've circled my answers and, of course, will go into even more detail below.  

Other than a few football games when I was in high school, I've never even watched football so my obvious answer was movies!  I don't like scary movies though so you'll find me watching things like Runaway Bride, Stepmom, Love Story, Autumn in New York, St. Elmo's Fire, Good Will Hunting, etc. 

While I love iced tea, I only drink hot tea when I'm sick.  I much prefer a mug of cocoa! 

When my boys were younger we used to visit a corn maze (and a different one at that!) each fall.  We have so many near us.  They all have fun extras too like hay bale mountains, scavenger hunts, etc. 

I don't even like pumpkin pie but I LOVE my mom's apple pie recipe and we make 3 of them each fall; one to eat that day and two we freeze (one for Thanksgiving and one for Christmas). 

I actually HATE carving pumpkins... the smell, the mess, the slimy feeling of the insides... but it was a yearly tradition in our house anyway.  The boys began doing their own as soon as they were able and they were pretty creative in their designs. 

I do own 2 flannel shirts now but I have more sweaters than I can count... and I seem unable to stop buying them.  They are the first thing I reach for all fall and winter long. In fact, I recently wrote a post about my 10 Favorite Fall Sweaters from Amazon. 

I hate candy corn (though I do buy a bag each year for the boys) but I LOVE caramel apples.  We began making them ourselves a couple years ago and even have branched out to making chocolate covered apples too!

I don't drink pumpkin spiced lattes (or any sort of coffee of any kind) but between the two flavors; pumpkin spice or salted caramel I much prefer pumpkin spice. 

How about you?  What would be your picks?!

Linking up with: On the Edge, 


  1. Fun post! I am with you on every one of your picks except the last one- I am team salted caramel all of the way! Well, maybe the first one, too. I'm not a big movie watching person and I can pretty quickly get into football games (even if I'm not a huge fan of either team). I have been hearing lately of a numerous people who hate candy corn. I don't crave it or love it but I do like it especially when mixed with something salty like popcorn or pretzels. That is neat that you guys have a tradition of making apple pie.

    1. I used to love salted caramel but I once had a cookie that had waaay to much salt and kind of ruined the combo for me. We are just not a big sports family at all-- I can't remember the last game of anything I've watched. I am not a candy corn fan at all but I do buy it every year thinking I'll like it but I just don't.

  2. I like to slice an apple and dip it. I bought Heath pieces and mixed that with caramel. Yum! I like it with green apples for some reason!

    1. We just made apples with caramel and heath yesterday!

  3. Love this- so fun and love the pics of the boys when they were younger- BIG fans of caramel apples here- we just had them a few weeks back at the Milford Pumpkin Festival and they bring back childhood memories for me :)

    1. Aw, thank you! We had lots of fun times when they were little.

  4. Fun post! I'd pick many of the same as you did, although I do enjoy a hot cup of tea just the same as hot cocoa and do like the pumpkin patch more than corn maze. As for pumpkin spice or salted caramel - I like my coffee plain with a tiny bit of milk but if I had to choose between these two it would be salted caramel. I always have Pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving but because of tradition I guess, otherwise I'd choose apple pie :) That said I made some pumpkin bars yesterday (following Sally's Baking Addiction recipe found online) and they are delicious!
    Such great pictures! Those caramel apples look delicious!

    1. I don't drink coffee at all so I based that answer on just the overall taste.. I don't even eat pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving. I can't get past the texture of it.

  5. I like watching football! And I love candy corn.

  6. Love the pumpkins and caramel apples. I love EVERYTHING FALL.

  7. I’m so hungry now. Yum. Regine

  8. I love how your boys cook and the idea of making 3 apple pies sounds amazing - I don't think I'd be able to resist eating them before their designated days. The chocolate and caramel apples look delicious too - I haven't had a toffee apple for years!

  9. Oh how fun is this post! We love all the same fall movies. Plus those caramel apples look devine!

    Have a Good weekend,

  10. Would you rather is fun. I have to say that I could go for a slice of warm apple pie with French vanilla ice-cream. And a caramel apple would go great too! I drink caramel macchiatos most of the year and I switch to pumpkin spice for the fall season. Fun post. Thanks for sharing.

    1. OH yes, I love my pie topped with vanilla ice cream.

  11. I like this fun fall post Joanne. I will have to check out those Tates cookies. Have a happy Friday and weekend.

  12. I am a tea, pumpkin patch, pumpkin pie fan, but to the fall sweaters - heck yes! :)

    1. I am trying so hard NOT to buy any more sweaters this year but I just love them all so much.

  13. I love horror, don't like pumpkin at all, not to eat not to carve. Hate football. Love sweaters and don't know what candycorn is. This is fun!

