What's Up Wednesday: May 2022

Today I'm joining up with Sheaffer and Shay for a little look at what's up. How is it already the last Wednesday of May?!  This spring is just flying by.  We finally have had some nice, sunny weather and it seems like New England jumped right to summer-- I'm not complaining! 

What We're Eating This Week:

Monday: Whole wheat spaghetti and meatballs in the crock pot with salad. 

Tuesday: burgers/ veggie burgers/ hot dogs with salad and pasta salad (this recipe is only 4 points per serving on WW)

Wednesday: Unsloppy joes with fries (butternut squash fries for me)

Thursday: It's our anniversary so I'm not cooking; hopefully my husband and I will be going out and the boys will get themselves takeout. 

Friday: Baked haddock with roasted potatoes and broccoli

What I'm Reminiscing About: Lately I've been thinking a lot about our (nearly) 21 years of marriage and all the trips we've been on, the things we've experienced together, and the life we've built.

What I'm Loving:  I have found time and motivation to work on cardmaking quite a bit this past month and I am loving my new stamp and die sets as well as some of the new techniques I've been trying out. 

What We've Been Up To:  We spent a quiet mother's day at home while my husband recuperated from his stitches/ sprained neck/ broken tailbone.   I've spent lots of time out on the deck reading in the sun.  We've been hiking nearly every week.  Alec went to his first school dance and helped out his school with a parade even wearing his culinary uniform in the near 90 degree heat!  Ian finished up his semester in college with straight A's and started a full time job.  Evan is completed with his 8th grade year of work and we have his 9th grade books all ready to go. We've been working on the garden and pressure washed the deck, pulled out all the patio furniture and have both jet skis in the water-- we are ready for summer!

What I'm Dreading: Nothing! 

What I'm Working On: STILL working on planning our Disney/ Universal trip.  I always forget just how much I have to plan-- all that's left if figuring out where we want to dine.  I always have a hard time narrowing it down!   

Here's a few photos of our last Disney trip (we stayed at Saratoga Springs and plan to this time too!) My mother in law started going on vacation with us when the boys were small and it's a tradition we've kept up all these years. 

Our last universal trip!

What I'm Excited About: We have so many travel plans this summer and I just can not wait to get out and explore and make some new memories. 

What I'm Watching/Reading: On HBO Max: Made for Love, Season 2 of The Flight Attendant, Hacks, Old On Hulu: Body of Proof, Valet, Candy Netflix: Our Great National Parks, the last and latest season of Grace and Frankie,  Heartstopper, The Zookeeper's Wife

So far I have read 10 books this month and they were all pretty good ones too!

What I'm Listening to: Nothing at all; it's completely silent in the house... something that happens mor and more now. 

What I'm Wearing: This month I've had pretty much ALL the clothes out in my closet and have worn everything from jeans and sweaters to tank tops and skirts or shorts.  One day it's 90; the next it's in the 60's... 

What I'm Doing This Weekend: We don't really have any plans for Memorial day weekend but I'm betting we'll have a little cookout and spend time outside if the weather cooperates. 

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: My husband and I have a 4 day trip planned to celebrate our anniversary and I'm really looking forward to that.  Also Alec's school year is ending and all the awards ceremonies and things are coming up.  He's also has his driving test next month so I'm anxious for that to be behind us.  

What Else is New: Starting June 1st I'm only planning on posting on Tuesdays & Thursdays as well as the second Monday of the month for our Not Just a Mom Link up where we'll be looking at our Dream Travel Destinations.

Linking up with:


  1. Love all of the blooms in your yard. Great collection of books- adding some to my queue. We just started watching Candy too- ugh- creepy right??

    1. I have been reading lots of great books! Yep, Candy is definitely creepy and the ending left me totally speechless.

  2. Looks like a busy month. I like all your outfits!

    1. Thanks! This is my favorite time of year outfit-wise.

  3. I love all of the throwback pictures! Y'all look like babies in your wedding photos! And almost 21 years of marriage... how fantastic!

  4. I was also reminiscing about the life my husband and I have put together. Isn't it interesting to look back to your wedding day and try to remember what your young self was thinking about? Have a nice long weekend!

    1. I just wish I had relaxed and enjoyed my wedding day more; I was so stressed about all the little details and looking back they really didn't matter nearly as much as I thought they did.