    1. LOL! Thanks for joining in and I love that your answers are so absolute!

  14. This was such a fun post! And a great roundup of fall movies. Stepmom is one of my favorite movies ever. It makes me cry and feel good all at the same time. Such a bittersweet movie.

  15. What a cute graphic! We do not have many corn mazes down here. Our answers are similar except I love pumpkin pie!

    1. Funny because I don't think we have many pumpkin patches around here; lots of places that grow pumpkins but other than grabbing a pumpkin there is nothing to do there.

  16. Apple pie and ice cream are delicious together. Thank you for your #weekndcoffeeshare.

  17. Oh, my word! You and I match in every way and for most of the same reasons! I don't like coffee at all, but I do love the smell of it. And, though I really like pumpkin cake, pumpkin donuts, and pumpkin cookies, I loathe pumpkin pie! I used to have a stack of Would You Rather cards (with really gross answers) that I'd play with my students after they'd come in from their recess. We would go through it several times a year, but they loved it even though they'd heard them before!


    1. That sounds like so much fun! I remember playing some pretty gross would you rather games with my boys too.

  18. I'm a caramel girl through and through, and I love the sweaters too. I always wonder if it's because I knit them?

    1. Oh I wish I knew how to knit them.. but that would probably make my obsession even more dangerous.

  19. your picks are so similar to mine! I'm cosy hot chocolate any time of year though - unless it's a heatwave in summer, haha! I'm addicted to hot chocolate! I love apple pies as well, and cosy knits are the best! :) Never done the corn maze though, we don't have those here, but I'd love to one day!

    Hope you are having a lovely weekend. It's a very rainy one here!

    Away From The Blue

    1. I used to drink hot cocoa all the time too but I try to save it for only special occasions in fall and winter now that I try (and totally fail!) to cut back on sugar.

  20. I love caramel and sweaters! I'm a total knitwear addict :D I've bought a lot of it over the years and my mother has made me some too and I love them all.
    I've never understood what pumpkin spice is! Apple pies with cinnamon is my thing in the autumn, that's the tradition in Sweden because of the apple harvest in September-October.

    1. Pumpkins and apple are both harvested here during that same time period so I often think of both when I think of fall. Pumpkin spice is generally referring to a mix of cinnamon, nutmeg, clove and ginger that is most often found in any sort of pumpkin baked dessert.

    2. Ah ok, those spices are what I call Christmas spices!! In Sweden we have them in glögg and ginger biscuits, in Ireland we have them in mince pies. :)

    3. I think we refer to them as pumpkin spice since there is a jar where they are all mixed together called "pumpkin spice" on our store shelves (though I buy them individually and use them in lots of our fall and winter recipes.

  21. I feel the same for most of those! Fun memories in the photos too!

  22. What a fun post. I think I would pick exactly the same one's as you have chosen.

  23. What a fun fall post! I will have to see if I have time to include it in my life lately post this coming week. Those caramel apples look good!

  24. I love this post idea! I only drink hot tea when I'm sick too, so I never want it at other times, and I'm not big on pumpkin pie either!

  25. Fun post, Joanne!
    I love fall movies, especially Hallmark's.
    I've never been to a pumpkin patch but I really would love to visit one someday.

    1. I think we've only been to a real pumpkin patch a time or two. So many local places grow and sell pumpkins that we never really thought to make a special trip anywhere.

  26. Love your sweater choices. I love Tates cookies!

  27. This is fun! Definitely watching a movie over football! Carving pumpkins over painting them. Hot cocoa and cozy sweaters for me! I'm not a big pie eater but will eat a slice of pumpkin on Thanksgiving only. Hope you had a great weekend!

    1. I tend to have chocolate chip pecan pie on Thanksgiving-- that's my favorite but it wasn't a choice on the list! LOL.

  28. I'd rather eat homemade apple pie any day of the year! Your mom is a blessing.

  29. I think if I filled out that same survey I'd have exactly the same answers as you except for the last -- the salted caramel would be my choice! Love all the carved pumpkins and yummy looking pie. Perfect for the season!

  30. Fun post and photos...mine would be: fall movie, paint pumpkin, cocoa, cozy sweater, both patch and maze (I can't decide), caramel apple (with nuts), apple pie and both pumpkin spice and salted caramel..lol.


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