  5. Such great pictures! Love the wedding photos, you guys are so cute!! And beautiful cards you've made!

  6. Happy Anniversary. Your kids look so much like your husband! How were those meatballs? And I love the idea of the sloppy joes. I want to start watching Candy. I heard good things about it!

    1. My kids do look a lot like my husband. The meatballs were great.

  7. So many great moments! Happy anniversary! Planning a trip to Disney sounds so stressful. I've never been but just planning the trip sounds like so much work. And you have so many cute outfits!

    1. It is so much work up front to plan out where we want to be each day and what we want to eat but then once we get there everything is done so that's nice.

  8. Those meatballs look so good and so does the pasta salad.
    Happy anniversary to you and your husband. What lovely photos of your wedding day x

  9. I love your wedding photos, our anniversary is Sunday. We’re going to have a date day Saturday and then go see the top gun movie on Sunday. My goodness your food looks delicious especially the meatballs and the pasta salad!

    1. Ooh! We should go see Top Gun this weekend too!

  10. I always love seeing your cards, Joanne. They are fabulous.
    And I'm glad your hubby is doing better...I guess it could have been so much worse. It's great to get away for a little celebration for your anniversary. We did that and enjoyed it so much.

    1. Thank you! We try to get away each year for our anniversary; usually just a quick 4 day weekend kind of thing since the boys are usually busy in the spring but it's wonderful to have time with just the two of us.

  11. I love seeing your Disney pictures-- the boys look so young! I hope you enjoy your anniversary trip and I am looking forward to reading about it when you get back!

    1. Thanks! They were so young on our last trip; which is why we've planned a new one. In 2019 my youngest pointed out to us that he was so little he really didn't remember anything about Disney or Universal.

  12. Wow! What a lovely bride you were and how beautiful you are still are to this day. :) Your view from your deck is lovely and it sounds like everyone in your home is thriving! Disney pictures are always the best and WOW - look at all those books you've read! So amazing!

  13. Happy belated anniversary! I loved seeing your wedding photos, Your cards are all lovely and I enjoyed seeing the fun family trips you have taken. We have been scanning old photos and so many are family trips we took 20 to 30 years ago! These weeks we have been watching grandsons play Lacrosse and Little League games...busy but fun times!

    1. Thank you! I love looking at old family photos and ones from our vacations are my favorite. I have a few from my own childhood and they make me smile with the odd looking hair & clothing styles and yet I remember a lot of those trips quite distinctly.

  14. I love seeing wedding photos and hearing about happy anniversaries. Loved all your outfits - certainly a variety this week and a lot of weather variations to contend with.

    1. Thank you! Yeah, our weather has been all over the place lately.

  15. Happy Belated Anniversary! You look just the same! And yes, we skipped over spring here too and it feels like we're in summer heat already. Craziness. And a Disney vacation sounds sooooo fun!!!

  16. Happy anniversary, Joanne! Looks like you had a very good month of May. I hope you have a great weekend and a wonderful get-away to celebrate your anniversary. Thank you for sharing your wedding photos and other photos with us at #weekendcoffeeshare.

  17. Happy anniversary!!

    Your homemade cards are fabulous! The little cactus looks a lot like the barrel cacti in my front yard.

  18. Love your blog! Especially like your really awesome food pics and healthy recipes. I’m going to use them!

  19. So much in this post. I remember having to drink my sons butterbeer as he didn't like it!

    1. I didn't like the butterbeer! LOL. We all thought the frozen ones were good but a bit too much with the sizes they serve.

  20. Happy anniversary! The photos from your wedding are wonderful! I hope your celebration dinner will be a good one.

  21. Those meatballs look yum! And I make a very similar pasta salad that is so good. YUM. I love your cards. My mom used to love making cards. I enjoyed your updates. I don't think I've seen any of the shows you listed or read those books...lol. I always love your outfit shares. Have a great rest of the weekend!

  22. Happy Anniversary, Joanne. You've got through a lot of books there. I've only read the one by Molly Ringwald. She spoke at the Sydney Writers' Festival and was amazing. I found out that her father was bling and she used to go to the movies with him and explain what was going on to him, which enhanced her powers of observation. I was very much in awe of her when she signed my book.
    Best wishes,

    1. OH wow; that sounds neat! I never knew that about Molly.


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